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[[Category:Developing with Qt::Games::Resources]]<br />[[Category:Learning::Full Projects]]<br />[toc align_right=&quot;yes&amp;quot; depth=&quot;3&amp;quot;]
[[Category:Developing with Qt::Games::Resources]]
[[Category:Learning::Full Projects]]
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= Qt based games =
= Qt based games =
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== For Desktops ==
== For Desktops ==

* &quot;qt-nethack&amp;quot;:http://www.nethack.org/ - A one of GUI frontend of '''Nethack''', famous rogue-like game. But it is still based on Qt3.
* "qt-nethack":http://www.nethack.org/ - A one of GUI frontend of '''Nethack''', famous rogue-like game. But it is still based on Qt3.
* &quot;Sudoku&amp;quot;:https://github.com/wimleers/sudoku — Fancy, feature-complete, cross-platform Sudoku app written in C+''/Qt. Includes build+packaging scripts for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Originally written for a course at Hasselt University in Belgium.<br />* &quot;GNUDoQ&amp;quot;:http://www.thelemmings.net/static.php?page=GNUDoQ - An open source, graphical Su Doku generator and solver with printer support.<br />* &quot;Attal : Lords of doom&amp;quot;:http://sourceforge.net/projects/attal/ - A themeable turn-based strategy game. But it seems that in-game graphics are drawn by SDL.<br />* &quot;Hedgewars&amp;quot;:http://hedgewars.org/ - Free Worms-like turn based strategy game. But it use Qt in front-end screen and multiplay lobby screen.<br />* &quot;Gottet&amp;quot;:http://gottcode.org/gottet/ - A tetris clone. Author made it for his wife.<br />* &quot;JAG&amp;quot;:http://jag.xlabsoft.com - An arcade-puzzle 2D game which runs on Linux and Windows. It is free and opensource. 3 in-a-row type game. Uses SDL.<br />* &quot;Bubble-chains&amp;quot;:http://bubble-chains.sintegrial.com - Arcade-puzzle game for Windows, Linux. From JAG creators.<br />* &quot;PiperWar&amp;quot;:http://sites.google.com/site/piperwar - non commercial RPG-like game on &quot;paper&amp;quot; with Box2d engine, uses OpenGL (LGPL).<br />* &quot;Construqtor&amp;quot;:http://code.google.com/p/construqtor - This is educational toy. It allows you to build and control machine in 2D physical world. Uses Box2D for physics simulation, GPC for polygon manipulation and Qt for everything else.<br />* &quot;QBoard&amp;quot;:http://code.google.com/p/qboard/ - A Qt 4.3/4.4 application for playing near-arbitrary board games. It provides a fairly rich interface for setting up and playing such games.<br />* &quot;Minesweeper in Python&amp;quot;:http://lionel.textmalaysia.com/minesweeper-in-python-gui.html - A PyQt version of the popular logic game.<br />* &quot;Warzone2100&amp;quot;:http://wz2100.net/ an open source RTS game being ported to Qt<br />* &quot;Profit&amp;quot;:http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/Profit?content=75859 - A clone of the board game Acquire.<br />* &quot;OpenTowerDefence&amp;quot;:http://gitorious.org/open-tower-defence - A tower-defence game based on Ogre and Qt Quick.<br />* &quot;Battlefleet&amp;quot;:http://battlefleet.narod.ru - Ships movement simulation. Russo-Japanese war 1904 - 1905. Old, not supported<br />* &quot;Box Poker&amp;quot;:https://github.com/kingsawyer/BoxPoker - multi-player Video Poker Slots, Box backend. OAuth2, Qt 5. Free and Open.
* "Sudoku":https://github.com/wimleers/sudoku — Fancy, feature-complete, cross-platform Sudoku app written in C+''/Qt. Includes build+packaging scripts for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Originally written for a course at Hasselt University in Belgium.
<br />h2. For Mobiles
* "GNUDoQ":http://www.thelemmings.net/static.php?page=GNUDoQ - An open source, graphical Su Doku generator and solver with printer support.
<br />* &quot;BallZ for S60v5&amp;quot;:http://www.tamoggemon.com/s60/balz/index.html - JezzBall for Symbian<br />* &quot;KLines for S60v5&amp;quot;:http://dimsuz.wordpress.com/2009/05/16/klines-on-nokia-xpressmusic-5800/ - A ported version of &quot;KLines&amp;quot;:http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=klines that is part of KDE Games<br />* &quot;QML Sokoban&amp;quot;:http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/QML+Sokoban?content=134799 - A ported version of &quot;KSokoban&amp;quot;:http://hem.passagen.se/awl/ksokoban/ from KDE3. Works on Linux, Windows, Symbian<br />* &quot;Qt:QSolitaire Game&amp;quot;:http://www.forum.nokia.com/info/sw.nokia.com/id/c19154fd-61fb-48c9-8129-3524dfab962e/Qt_QSolitaire_Game_Example.html - Qt Game Example from Forum Nokia<br />* &quot;Qt for Symbian: QMemory Game Example&amp;quot;:http://sw.nokia.com/id/8245b391-2cc9-4d08-aad1-c3fbd24aad60/Qt_for_Symbian_QMemoryGame_Example_v1_2_en.zip<br />* &quot;Qt for Maemo: QMemory Game Example&amp;quot;:https://garage.maemo.org/projects/qmemory (From garage)<br />* &quot;QBall&amp;quot;:http://homepage.ntlworld.com/mark.harman/comp_qball.html breakout clone, available for Symbian, Windows and Linux<br />* &quot;ColorFlood for Maemo&amp;quot;:http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/colorflood/ An open source puzzle game (&quot;Git repository&amp;quot;:https://github.com/ftrvxmtrx/colorflood)<br />* &quot;That Rabbit Game&amp;quot;:http://thp.io/2010/trg/ A game utilizing Qt Mobility, QGraphicsView and the Animation Framework<br />* &quot;blubbels&amp;quot;:http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/blubbels/ A jawbreaker clone for Maemo 5 (&quot;Sourceforge.net page&amp;quot;:http://sourceforge.net/projects/blubbels/)<br />* &quot;Snake&amp;quot;:http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/snake/ A classic snake game for the N900 (&quot;Blog post&amp;quot;:http://kunalmaemo.blogspot.com/2010/06/snake-game-for-maemo.html, &quot;Git repository&amp;quot;:http://gitorious.org/kunaltest/snake)<br />* &quot;qquiz&amp;quot;:http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/qquiz/ A quiz game for Maemo (&quot;Git repository&amp;quot;:https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/ggit/browse.php/?p=qquiz)<br />* &quot;Skid Stone&amp;quot;:http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/skidstone/ A board game based on BrickShooter (&quot;Discussion thread&amp;quot;:http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=58692)<br />* &quot;QML based Game - Bubble Kid&amp;quot;:https://projects.forum.nokia.com/bubblekid<br />* &quot;Squaby&amp;quot;:http://v-play.net/doc/daily/demos-squaby.html - Open Source Tower Defense Game for &quot;iOS&amp;quot;:http://games.v-play.net/squaby, &quot;Android&amp;quot;:http://games.v-play.net/squaby, Symbian, MeeGo, Windows, Mac and Linux. It is part of the example games of the &quot;V-Play Game Engine&amp;quot;:http://v-play.net.<br />* &quot;Chicken Outbreak&amp;quot;:http://v-play.net/doc/daily/demos-chickenoutbreak.html - Open Source platformer like Doodle Jump for &quot;iOS&amp;quot;:http://games.v-play.net/chickenoutbreak, &quot;Android&amp;quot;:http://games.v-play.net/chickenoutbreak, Symbian, MeeGo, Windows, Mac and Linux. It is part of the example games of the &quot;V-Play Game Engine&amp;quot;:http://v-play.net.<br />* &quot;Chicken Outbreak 2&amp;quot;:http://v-play.net/doc/demos-chickenoutbreak2/ - 2nd part of the Open Source platformer for &quot;iOS&amp;quot;:http://games.v-play.net/chickenoutbreak2, &quot;Android&amp;quot;:http://games.v-play.net/chickenoutbreak2, Windows, Mac and Linux. It is part of the example games of the &quot;V-Play Game Engine&amp;quot;:http://v-play.net.<br />* &quot;Stack With Friends&amp;quot;:http://v-play.net/doc/demos-stacktheboxwithcommunityeditor/ - Open Source physics game with level editor and level sharing feature for &quot;iOS&amp;quot;:http://games.v-play.net/stackwithfriends, &quot;Android&amp;quot;:http://games.v-play.net/stackwithfriends, Windows, Mac and Linux. It is part of the example games of the &quot;V-Play Game Engine&amp;quot;:http://v-play.net.
* "Attal : Lords of doom":http://sourceforge.net/projects/attal/ - A themeable turn-based strategy game. But it seems that in-game graphics are drawn by SDL.
<br />h2. Tools and libraries
* "Hedgewars":http://hedgewars.org/ - Free Worms-like turn based strategy game. But it use Qt in front-end screen and multiplay lobby screen.
<br />* &quot;Tiled&amp;quot;:http://www.mapeditor.org/ - '''Tiled''' is a general purpose tile map editor. Originally it was made with Java but now is rewritten using Qt and C''+.
* "Gottet":http://gottcode.org/gottet/ - A tetris clone. Author made it for his wife.
* &quot;Gluon&amp;quot;:http://gluon.gamingfreedom.org/ - '''Gluon''' is a set of Qt4 based tools and libraries (using '''openGL''', '''openAL''', '''Box2D''' and other libraries) designed to make it easy to develop and distribute 2D games over a wide array of target platforms.
* "JAG":http://jag.xlabsoft.com - An arcade-puzzle 2D game which runs on Linux and Windows. It is free and opensource. 3 in-a-row type game. Uses SDL.
* &quot;Box2D&amp;quot;:http://www.box2d.org/ - '''Box2D''' is a 2D rigid body simulation library for games. Can be easily integrated with Qt.  
* "Bubble-chains":http://bubble-chains.sintegrial.com - Arcade-puzzle game for Windows, Linux. From JAG creators.
* &quot;Quasi Engine&amp;quot;:http://indt.github.com/Quasi-Engine/ - '''Quasi Engine''' is a Qt5 based framework that intends to be a complete multiplatform toolset to ease 2d game development, providing ready-to-use QML elements representing basic game entities needed by most of games. The framework takes the advantage of the new Scene Graph approach on QtQuick 2.0 and uses &quot;'''Box2D'''&quot;:http://www.box2d.org/ for its physics system.
* "PiperWar":http://sites.google.com/site/piperwar - non commercial RPG-like game on "paper" with Box2d engine, uses OpenGL (LGPL).
* &quot;V-Play Game Engine&amp;quot;:http://www.v-play.net/ - '''V-Play''' is a 2D game engine built on Qt which supports iOS, Android, Symbian, MeeGo, Windows Mac and Linux. Games can be written with Qt &amp; QML/JavaScript with the &quot;V-Play gaming components&amp;quot;:http://v-play.net/doc/vplay-group.html. It features Box2D physics, particles, sprites, multi-resolution and aspect ratio independence, a &quot;level editor&amp;quot;:http://v-play.net/doc/daily/vplay1-leveleditor.html and native plugins like Facebook or GameCenter. The build server allows to deploy games to iOS &amp; Android easily without the need to install native SDKs.
* "Construqtor":http://code.google.com/p/construqtor - This is educational toy. It allows you to build and control machine in 2D physical world. Uses Box2D for physics simulation, GPC for polygon manipulation and Qt for everything else.
* "QBoard":http://code.google.com/p/qboard/ - A Qt 4.3/4.4 application for playing near-arbitrary board games. It provides a fairly rich interface for setting up and playing such games.
* "Minesweeper in Python":http://lionel.textmalaysia.com/minesweeper-in-python-gui.html - A PyQt version of the popular logic game.
* "Warzone2100":http://wz2100.net/ an open source RTS game being ported to Qt
* "Profit":http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/Profit?content=75859 - A clone of the board game Acquire.
* "OpenTowerDefence":http://gitorious.org/open-tower-defence - A tower-defence game based on Ogre and Qt Quick.
* "Battlefleet":http://battlefleet.narod.ru - Ships movement simulation. Russo-Japanese war 1904 - 1905. Old, not supported
* "Box Poker":https://github.com/kingsawyer/BoxPoker - multi-player Video Poker Slots, Box backend. OAuth2, Qt 5. Free and Open.
h2. For Mobiles
* "BallZ for S60v5":http://www.tamoggemon.com/s60/balz/index.html - JezzBall for Symbian
* "KLines for S60v5":http://dimsuz.wordpress.com/2009/05/16/klines-on-nokia-xpressmusic-5800/ - A ported version of "KLines":http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=klines that is part of KDE Games
* "QML Sokoban":http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/QML+Sokoban?content=134799 - A ported version of "KSokoban":http://hem.passagen.se/awl/ksokoban/ from KDE3. Works on Linux, Windows, Symbian
* "Qt:QSolitaire Game":http://www.forum.nokia.com/info/sw.nokia.com/id/c19154fd-61fb-48c9-8129-3524dfab962e/Qt_QSolitaire_Game_Example.html - Qt Game Example from Forum Nokia
* "Qt for Symbian: QMemory Game Example":http://sw.nokia.com/id/8245b391-2cc9-4d08-aad1-c3fbd24aad60/Qt_for_Symbian_QMemoryGame_Example_v1_2_en.zip
* "Qt for Maemo: QMemory Game Example":https://garage.maemo.org/projects/qmemory (From garage)
* "QBall":http://homepage.ntlworld.com/mark.harman/comp_qball.html breakout clone, available for Symbian, Windows and Linux
* "ColorFlood for Maemo":http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/colorflood/ An open source puzzle game ("Git repository":https://github.com/ftrvxmtrx/colorflood)
* "That Rabbit Game":http://thp.io/2010/trg/ A game utilizing Qt Mobility, QGraphicsView and the Animation Framework
* "blubbels":http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/blubbels/ A jawbreaker clone for Maemo 5 ("Sourceforge.net page":http://sourceforge.net/projects/blubbels/)
* "Snake":http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/snake/ A classic snake game for the N900 ("Blog post":http://kunalmaemo.blogspot.com/2010/06/snake-game-for-maemo.html, "Git repository":http://gitorious.org/kunaltest/snake)
* "qquiz":http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/qquiz/ A quiz game for Maemo ("Git repository":https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/ggit/browse.php/?p=qquiz)
* "Skid Stone":http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/skidstone/ A board game based on BrickShooter ("Discussion thread":http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=58692)
* "QML based Game - Bubble Kid":https://projects.forum.nokia.com/bubblekid
* "Squaby":http://v-play.net/doc/daily/demos-squaby.html - Open Source Tower Defense Game for "iOS":http://games.v-play.net/squaby, "Android":http://games.v-play.net/squaby, Symbian, MeeGo, Windows, Mac and Linux. It is part of the example games of the "V-Play Game Engine":http://v-play.net.
* "Chicken Outbreak":http://v-play.net/doc/daily/demos-chickenoutbreak.html - Open Source platformer like Doodle Jump for "iOS":http://games.v-play.net/chickenoutbreak, "Android":http://games.v-play.net/chickenoutbreak, Symbian, MeeGo, Windows, Mac and Linux. It is part of the example games of the "V-Play Game Engine":http://v-play.net.
* "Chicken Outbreak 2":http://v-play.net/doc/demos-chickenoutbreak2/ - 2nd part of the Open Source platformer for "iOS":http://games.v-play.net/chickenoutbreak2, "Android":http://games.v-play.net/chickenoutbreak2, Windows, Mac and Linux. It is part of the example games of the "V-Play Game Engine":http://v-play.net.
* "Stack With Friends":http://v-play.net/doc/demos-stacktheboxwithcommunityeditor/ - Open Source physics game with level editor and level sharing feature for "iOS":http://games.v-play.net/stackwithfriends, "Android":http://games.v-play.net/stackwithfriends, Windows, Mac and Linux. It is part of the example games of the "V-Play Game Engine":http://v-play.net.
h2. Tools and libraries
* "Tiled":http://www.mapeditor.org/ - '''Tiled''' is a general purpose tile map editor. Originally it was made with Java but now is rewritten using Qt and C''+.
* "Gluon":http://gluon.gamingfreedom.org/ - '''Gluon''' is a set of Qt4 based tools and libraries (using '''openGL''', '''openAL''', '''Box2D''' and other libraries) designed to make it easy to develop and distribute 2D games over a wide array of target platforms.
* "Box2D":http://www.box2d.org/ - '''Box2D''' is a 2D rigid body simulation library for games. Can be easily integrated with Qt.  
* "Quasi Engine":http://indt.github.com/Quasi-Engine/ - '''Quasi Engine''' is a Qt5 based framework that intends to be a complete multiplatform toolset to ease 2d game development, providing ready-to-use QML elements representing basic game entities needed by most of games. The framework takes the advantage of the new Scene Graph approach on QtQuick 2.0 and uses "'''Box2D'''":http://www.box2d.org/ for its physics system.
* "V-Play Game Engine":http://www.v-play.net/ - '''V-Play''' is a 2D game engine built on Qt which supports iOS, Android, Symbian, MeeGo, Windows Mac and Linux. Games can be written with Qt &amp; QML/JavaScript with the "V-Play gaming components":http://v-play.net/doc/vplay-group.html. It features Box2D physics, particles, sprites, multi-resolution and aspect ratio independence, a "level editor":http://v-play.net/doc/daily/vplay1-leveleditor.html and native plugins like Facebook or GameCenter. The build server allows to deploy games to iOS &amp; Android easily without the need to install native SDKs.

== Need more? ==
== Need more? ==

* &quot;Games category at '''qt-apps.org'''&quot;:http://qt-apps.org/index.php?xcontentmode=4250x4251x4252x4253x4254
* "Games category at '''qt-apps.org'''":http://qt-apps.org/index.php?xcontentmode=4250x4251x4252x4253x4254
* &quot;Games category at '''kde-apps.org'''&quot;:http://kde-apps.org/index.php?xsortmode=new&amp;amp;logpage=0&amp;amp;xcontentmode=250x251x252x253x254 - Funnily enough, some pure Qt based games are here.
* "Games category at '''kde-apps.org'''":http://kde-apps.org/index.php?xsortmode=new&amp;amp;logpage=0&amp;amp;xcontentmode=250x251x252x253x254 - Funnily enough, some pure Qt based games are here.
* &quot;KDE Games&amp;quot;:http://games.kde.org/ - Various game packages from '''KDE'''. It is based on Qt '''but requires KDE libraries too'''.
* "KDE Games":http://games.kde.org/ - Various game packages from '''KDE'''. It is based on Qt '''but requires KDE libraries too'''.

Revision as of 08:38, 25 February 2015

[toc align_right="yes" depth="3"]

Qt based games

For Desktops

h2. For Mobiles

h2. Tools and libraries

  • "Tiled":http://www.mapeditor.org/ - Tiled is a general purpose tile map editor. Originally it was made with Java but now is rewritten using Qt and C+.
  • "Gluon":http://gluon.gamingfreedom.org/ - Gluon is a set of Qt4 based tools and libraries (using openGL, openAL, Box2D and other libraries) designed to make it easy to develop and distribute 2D games over a wide array of target platforms.
  • "Box2D":http://www.box2d.org/ - Box2D is a 2D rigid body simulation library for games. Can be easily integrated with Qt.
  • "Quasi Engine":http://indt.github.com/Quasi-Engine/ - Quasi Engine is a Qt5 based framework that intends to be a complete multiplatform toolset to ease 2d game development, providing ready-to-use QML elements representing basic game entities needed by most of games. The framework takes the advantage of the new Scene Graph approach on QtQuick 2.0 and uses "Box2D":http://www.box2d.org/ for its physics system.
  • "V-Play Game Engine":http://www.v-play.net/ - V-Play is a 2D game engine built on Qt which supports iOS, Android, Symbian, MeeGo, Windows Mac and Linux. Games can be written with Qt & QML/JavaScript with the "V-Play gaming components":http://v-play.net/doc/vplay-group.html. It features Box2D physics, particles, sprites, multi-resolution and aspect ratio independence, a "level editor":http://v-play.net/doc/daily/vplay1-leveleditor.html and native plugins like Facebook or GameCenter. The build server allows to deploy games to iOS & Android easily without the need to install native SDKs.

Need more?