Qt 6.6 Modules: Difference between revisions

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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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|Qt Quick
|Qt Quick
|Qt Quick Controls
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|Qt Quick Controls
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Latest revision as of 07:19, 14 June 2024

Repository Module Essential / Add-on / Not supported in 6.6 In installer main package Separate item in installer UI Comments
qt3d Qt 3D Add-On X
qt5compat Qt5 Compatibility Module Add-On X
qtactiveqt Active Qt Add-On X
qtandroidextras Qt Android Extras Add-On No separate module but included in Qt Base
qtapplicationmanager Qt Application Manager Add-On X In commercial installers only
qtbase Qt Concurrent Add-On X
Qt Core Essential X
Qt D-BUS Essential X
Qt GUI Essential X
Qt Network Essential X
Qt OpenGL Add-On X
Qt OpenGL Widgets Add-On X
Qt SQL Add-On X
Qt Test Essential X
Qt Widgets Essential X
Qt Print Support Add-On X
Qt XML Add-On X
qtcharts Qt Charts Add-On X
qtcoap Qt CoAP Add-On X
qtconnectivity Qt NFC Add-On X
Qt Bluetooth Add-On X
qtdataviz3d Qt Data Visualization Add-On X
qtdeclarative Qt QML Essential X
Qt Quick Essential X
Qt Quick Controls Essential X
Qt Quick Dialogs Essential X
Qt Quick Layouts Essential X
Qt Quick Test Essential X
qtgamepad Qt Gamepad Not supported in 6.6
qtgraphicaleffects Qt Graphical Effects In qt5compat submodule
qtgraphs Qt Graphs Add-On X Technology preview, GPLv3
qtgrpc Qt GRPC Add-On (TP) X Technology preview, GPLv3
qthttpserver Qt HTTP Server Add-on (TP) X Technology Preview
qtimageformats Qt Image Formats Add-On X
qtinsighttracker Qt Insight Tracker Add-on X Commercial only add-on, Technology preview
qtinterfaceframework Qt Interface Framework Add-on X In commercial installers only
qtknx Qt KNX Not supported in 6.6
qtlanguageserver Qt Language Server Add-on X
qtlocation Qt Location Add-On X Tecnology Preview
qtlottie Qt Lottie Animation Add-On X
qtmacextras Qt Mac Extras Not supported in 6.6
qtmultimedia Qt Multimedia Add-On X
qtmqtt Qt MQTT Add-On X
qtnetworkauth Qt Network Authorization Add-On X
qtopcua Qt OPC UA Add-On X
qtpdf Qt PDF Add-On X
qtpositioning Qt Positioning Add-On X
qtpurchasing Qt Purchasing Not supported in 6.6
qmlscriptcompilerplus Qt QML Script Compiler Plus Add-On X Commercial only add-on
qtquick3d Qt Quick 3D Add-On X GPLv3
qtquick3dphysics Qt Quick 3D Physics Add-On X GPLv3
qtquickeffectmaker Qt Quick Effect Maker Add-On X
qtquicktimeline Qt Quick Timeline Add-on X GPL3
qtremoteobjects Qt Remote Objects Add-On X
qtscript Qt Script Not supported in 6.6
qtscxml Qt SCXML Add-On X
qtsensors Qt Sensors Add-On X
qtserialbus Qt Serial Bus Add-On X
qtserialport Qt Serial Port Add-On X
qtshadertools Qt Shader Tools Add-On X GPLv3
qtspeech Qt Speech Add-On X
qtsvg Qt SVG Add-On X
qttools Qt Assistant Add-On X
Qt Designer Add-On X
Qt Help Add-On X
Qt UI Tools Add-On X
Linguist Add-On X
qttranslations QtTranslations Add-On X
qtvirtualkeyboard Qt Virtual Keyboard Add-On X
qtvncserver Qt VNC Server Add-On X Commercial only add-on
qtwayland Qt Wayland Client Add-on X
Qt Wayland Compositor Add-on X GPLv3
qtwebengine Qt Webengine Add-On X
qtwebsockets Qt WebSockets Add-On X
qtwebchannel Qt WebChannel Add-On X
qtwebview Qt WebView Add-On X
qtwinextras Qt Win Extras Not supported in 6.6
qtx11extras Qt X11 Extras Not supported in 6.6
qtxmlpatterns Qt XML Patterns Not supported in 6.6

Supported targets

By default modules are supporting all targets. In tables below there is a list of exceptions

Modules supporting only some specific targets are listed in table

Repository Module MSVC MinGW Linux Mac Android iOS WoA WASM INTEGRITY QNX
qtactiveqt Active Qt X X
qtlanguageserver Qt Language Server X X X X X
qtpdf Qt PDF X X X X
qtquick3dphysics Qt Quick 3D Physics X X x X X X X X X
qtquickeffectmaker Qt Quick Effect Maker X X X X
qtserialport Qt Serial Port X X X X X X X X
qtwayland Qt Wayland Client X
Qt Wayland Compositor X
qtwebengine Qt Webengine X X X

Targets which are supported only in some modules are listed in table below

Target qtbase qtdeclarative qtmqtt qtquickcontrols2 qtshaderTools qtsvg qtwebsockets qtwebview