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==Qt 5 Blueprints==
==Qt 5 Blueprints==

Revision as of 14:41, 22 April 2015

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Qt 5 Blueprints

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  • Author: Symeon Huang
  • Published: March 2015
  • ISBN: 1784394610 / 978-1784394615
Design, build, and deploy cross-platform GUI projects using the amazingly powerful Qt 5 framework.

Application Development with Qt Creator - Second Edition

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  • Author: Ray Rischpater
  • Published: November 2014
  • ISBN: 1784398675 / 978-1784398675
Design and build dazzling cross-platform applications using Qt and Qt Quick.

Qt Quick核心编程

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  • 作者: 安晓辉(foruok的博客
  • 出版时间: 2015
  • 出版社:电子工业出版社(博文视点)
  《Qt Quick核心编程》起始于基础的开发环境搭建和Qt Creator快速介绍,帮助读者正确使用开发环境;着力于QML语言基础、事件、Qt Quick基本元素,辅以简要的ECMAScript(JavaScript)语言介绍,使得读者能够快速熟悉Qt Quick的基本知识和开发过程;对于Qt Quick中的关键主题,如动画、Model-View、Component、网络、多媒体,做了详尽入微的讲解,让读者一册在手,别无他求;QML与C++混合编程、Canvas、定制及自定义控件等高级主题,《Qt Quick核心编程》也做了详细讲解,同时提供了多个精彩的实作实例,力求概念清晰,用途明确。《Qt Quick核心编程》的内容适用于桌面与Android平台。值得一提的是,《Qt Quick核心编程》覆盖了Android开发的多个主题,如拍照、定位、录音、国际化、可伸缩界面等,也是使用Qt Quick进行移动开发不可错过的。
  更多信息 图书链接

Qt on Android核心编程

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  • 作者: 安晓辉(foruok的博客
  • 出版时间: 2015
  • 出版社:电子工业出版社(博文视点)
  《Qt on Android 核心编程》以“从零开始也能学会Qt on Android开发”为目标,基于最新的Qt SDK 5.2,从Qt基本机制讲起,帮助读者建立Qt开发的概念;介绍信号与槽、各种GUI控件、布局管理器等各种Qt基础主题,同时辅以简洁有效有针对性的实例程序;有了使用Qt开发的基础后,作者进一步将重点转移到安卓平台,详细介绍Qt on Android的开发环境搭建、APK部署、APK调试等基础性的主题,然后深入讲解Qt on Android是如何在Java的世界中发生的,最后着重讲述Qt on Android的各种针对移动开发的技术主题,控件、布局、文件处理、XML、网络、多线程、按键、触摸、感应器、多媒体,为读者顺利在Android(安卓)平台开发提供深入浅出的指南。
  《Qt on Android 核心编程》首先是一本介绍Qt程序设计技术的书籍,其次是讲述如何在移动平台Android上使用Qt框架进行开发的书籍。对于Qt技术感兴趣的读者,无论是专注于传统的桌面软件开发,还是希望尝试使用Qt在Android平台开发,都可以从《Qt on Android 核心编程》中获得最根本、最重要的知识与实例。《Qt on Android 核心编程》既适合有一定C/C++语言基础、希望开发跨平台应用的开发人员,又适合希望开发安卓应用的C/C++开发人员,以及想了解Qt开发的人员。
  更多信息 图书链接

Qt 5 Cadaques

  • Author: Juergen Bocklage-Ryannel and Johan Thelin
  • Published: 2014
The entire collection of chapters covering Qt5 programming, written by Juergen Bocklage-Ryannel and Johan Thelin, is available here. All book content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 license and examples are licensed under the BSD license.
More information here

예제 중심의 애플리케이션 개발을 위한 Qt5 프로그래밍 가이드

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  • Author: Dae Jin Kim
  • ISBN: 978-89-315-5319-2
  • Published: 2014
Qt는 전 세계 약 40만 명 이상 Qt 개발자가 다양한 컴퓨팅 환경에서 수많은 소프트웨어를 개발하고 있다. 따라서 일반 사용자 애플리케이션, 멀티미디어, 시스템 관리를 Back-end, 자동차, 국방, 가전, 모바일에 이르기까지 다양한 분야에서 Qt를 활용하고 있다. 이 책은 고급 GUI와 OpenGL ES를 사용한 3D 그래픽 애플리케이션을 개발하고자 하는 사람들이 읽기에 좋은 책으로, 개발에 필요한 Qt API를 예제를 통해 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 하였다.

Qt 5 Quanto Basta: La Guida all’Uso della Libreria Grafica Qt 5, in Italiano

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  • Author: Gianbattista Gualeni
  • ISBN: 978-88-909016-0-7
Attraverso esempi mirati l'autore vi guiderà alla realizzazione di vere applicazioni desktop, sia per Linux che per Windows. Il punto di partenza è l'installazione di compilatore, la libreria e l'editor, poi, seguendo tutti gli esempi sarete in grado di costruire applicazioni complete con prestazioni superiori a quelle realizzate tramite altri frameworks. | Amazon

Créer des applications avec Qt 5 – Les essentiels

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  • Author: Jonathan Courtois, Guillaume Belz, Thibaut Cuvelier, Ilya Diallo, Vincent Meyer, Florent Renault, Louis du Verdier
  • ISBN: 978-2-8227-0108-2/ 978-2-8227-0062-7/ 978-2-8227-0050-4
Créer des applications en Qt5 — Les essentiels will bring you to the new version of Qt, explaining what is available in this update and pointing out some parts of the framework that was not covered by previous books: Qt Creator, Qt Quick and QML, etc. It has been written to be accessible for programmers (beginner and advanced) but also for designers. Its modularity allows you to buy only the part that you are interested in. It is the first book about Qt5 and Qt Quick written in French.
Order from D-BookeR


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  • Author: 津田 伸秀
  • ISBN: 978-4-7775-1650-6
Qt 4 introduction with many useful examples.
Available from this website

Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt (2nd Edition)

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  • Author: Alan Ezust, Paul Ezust
  • ISBN: 0-13-282645-3 / 978-0-13-282645-7
Master C++ “The Qt Way” with Modern Design Patterns and Efficient Reuse
This fully updated, classroom-tested book teaches C++ “The Qt Way,” emphasizing design patterns and efficient reuse. Readers will master both the C++ language and Qt libraries, as they learn to develop maintainable software with well-defined code layers and simple, reusable classes and functions.

C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (2nd Edition) - The official C++/Qt book

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  • Author: Jasmin Blanchette and Mark Summerfield
  • ISBN: 0132354160 / 978-0132354165
Using Qt you can build industrial-strength C++ applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux without source code changes. Now, two Trolltech insiders have written a start-to-finish guide to getting outstanding results with the 4.3 version of Qt.

Advanced Qt Programming: Creating Great Software with C++ and Qt 4

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  • Author: Mark Summerfield
  • ISBN: 978-0321635907
This 550 page book is aimed at existing C++/Qt programmers and presents ideas and techniques that are too advanced or specialized (although not necessarily difficult), for a first book on Qt. Qt has now grown to over 700 classes and well over a million words of documentation, far too much to cover in a single volume. So instead of covering everything very thinly, the book focuses on key areas of Qt technology and tries to provide more comprehensive coverage than is available elsewhere. More information here

Foundations of Qt Development

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  • Author: Johan Thelin
  • ISBN: 978-1-59059-831-3
Foundations of Qt Development is based on Qt 4.2, and is aimed at C++ programmers who want to become proficient using this excellent toolkit to create graphical applications that can be ported to all major platforms. This book by Johan Thelin, a Qt Quarterly contributor and author of the Independent Qt Tutorial, aims to cover all of Qt from an independent perspective. This approach allows the author to explore the use of CMake as an alternative build tool and give impartial summaries of important third-party projects based on Qt.

Qt for Symbian

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  • Author: Frank H. P. Fitzek, Tommi Mikkonen, Tony Torp
  • ISBN: 978-0-470-75010-0
Qt for Symbian takes a unique look at this cutting-edge programming environment. Step-by-step it explains Qt in an easy to access fashion, using simple examples throughout.
Available from Amazon

Beginning Nokia Apps Development

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  • Author: Dan Zucker, Ray Rischpater
  • ISBN: 978-1430231776
While media buzz regularly circulates around iPhone and Android, Nokia still leads the pack in terms of world market share. Symbian, for instance, remains the most widely used mobile operating system. With Nokia's open development platform, the opportunities available for mobile developers to target this vastly popular operating system are abundant and clear.

Qt 4를 이용한 C++ GUI 프로그래밍 (C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4(2/e))

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  • Author: 조성만, 조성만
  • ISBN: 9788963510002
This book is a translation into Korean of the original publication by Jasmin Blanchette and Mark Summerfield.
More information here

C++ GUI Qt 4 编程 (第二版)

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  • Author: Translator: 闫锋欣, 曹泉人,张志强
  • ISBN: 978-7-121-07038-9
This book is a translation into Chinese by YAN Fengxing, CAO, Quanren and ZHANG, Zhiqiang of the original publication by Jasmin Blanchette and Mark Summerfield.

Python: Qt Edition

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  • Author: Boudewijn Rempt
  • ISBN: 0-970-03304-4
This is the first book on Python and Qt (covers Qt version 2.x and 3.0). If your chosen language is Python and you want to use Qt, this is the book for you. The main topic of this book is application development using PyQt, a library extension to the Python programming language. Please note that if you use PyQt to create closed-source commercial applications you need a valid Qt commercial license (included with BlackAdder). If your application offers programmatic access to the underlying functionality of Qt, people who use your application will also need to have valid Qt licenses.


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  • Author: Translators: 李仁见;战晓明
  • ISBN: 9787302157403
This book is a translation into Chinese by LI, Renjian and ZHAN, Xiaoming of the original publication "An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4" by Alan Ezust and Paul Ezust.

Introduction to X Window programming with Qt (Japanese)

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  • Author: Kenji Sugita
  • ISBN:
This book by Kenji Sugita covers Qt 2.

GUI-Programmierung mit Qt

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  • Author: Olaf Borkner-Delcarlo
  • ISBN: 3446220542 / 978-3446220546
Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Programmierung mit Qt, wobei besonderer Wert auf die neuen Eigenschaften und Klassen der aktuellen Qt-Version 3.0.1 gelegt wird. Der Autor erläutert zunächst die relevanten C++-Grundlagen. Anschließend beschreibt er die generelle Funktionsweise der Qt-Bibliothek und stellt die wichtigsten Klassen und Funktionen vor. An einem durchgehenden Beispiel aus der linearen Algebra lernt der Leser, Qt für die GUI-Programmierung und - mit Hilfe einer umfangreichen Vektor- und Matrix-Klassenbibliothek - auch für Anwendungen aus der darstellenden Geometrie und Probleme der Lineraren Algebra einzusetzen

Programming with Qt, Second Edition

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  • Author: Matthias Kalle Dalheimer
  • ISBN: Print: 978-0-596-00064-6 / 0-596-00064-2 Ebook: 978-1-4493-8676-4 / 1-4493-8676-8
Take full advantage of Qt, the powerful, easy-to-use, cross-platform GUI toolkit. Completely updated for Qt Version 3.0, Programming with Qt guides you through the steps of writing your first Qt application. It's also a reference to the what, how, and why of every GUI element in Qt. And it covers advanced topics like 2D transformations, drag-and-drop, and custom image file filters.

KDE- und Qt- Programmierung

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  • Author: Burkhard Lehner
  • ISBN: 3827317533 / 978-3827317537
Addison-Wesley Longman Verlag (Germany) has published KDE- und Qt- Programmierung by Burkhard Lehner. This book covers GUI application development with the KDE and Qt 2.1 libraries, with one large and several small example programs.

Das QT-Buch: Portable GUI-Programmierung unter Linux/Unix/Windows

  • Author: Helmut Herold
  • ISBN: 9783899901221 / 978-3899901221
Dieses Buch stellt die von der norwegischen Firma Troll Tech entwickelte C++ Klassenbibliothek Qt vor, die eine einfache und portable Programmierung von Anwendungen mit grafischer Oberfläche ermöglicht und auf der z.B. auch der KDE-Desktop beruht.

零基础学Qt4编程 (Zero-based learning Qt4 Programming)

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  • Author: Wu Di
  • ISBN: 978-7-5124-0143-3
The book is based on Qt version 4.5. Divided into thirteen chapters the book provides a step by step approach for developing Qt applications.
This book is suitable for engaging in or preparing to engage in Qt application development technologies as well as application developers Qt reference books, but also teachers and students as teaching colleges.
Available from Amazon

Open Source Game Development: Qt Games for KDE, PDA’s, and Windows

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  • Author: Martin Heni and Andreas Beckermann
  • ISBN: 1584504064 / 978-1584504061
This book provides beginning and intermediate game programmers with a step-by-step resource to desktop game programming. The reader is introdcuded into the development of a desktop game application using Qt3/Qt4/Qtopia/KDE as development platform. Desktop game relevant topics such as pathfinding, AI, sound, 2D and 3D graphics and network programming are introduced in the scope of Qt and KDE. All topics are accompanied by plenty of source code examples in the book and on the companion CD-ROM.

Linux Rapid Application Development

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  • Author: Cameron and Tracey Hughes
  • ISBN: 0764547402 / 978-0764547409
Hughes IDG has published Linux Rapid Application Development by Cameron and Tracey Hughes. This hands-on guide gives C++ programmers the tools and techniques they need to create applications based on KDE, the leading Linux graphical user interface. Packed with tips and advice for streamlining the entire development cycle, it explains how to harness the Qt and K Class-libraries-and build user-friendly Linux applications in a snap. The CD-ROM has Qt and KDE tools, and all code from the book.

KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible

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  • Author: Arthur Griffith
  • ISBN: 0764546821 / 978-0764546822
This all-in-one tutorial and reference shows beginning to advanced Linux programmers how to build graphical user interfaces for desktop applications that will run in the Windows-like K desktop environment (KDE). Expert author Arthur Griffith covers everything from simple windows and menus to dialog boxes and other advanced widgets. The CD-ROM contains the latest version of KDE.

Qt 4 - Einführung in die Applikationsentwicklung

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  • Author: Daniel Molkentin
  • ISBN: 3937514120 / 978-3937514123
Einführung in die Applikationsentwicklung mit Qt 4. Das "C++ Application Development Framework" ist bei der plattformübergreifenden Anwendungsentwicklung eine feste Größe. Nicht nur der Open-Source-Desktop KDE nutzt es als Grundlage, sondern auch so bekannte kommerzielle Software wie Google Earth, die Telefoniesoftware Skype oder der Webbrowser Opera.

Practical Qt: Real World Solutions to Real World Problems

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  • Author: Matthias Kalle Dalheimer, Jesper Pedersen
  • ISBN: 3898642801 / 978-3898642804
The book is written by Matthias Kalle Dalheimer, author of Programming with Qt and founder of KDAB, and Jesper K. Pedersen, a lead engineer at KDAB. It contains over 80 solutions to common problems. All solutions have the structure "problem---solution---runnable code".
More information in Amazon

Qt 4 Professional programming with C++

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  • Author: Max Schlee
  • ISBN: 978-5-9775-0010-4
This book describes a wide variety of uses of the Qt 4.3 library and contains over 120 practical examples.

Qt Programming in 24 hours

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  • Author: Daniel Solin
  • ISBN: 0672318695 / 978-0672318696
Sams has published Qt Programming in 24 hours by Daniel Solin. The book provides a step-by-step approach to Qt programming, and is suitable for both novice and experienced programmers.
Purchase from Amazon

Qt Programming for Linux and Windows 2000

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  • Author: Patrick Ward
  • ISBN: 0130270016 / ISBN-13: 978-0130270016
  • Published: October 11, 2000
Hall has published Qt Programming for Linux and Windows 2000 by Patrick Ward. (Qt 2.1)
If you're ready to build great graphical applications, build them fast, and run them anywhere, this book will show you how. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the Qt 2.1 Open Source Edition distribution, value-added Qt toolkit extensions, sample code, and more.

C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3

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  • Author: Jasmin Blanchette and Mark Summerfield
  • ISBN: 0131240722 / 978-0131240728
"...not only the best book on Qt I have ever seen, but also the best book presenting any programming framework. Every sentence appears to be carefully worded, and every chapter has a sound concept, and so does the work as a whole." --Matthias Ettrich, Trolltech's lead developer, founder of the KDE project

Basics of Qt - أساسيات كيوت

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  • Author: Ahmed el Banna
  • ISBN:
  • Published: 2011

Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt

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  • Author: Mark Summerfield
  • ISBN: 978-0-13235-418-9
The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming. This book by former Qt documentation manager, Mark Summerfield, teaches programmers how to write programs using PyQt4, the Python bindings for the Qt 4 application development framework. Covers PyQt version 4.2-4.6.
Aimed at developers with basic knowledge of object-oriented programming, the book contains a brief introduction to Python as well as covering the wide range of GUI development features that Qt and PyQt provide.

An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4

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  • Author: Alan Ezust, Paul Ezust
  • ISBN: 978-0-13-187905-8
An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4 is a complete tutorial and reference that assumes no previous knowledge of C, C++, objects, or patterns. You'll walk through every core concept, one step at a time, learning through an extensive collection of Qt 4.1-tested examples and exercises.

Rapid GUI Development with QtRuby

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  • Author: Caleb Tennis
  • ISBN:
See how to use the powerful Qt3 library to create cross-platform GUI applications for Linux and OS X in Ruby. Covers installation, basic and advanced programming, event models, and Korundum.

Professional MeeGo Application Development: Using Qt and Web Technologies

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  • Author: Kari Salo, Muhammad Khurshed Islam, Sergey Gabdurakhmanov
  • ISBN: 978-0-470-97809-2
Accompanied with Qt—a cross-platform application and UI framework — MeeGo is now the target platform for Qt-based applications. This hands-on guide walks you through a series of examples to teach you how to make great devices for MeeGo using Qt's features and techniques.

Qt 4.6 - GUI-Entwicklung mit C++  : Das umfassende Handbuch

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  • Author: Jürgen Wolf
  • ISBN: 978-3836215428
Pressestimmen: Das Buch bietet eine umfassende und detaillierte Darstellung der Anwendungsentwicklung mit Qt. Durch seine aufeinander aufbauenden Kapitel und die ausführlich erläuterten Beispiele eignet es sich vor allem zum Einstieg in das Thema. --Linux Magazin, 04/2010

The Book of Qt 4: The Art of Building Qt Applications

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  • Author: Daniel Molkentin
  • ISBN: 1593271476 / 978-1593271473
The Book of QT 4 offers an in-depth explanation of Qt 4 that goes beyond the common focus on C++ programming. Author Daniel Molkentin uses practical examples to explain features like the signal/slot concept and the event system, as he guides you through developing applications with and without Qt's graphical GUI builder, Qt Designer. And as a core KDE developer, Molkentin's head is full of real-world problems and solutions that he peppers liberally throughout The Book of QT 4 , making it a resource that you'll consult time and again.