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Komplexes Signal von QML nach C++ senden (QtQuick 1)
Der Code-Schnipsel demonstriert, wie man unter QtQuick 1 ein komplexes Signal von QML aus zu einem in C++ implementierten Slot sendet.
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtDeclarative>
class DeclarativeView : public QDeclarativeView
DeclarativeView(const QUrl & source) : QDeclarativeView(source)
public slots:
void testSlot(QString string1, QString string2)
qDebug() << string1 << string2;
#include "main.moc"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QString file = "main.qml";
QApplication app(argc, argv);
DeclarativeView view(QUrl::fromLocalFile(file));
QDeclarativeItem '''item = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeItem'''>(view.rootObject());
QObject::connect(item, SIGNAL (viewClicked(QString , QString)), &view, SLOT (testSlot(QString, QString)));
return app.exec();
import QtQuick 1.0
Item {
width: 200; height: 300
signal viewClicked(string first, string second)
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: viewClicked("first", "second")