Qt Demo Script

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This is a short introduction to Qt using a simple demo script. We play around with strings and look into the issue how to present them.

Let's get started.

Main function

#include <QtCore>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
 // sample code goes here

Fun with Strings

QString s1("Hello");
QString s2("World");
QString s = s1 + " " + s2;
qDebug() << s; // "Hello World"

This is easy.

List of Strings

QList<QString> list;
list << s1 << s2;
qDebug() << list;
// or
list = s.split(" "); // "Hello World" => ["Hello", "World"]


QString s("Hello World");
QStringList list = s.split(" ");
QString s2 = list.join(" ") + "!";
QDebug() << s << " => " << list; << " => " << s2; // "Hello World => ["Hello", "World"] => "Hello World!"