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= Sanity Test =
Sanity Test is a part of the releasing cycle. The purpose is to ensure that the Qt SDK is ready for further testing.
{color:blue}'''RTA work ongoing:'''<br />Part of the Sanity test cases are covered by Release test automation (RTA). See more information on the {color:blue}'''RTA''' (covered by RTA) and {color:red}'''RTA''' (not yet covered by RTA) sections below.
== Build checks ==
* '''Asks about license'''
{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies that license key is asked while running the configure (valid license key, invalid license key). When the installer is run the installing with a license key is verified by RTA.
* '''Compiles with minimal options (eg. -opensource -confirm-license)'''<br />Run configure command with the following options<br /><code><br />configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -confirm-license<br /></code><br />{color:blue}'''RTA''' Linux, Mac, Windows: covered by RTA
* '''Compiles as static build (where supported)'''<br />Run configure command with '-static':<br /><code><br />configure -static …<br /></code><br />{color:blue}'''RTA''' Linux, Mac, Windows: covered by RTA
* '''Compiles in namespace (where supported)'''<br />Run configure command with '-qtnamespace &lt;namespace&amp;gt;':<br /><code><br />configure -qtnamespace CustomName …<br /></code><br />{color:blue}'''RTA''' Linux, Mac, Windows: covered by RTA
* '''Compiles with shadow build'''<br />Create a new folder. cd to the new folder. Run the configure command from the source directory.<br />{color:blue}'''RTA''' Linux, Mac, Windows: covered by RTA
* '''Compiles cross-compiled'''<br />Use -xplatform parameter, e.g.<br /><code><br />configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ …<br /></code>
== General checks ==
* '''Text files have the correct EOL'''<br />Open a few text files (README, .cpp, .h, .pro, etc.) and check if they look OK.
* '''Files/dirs have sane perm. and timestamps'''
* '''Tags have been replaced properly'''<br />The list of tags: qmake -query (???)
* '''README has valid information'''<br />Complete information on how to build Qt from sources should be given.
== Installer checks ==
* '''Right version of Qt Installer Framework is used'''<br />Launch the installer with '—version' . For Qt 5.4 -beta it should show 'IFW Version: &quot;1.5.82&amp;quot;, Installer base SHA1: &quot;f67db7e&amp;quot;,<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' Linux, Mac covered by RTA.<br />{color:red}'''RTA:''' Windows: Manual testing required.
* '''Fresh install works correctly'''<br />Install Qt SDK on a newly installed OS.
{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies that clean installation works ok. Clean means that the installation directory does not contain any other Qt version.<br />{color:red}'''RTA:''' Whole OS is not installed as a fresh installation during the RTA. Study how to do this added into CI's ta
* '''Fresh install to place requiring elevated rights works correctly'''<br />Install Qt SDK as a normal user to a place requiring elevated rights. The installer should allow this by asking for elevated rights / the sudo password.
* '''Upgrade install works correctly'''<br />Install higher version of Qt having older one, e.g. install Qt 5.3.2 on Qt 5.2.0.
* '''Parallel install works correctly'''<br />Install two Qt installation in parallel, e.g. Qt 4.8.6 and 5.3.2. Check that both packages work
* '''Warns when installing over an installation'''<br />Run the installer the second time. A warning pop-up windows should be displayed.
* '''Is correctly signed (vendor/certificate, not untrusted)'''<br />Check where applicable.
* '''Displays appropriate gfx &amp; strings &amp; version no.'''<br />This check is about general look and correct package version number.
* '''Offers the correct license(s)'''
{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies that installation works with the valid license key.<br />{color:red}'''RTA:''' Visual verification of the installer and installing with the invalid license keys needs to be done manually.
* '''Offers sane default install directory (w/version number)'''<br />Check of the default folder is similar to ../Qt5.3.2/<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies the default directory.
* '''Correctly installs to default directory'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies installing into the default directory.
* '''Correctly installs to non-default loc.'''<br />Change the target folder during installation from ../Qt5.3.2/ to a different name.<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies installing into the non-default directory.
* '''Sanely reports progress and completion'''<br />Click on the Details button to see the progress. Wait for successful completion of the installation process.
* '''Installs only selected components'''<br />Try to use Deselect All button, and select a few additional components. Component selector should works sanely. After installation is done, only selected components should be in the target folder.<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies that only selected components are installed.
* '''Shortcuts from last page of installer works'''<br />Select/deselect two check boxes (to run Qt Creator and see notes) on the final screen.
* '''Correctly creates Desktop shortcuts'''
* '''Correctly creates Start Menu shortcuts'''<br />Check if Qt Creator can be found by the OS (start menu, launcher, dash home, etc.). Check the icon.
* '''Sets correct environment variables for shell'''
* '''Package shows up in Control Panel/Pkg. Manager'''
* '''Patching of files is done correctly'''
* '''Cancel button is available'''<br />Use cancel button. Check if there are no changes done by the installer when the installation is interrupted.<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies that the installation can be cancelled. Note: RTA does not support cancelling the installing after the 'install' button is pressed i.e. while the installing of the components is ongoing.
* '''Cleans up after install failure'''
* '''Cleanly fails on insufficient disk space'''
== Uninstaller checks ==
* '''Uninstalls properly'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies that uninstalling is done properly.
* '''Removes installed files properly'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies that all installed files are removed.
* '''Removes empty directories'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies that the installation directory is removed.
* '''Removes registry keys'''
* '''Reverses any other changes'''
== Both source/binary package checks ==
* '''License is correct'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies that proper license files are found from $QTDIR\Licenses directory.
* '''Assistant works correctly'''<br />Run Assistant (e.g. ./5.0.2/gcc_64/bin/assistant). Check the basic functionality, browse through, search for documentation.<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA verifies that Assistant can be opened &amp; closed, browsing and searching works.
* '''Designer works correctly'''
* '''Qt Creator works correctly'''<br />Qt Creator can be tested using the following test cases: &quot;Qt Creator Tests:&quot;:
* '''Demos and examples launch without crashing'''<br />{color:blue}'''Each example''' should be run with no error.<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA launches and closes each Qt example (except console examples).
* '''Demos and examples function acceptably'''
'''RTA:''' Sanity level testing; see the QtModule sections below.
* '''Demos and examples can be rebuilt'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA compiles the examples and demos from /Src and /bin directories.
* '''External apps build (Qt Creator and other applications)'''<br />Create your own application, compile it and run.
* '''&quot;DLL Swapping&amp;quot; work on an application'''
* '''GUI stress-testing works ok'''<br />Try to perform many keystrokes, mouse clicks, etc.
* '''Audio/Video w/QtMultimedia works'''
* '''Raster engine works'''<br />Run ./qtbase/examples/gui/rasterwindow example.
* '''Image formats work'''
* '''GraphicsView works'''
* '''OpenGL works'''<br />Run ./qtbase/examples/gui/openglwindow example.<br />This is also checked by most of the other examples.
* '''Printing works'''
* '''QML 1 apps work (qmlviewer)'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA runs few QtQML1 examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
* '''QML 2 apps work (qmlscene)'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA runs few QtQML2 examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
* '''QtNetwork works'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA runs few QtNetwork examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
* '''QtSql works'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA runs few QtSql examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
* '''QtSvg works'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA runs few QtSvg examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
* '''QtXml works'''<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA runs few QtXML examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
* '''QtWebEngine works'''
* '''QtWebKit 1 works'''
* '''QtWebkit 2 works'''
* '''Qt Script 2 works'''<br />Run ./qtscript/examples/script/qstetrix example. Use Debug option. context2d can be also run.<br />{color:blue}'''RTA:''' RTA runs few QtScript examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. Example ./qtscript/examples/script/qstetrix is included into the testing. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
== Qt Creator Checks ==
* '''Right Qt Creator version is installed'''<br />Check Qt Creator version in About dialog.
{color:blue}'''RTA:''' Linux, Mac: Qt Creator version is verified from the About dialog.<br />{color:red}'''RTA:''' Windows: not yet part of RTA (some testing tool issues; work ongoing to solve this). Manual testing required.
* &quot;Qt Creator Tests:&quot;:
{color:blue}'''RTA:''' Linux, Mac: Qt Creator is opened and closed in RTA tests.<br />{color:red}'''RTA:''' Windows: Qt Creator open &amp; close not yet covered by RTA (some testing tool issues; work ongoing to solve this). In general, other test cases except open&amp;amp;close are not yet part of RTA. Manual testing required.
== CMake Checks ==
Ensure that the binary package was installed with the ‘source components’ checked.
On Linux, install cmake from a repository (at least CMake version 2.8.3) and copy a script like this to your Qt installation and run it:
for d in `find . -name &quot;;quot;`; do<br /> b=`dirname $d`
m=`dirname $b`<br /> m=`dirname $m`<br /> m=`dirname $m`<br /> m=`basename $m`<br /> if [ x$m != x&amp;quot;qtactiveqt&amp;quot; ]; then<br /> pushd $b &gt; /dev/null<br /> rm -rf build<br /> $QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX/bin/qmake<br /> make check<br /> popd &gt; /dev/null<br /> fi<br />done
On Windows with msvc use a bat script instead (download cmake from ):
set QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX=&amp;#37;cd:&amp;#37;/msvc2010<br />set scriptbase=&amp;#37;cd&amp;amp;#37;<br />FOR &amp;#37;&amp;#37;? IN (qtactiveqt qtbase qtdeclarative qtmultimedia qtquick1 qtscript qtsensors qtserialport qtsvg qttools qtxmlpatterns) DO (<br /> cd Srcamp;#37;&amp;#37;?rd /S /Q build<br /> &amp;#37;QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX&amp;amp;#37;/bin/qmake<br /> nmake check<br /> cd &amp;#37;scriptbase&amp;amp;#37;<br />)<br />cd Src\qtwebkit\Source\WebKit\qt\tests\cmake<br />rd /S /Q build<br />&amp;#37;QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX&amp;amp;#37;/bin/qmake<br />nmake check<br />cd &amp;#37;scriptbase&amp;amp;#37;
If testing with MinGW on Windows, use a script like this;
set QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX=&amp;#37;cd:&amp;#37;/mingw48_32<br />set scriptbase=&amp;#37;cd&amp;amp;#37;<br />FOR &amp;#37;&amp;#37;? IN (qtactiveqt qtbase qtdeclarative qtmultimedia qtquick1 qtscript qtsensors qtserialport qtsvg qttools qtxmlpatterns) DO (<br /> cd Srcamp;#37;&amp;#37;?rd /S /Q build<br /> &amp;#37;QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX&amp;amp;#37;/bin/qmake<br /> mingw32-make check<br /> cd &amp;#37;scriptbase&amp;amp;#37;<br />)<br />cd Src\qtwebkit\Source\WebKit\qt\tests\cmake<br />rd /S /Q build<br />&amp;#37;QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX&amp;amp;#37;/bin/qmake<br />mingw32-make check
On all platforms, the result should be output showing the cmake tests running and passing. Please report failures to the releasing mailing list.
= Links =
* &quot;Building Qt 5 from Git&amp;quot;:
* &quot;Building static Qt on Windows&amp;quot;:
* &quot;What is the usage of the qtlibinfix and qtnamespace configuration options?&quot;:
* &quot;Bugtracker&amp;quot;:

Revision as of 09:44, 24 February 2015

[toc align_right="yes&quot; depth="2&quot;]

Sanity Test

Sanity Test is a part of the releasing cycle. The purpose is to ensure that the Qt SDK is ready for further testing.

{color:blue}RTA work ongoing:
Part of the Sanity test cases are covered by Release test automation (RTA). See more information on the {color:blue}RTA (covered by RTA) and {color:red}RTA (not yet covered by RTA) sections below.

Build checks

  • Asks about license

{color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies that license key is asked while running the configure (valid license key, invalid license key). When the installer is run the installing with a license key is verified by RTA.

  • Compiles with minimal options (eg. -opensource -confirm-license)
    Run configure command with the following options
    <br />configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -confirm-license<br />

    {color:blue}RTA Linux, Mac, Windows: covered by RTA
  • Compiles as static build (where supported)
    Run configure command with '-static':
    <br />configure -static <br />

    {color:blue}RTA Linux, Mac, Windows: covered by RTA
  • Compiles in namespace (where supported)
    Run configure command with '-qtnamespace <namespace&gt;':
    <br />configure -qtnamespace CustomName <br />

    {color:blue}RTA Linux, Mac, Windows: covered by RTA
  • Compiles with shadow build
    Create a new folder. cd to the new folder. Run the configure command from the source directory.
    {color:blue}RTA Linux, Mac, Windows: covered by RTA
  • Compiles cross-compiled
    Use -xplatform parameter, e.g.
    <br />configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ <br />

General checks

  • Text files have the correct EOL
    Open a few text files (README, .cpp, .h, .pro, etc.) and check if they look OK.
  • Files/dirs have sane perm. and timestamps
  • Tags have been replaced properly
    The list of tags: qmake -query (???)
  • README has valid information
    Complete information on how to build Qt from sources should be given.

Installer checks

  • Right version of Qt Installer Framework is used
    Launch the installer with '—version' . For Qt 5.4 -beta it should show 'IFW Version: "1.5.82&quot;, Installer base SHA1: "f67db7e&quot;,
    {color:blue}RTA: Linux, Mac covered by RTA.
    {color:red}RTA: Windows: Manual testing required.
  • Fresh install works correctly
    Install Qt SDK on a newly installed OS.

{color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies that clean installation works ok. Clean means that the installation directory does not contain any other Qt version.
{color:red}RTA: Whole OS is not installed as a fresh installation during the RTA. Study how to do this added into CI's ta

  • Fresh install to place requiring elevated rights works correctly
    Install Qt SDK as a normal user to a place requiring elevated rights. The installer should allow this by asking for elevated rights / the sudo password.
  • Upgrade install works correctly
    Install higher version of Qt having older one, e.g. install Qt 5.3.2 on Qt 5.2.0.
  • Parallel install works correctly
    Install two Qt installation in parallel, e.g. Qt 4.8.6 and 5.3.2. Check that both packages work
  • Warns when installing over an installation
    Run the installer the second time. A warning pop-up windows should be displayed.
  • Is correctly signed (vendor/certificate, not untrusted)
    Check where applicable.
  • Displays appropriate gfx & strings & version no.
    This check is about general look and correct package version number.
  • Offers the correct license(s)

{color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies that installation works with the valid license key.
{color:red}RTA: Visual verification of the installer and installing with the invalid license keys needs to be done manually.

  • Offers sane default install directory (w/version number)
    Check of the default folder is similar to ../Qt5.3.2/
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies the default directory.
  • Correctly installs to default directory
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies installing into the default directory.
  • Correctly installs to non-default loc.
    Change the target folder during installation from ../Qt5.3.2/ to a different name.
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies installing into the non-default directory.
  • Sanely reports progress and completion
    Click on the Details button to see the progress. Wait for successful completion of the installation process.
  • Installs only selected components
    Try to use Deselect All button, and select a few additional components. Component selector should works sanely. After installation is done, only selected components should be in the target folder.
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies that only selected components are installed.
  • Shortcuts from last page of installer works
    Select/deselect two check boxes (to run Qt Creator and see notes) on the final screen.
  • Correctly creates Desktop shortcuts
  • Correctly creates Start Menu shortcuts
    Check if Qt Creator can be found by the OS (start menu, launcher, dash home, etc.). Check the icon.
  • Sets correct environment variables for shell
  • Package shows up in Control Panel/Pkg. Manager
  • Patching of files is done correctly
  • Cancel button is available
    Use cancel button. Check if there are no changes done by the installer when the installation is interrupted.
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies that the installation can be cancelled. Note: RTA does not support cancelling the installing after the 'install' button is pressed i.e. while the installing of the components is ongoing.
  • Cleans up after install failure
  • Cleanly fails on insufficient disk space

Uninstaller checks

  • Uninstalls properly
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies that uninstalling is done properly.
  • Removes installed files properly
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies that all installed files are removed.
  • Removes empty directories
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies that the installation directory is removed.
  • Removes registry keys
  • Reverses any other changes

Both source/binary package checks

  • License is correct
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies that proper license files are found from $QTDIR\Licenses directory.
  • Assistant works correctly
    Run Assistant (e.g. ./5.0.2/gcc_64/bin/assistant). Check the basic functionality, browse through, search for documentation.
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA verifies that Assistant can be opened & closed, browsing and searching works.
  • Designer works correctly
  • Qt Creator works correctly
    Qt Creator can be tested using the following test cases: "Qt Creator Tests:":
  • Demos and examples launch without crashing
    {color:blue}Each example should be run with no error.
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA launches and closes each Qt example (except console examples).
  • Demos and examples function acceptably

RTA: Sanity level testing; see the QtModule sections below.

  • Demos and examples can be rebuilt
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA compiles the examples and demos from /Src and /bin directories.
  • External apps build (Qt Creator and other applications)
    Create your own application, compile it and run.
  • "DLL Swapping&quot; work on an application
  • GUI stress-testing works ok
    Try to perform many keystrokes, mouse clicks, etc.
  • Audio/Video w/QtMultimedia works
  • Raster engine works
    Run ./qtbase/examples/gui/rasterwindow example.
  • Image formats work
  • GraphicsView works
  • OpenGL works
    Run ./qtbase/examples/gui/openglwindow example.
    This is also checked by most of the other examples.
  • Printing works
  • QML 1 apps work (qmlviewer)
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA runs few QtQML1 examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
  • QML 2 apps work (qmlscene)
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA runs few QtQML2 examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
  • QtNetwork works
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA runs few QtNetwork examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
  • QtSql works
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA runs few QtSql examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
  • QtSvg works
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA runs few QtSvg examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
  • QtXml works
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA runs few QtXML examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.
  • QtWebEngine works
  • QtWebKit 1 works
  • QtWebkit 2 works
  • Qt Script 2 works
    Run ./qtscript/examples/script/qstetrix example. Use Debug option. context2d can be also run.
    {color:blue}RTA: RTA runs few QtScript examples and verifies that some detailed level Qt functionality can be used. Example ./qtscript/examples/script/qstetrix is included into the testing. They are launched via the command prompt i.e. not from the Qt Creator.

Qt Creator Checks

  • Right Qt Creator version is installed
    Check Qt Creator version in About dialog.

{color:blue}RTA: Linux, Mac: Qt Creator version is verified from the About dialog.
{color:red}RTA: Windows: not yet part of RTA (some testing tool issues; work ongoing to solve this). Manual testing required.

{color:blue}RTA: Linux, Mac: Qt Creator is opened and closed in RTA tests.
{color:red}RTA: Windows: Qt Creator open & close not yet covered by RTA (some testing tool issues; work ongoing to solve this). In general, other test cases except open&amp;close are not yet part of RTA. Manual testing required.

CMake Checks

Ensure that the binary package was installed with the ‘source components’ checked.

On Linux, install cmake from a repository (at least CMake version 2.8.3) and copy a script like this to your Qt installation and run it:



for d in `find . -name &quot;;quot;`; do<br /> b=`dirname $d`

m=`dirname $b`<br /> m=`dirname $m`<br /> m=`dirname $m`<br /> m=`basename $m`<br /> if [ x$m != x&amp;quot;qtactiveqt&amp;quot; ]; then<br /> pushd $b &gt; /dev/null<br /> rm -rf build<br /> $QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX/bin/qmake<br /> make check<br /> popd &gt; /dev/null<br /> fi<br />done

On Windows with msvc use a bat script instead (download cmake from ):

set QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX=&amp;#37;cd:&amp;#37;/msvc2010<br />set scriptbase=&amp;#37;cd&amp;amp;#37;<br />FOR &amp;#37;&amp;#37;? IN (qtactiveqt qtbase qtdeclarative qtmultimedia qtquick1 qtscript qtsensors qtserialport qtsvg qttools qtxmlpatterns) DO (<br /> cd Srcamp;#37;&amp;#37;?rd /S /Q build<br /> &amp;#37;QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX&amp;amp;#37;/bin/qmake<br /> nmake check<br /> cd &amp;#37;scriptbase&amp;amp;#37;<br />)<br />cd Src\qtwebkit\Source\WebKit\qt\tests\cmake<br />rd /S /Q build<br />&amp;#37;QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX&amp;amp;#37;/bin/qmake<br />nmake check<br />cd &amp;#37;scriptbase&amp;amp;#37;

If testing with MinGW on Windows, use a script like this;

set QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX=&amp;#37;cd:&amp;#37;/mingw48_32<br />set scriptbase=&amp;#37;cd&amp;amp;#37;<br />FOR &amp;#37;&amp;#37;? IN (qtactiveqt qtbase qtdeclarative qtmultimedia qtquick1 qtscript qtsensors qtserialport qtsvg qttools qtxmlpatterns) DO (<br /> cd Srcamp;#37;&amp;#37;?rd /S /Q build<br /> &amp;#37;QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX&amp;amp;#37;/bin/qmake<br /> mingw32-make check<br /> cd &amp;#37;scriptbase&amp;amp;#37;<br />)<br />cd Src\qtwebkit\Source\WebKit\qt\tests\cmake<br />rd /S /Q build<br />&amp;#37;QT_INSTALLATION_PREFIX&amp;amp;#37;/bin/qmake<br />mingw32-make check

On all platforms, the result should be output showing the cmake tests running and passing. Please report failures to the releasing mailing list.
