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Allgemeiner Datenbank-Verbindungs-Dialog
Dieser etwas längere Code-Schnipsel zeigt, wie man einen allgemeinen Datenbank-Verbindungs-Dialog implementiert, der den Benutzer zur Eingabe von allgemeinen Datenbank-Verbindung-Eigenschaften (Benutzername, Passwort, Hostname, etc) auffordert und eine Combo-Box mit allen verfügbaren Datenbanktreibern zeigt. Der Dialog stellt auch ein Signal mit der Datenbankverbindung (sofern sie hergestellt werden konnte) zur Verfügung, so dass die Verbindung von weiteren Komponenten genutzt werden kann.
Der Dialog wird wie folgt genutzt:
DatabaseConnectionDialog* dialog = new DatabaseConnectionDialog(this);
// optional: set the data that will be presented to the user as auto-filled form
dialog->setDatabaseName( "mydb" );
dialog->setDatabasePortNumber( 1234 );
dialog->setDatabaseHostName( "localhost" );
dialog->setDatabaseUsername( "luca" );
dialog->setDatabaseDriverName( "QPSQL" );
dialog->setDatabasePassword( "pwd" );
// enable the connect button if all the data is correct
// connect the dialog signal to a slot where I will use the connection
connect( dialog,
SIGNAL (databaseConnect(QSqlDatabase&)),
SLOT (slotHandleNewDatabaseConnection(QSqlDatabase&)));
// show the dialog (without auto-connection)
dialog->run( false );
Die Felder des Dialogs können vor dem Anzeigen initialisiert werden. Darüber hinaus gibt es einen Automatik-Verbindungs-Modus (Auto-Connect-Modus), so dass die Verbindung automatisch hergestellt wird, sobald alle notwendigen Daten verfügbar sind.
Der hier gezeigte Dialog ist natürlich noch lange nicht perfekt. Es gibt noch viel Spielraum für Verbbesserungen, aber es ist eine gute Vorlage, um loszulegen.
Beim Aufruf der
-Methode kann als Argument ein Boolean-Wert übergeben werden. Dabei steht true für den Auto-Connect-Modus. In diesem Modus wird die Verbindung automatisch hergestellt, sobald alle nötigen Verbindungsdaten vorliegen. Wenn das zusammen mit den Initialisierungsdaten erfolgreich war, wird der Dialog gar nicht erst angezeigt, stattdessen wird sofort das o.g. Signal ausgesendet. Wenn es aber nicht erfolgreich war, entweder weil die Formulardaten unvollständig waren oder weil die Verbindung nicht hergestellt werden konnte, wird der Dialog doch angezeigt. Wenn
mit false aufgerufen wird, ist der Auto-Connect-Modus deaktiviert und der Dialog wird in jedem Fall angezeigt.
h3. Quelltext
Dies ist die Header-Datei:
* databasedialog.h
#include <QDialog>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QSqlDatabase>
#include <QString>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QSqlError>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QGroupBox>
class DatabaseConnectionDialog : public QDialog
* The display label for the database driver name.
QLabel''' labelDatabaseDriverName;
* The display label for the TCP/IP port the database
* is listening for connections.
QLabel''' labelDatabasePort;
* The label for the database name.
QLabel''' labelDatabaseName;
* The label for the database host name.
QLabel''' labelDatabaseHostName;
* The label for the database username.
QLabel''' labelDatabaseUsername;
* The label for the database password.
QLabel''' labelDatabasePassword;
* A label to display the summary database URL
* connection string.
QLabel''' labelDatabaseURL;
* The editable name of the database to which the user
* wants to connect to.
QLineEdit''' editDatabaseName;
* The editable name of the database name to which connect.
QLineEdit''' editDatabaseHostName;
* The database listening port.
QSpinBox''' spinBoxDatabasePort;
* The editable username to use for the connection.
QLineEdit''' editDatabaseUsername;
* The editable password to use for the connection.
QLineEdit''' editDatabasePassword;
* The combo from which the user can select the database
* driver name and type
QComboBox''' comboDatabaseDriverName;
* A Dialog button box for displaying the
* connect/cancel buttons.
QDialogButtonBox''' buttons;
* A method to create all the components of this dialog window
* and lay out them correctly.
void setUpGUI();
* Searches for and populates the combo box with the
* available database drivers.
void findAvailableDrivers();
* Performs the connection to the database
* and emits the signal to pass the connection.
void doDatabaseConnection();
explicit DatabaseConnectionDialog(QWidget '''parent = 0);
* Sets the database name in the dialog.
* dbName the name of the database
void setDatabaseName( const QString&amp; dbName );
* Sets the port number for the database connection.
* portNumber the port number the database is listening for
* connections
void setDatabasePortNumber( int&amp; portNumber );
* Sets the remote host name mnemonic name.
* hostname the name of the host the database is running on
void setDatabaseHostName( const QString&amp; hostname );
* Sets the username to use for the connection.
* username the username to use for the connection
void setDatabaseUsername( const QString&amp; username );
* Selects the driver name.
* the driver name (therefore the database type) to
* select in the combo box.
void setDatabaseDriverName( const QString&amp; drvName );
* Sets the user password.
* the password to use for the connection
void setDatabasePassword( const QString&amp; pwd );
* Performs a check against the user data and enables/disables
* the connect button depending on the form fill status.
'''true if the data allows a database connection
bool checkFormData();
* Performs the database connection or prompt the user
* showing this dialog in the case data is not completed
* or should not perform the autoconnection.
* autoConnect if set to true tries to perform an automatic
* connection to the database, if the data is complete, or prompt the user
* for missing data. If set to false, simply shows the dialog and waits.
void run( bool autoConnect );
* Passes the database connection in the case the connection
* is succesful.
* databaseConnection the connection object
void databaseConnect( QSqlDatabase&amp; databaseConnection );
public slots:
* Checks if the user has entered enough data to
* try a database connection.
bool slotCheckFormData();
* Performs the database connection.
void slotPerformConnection();
Und hier folgt die Klassenimplementierung:
#include "databasedialog.h"
DatabaseConnectionDialog::DatabaseConnectionDialog(QWidget '''parent) :
// this dialog is modal
setModal( true );
// the title of this dialog
setWindowTitle( tr("Database connection") );
// place each GUI component
// load available drivers
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::setUpGUI()
// create all gui components
labelDatabaseDriverName = new QLabel( tr("Database Type (driver name)"), this );
labelDatabasePort = new QLabel( tr("TCP/IP Port Number"), this );
labelDatabaseName = new QLabel( tr("Database Name"), this );
labelDatabaseHostName = new QLabel( tr("Host Name"), this );
labelDatabaseUsername = new QLabel( tr("Username"), this );
labelDatabasePassword = new QLabel( tr("Password"), this );
labelDatabaseURL = new QLabel( this );
labelDatabaseURL->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
spinBoxDatabasePort = new QSpinBox( this );
spinBoxDatabasePort->setMaximum( 9999 );
spinBoxDatabasePort->setMinimum( 100 );
spinBoxDatabasePort->setSingleStep( 1 );
comboDatabaseDriverName = new QComboBox( this );
comboDatabaseDriverName->setEditable( false );
editDatabaseName = new QLineEdit( this );
editDatabaseHostName = new QLineEdit( this );
editDatabaseUsername = new QLineEdit( this );
editDatabasePassword = new QLineEdit( this );
editDatabasePassword->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password );
connect( editDatabaseName,
SIGNAL (editingFinished()),
SLOT (slotCheckFormData()) );
connect( editDatabaseHostName,
SIGNAL (editingFinished()),
SLOT (slotCheckFormData()) );
connect( editDatabaseUsername,
SIGNAL (editingFinished()),
SLOT (slotCheckFormData()) );
connect( editDatabasePassword,
SIGNAL (editingFinished()),
SLOT (slotCheckFormData()) );
connect( editDatabasePassword,
SIGNAL (returnPressed()),
SLOT (slotCheckFormData()) );
// create the button box
buttons = new QDialogButtonBox( this );
buttons->addButton( QDialogButtonBox::Ok );
buttons->addButton( QDialogButtonBox::Cancel );
QPushButton''' okButton = buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok );
okButton->setText( tr( "Connect!" ) );
okButton->setEnabled( false );
connect( buttons,
SIGNAL (accepted()),
SLOT (slotPerformConnection()));
connect( buttons,
SIGNAL (rejected()),
SLOT (close()));
// create a vertical layout to display components
QVBoxLayout* verticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
// create a grid layout to add all the components
QGridLayout* formGridLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
QGroupBox* gridGroupBox = new QGroupBox( this );
gridGroupBox->setTitle( tr("Database connection properties" ) );
formGridLayout->addWidget( labelDatabaseDriverName, 0, 0 );
formGridLayout->addWidget( comboDatabaseDriverName, 0, 1 );
labelDatabaseDriverName->setBuddy( comboDatabaseDriverName );
formGridLayout->addWidget( labelDatabaseHostName, 1, 0 );
formGridLayout->addWidget( editDatabaseHostName, 1, 1);
labelDatabaseHostName->setBuddy( editDatabaseHostName );
formGridLayout->addWidget( labelDatabasePort, 2, 0 );
formGridLayout->addWidget( spinBoxDatabasePort, 2, 1 );
labelDatabasePort->setBuddy( spinBoxDatabasePort );
formGridLayout->addWidget( labelDatabaseName, 3, 0 );
formGridLayout->addWidget( editDatabaseName , 3, 1 );
labelDatabaseName->setBuddy( editDatabaseName );
formGridLayout->addWidget( labelDatabaseUsername, 4, 0 );
formGridLayout->addWidget( editDatabaseUsername, 4, 1 );
labelDatabaseUsername->setBuddy( editDatabaseUsername );
formGridLayout->addWidget( labelDatabasePassword, 5, 0 );
formGridLayout->addWidget( editDatabasePassword, 5, 1 );
labelDatabasePassword->setBuddy( editDatabasePassword );
// add all the elements to groupbox
gridGroupBox->setLayout( formGridLayout );
// place a new groupbox to contain the database connection URL
QGroupBox* urlGroupBox = new QGroupBox( this );
urlGroupBox->setTitle( tr( "Database URL" ) );
QHBoxLayout* urlLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
urlLayout->addWidget( labelDatabaseURL );
urlGroupBox->setLayout( urlLayout );
// nest all layouts together
verticalLayout->addWidget( gridGroupBox );
verticalLayout->addWidget( urlGroupBox );
verticalLayout->addWidget( buttons );
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::findAvailableDrivers()
// remove all items
// populate the combo box with all available drivers
foreach( QString driverName, QSqlDatabase::drivers() )
comboDatabaseDriverName->addItem( driverName );
bool DatabaseConnectionDialog::slotCheckFormData()
return checkFormData();
bool DatabaseConnectionDialog::checkFormData(){
if( editDatabaseName->text().isEmpty()
|| editDatabaseHostName->text().isEmpty()
|| editDatabaseUsername->text().isEmpty()
|| editDatabasePassword->text().isEmpty() )
buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setEnabled( false );
// enable the connect button and give focus
buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setEnabled( true );
buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setFocus();
// if the connection can be established (or at least tried)
// display the URL
if( buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->isEnabled() )
labelDatabaseURL->setText( comboDatabaseDriverName->currentText()
+ "://"
+ editDatabaseUsername->text()
+ "@"
+ editDatabaseHostName->text()
+ "/"
+ editDatabaseName->text() );
labelDatabaseURL->setText( "" );
return buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->isEnabled();
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::doDatabaseConnection()
// check the database driver is really available
// (should never happen)
if( ! QSqlDatabase::isDriverAvailable( comboDatabaseDriverName->currentText() ) ){
QMessageBox::critical( this,
tr("Database Connection Error"),
tr("Database driver not available!")
qDebug() << "Performing the database driver setup..";
// set database driver properties
QSqlDatabase databaseConnection = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( comboDatabaseDriverName->currentText() );
databaseConnection.setDatabaseName( editDatabaseName->text() );
databaseConnection.setUserName( editDatabaseUsername->text() );
databaseConnection.setHostName( editDatabaseHostName->text() );
databaseConnection.setPassword( editDatabasePassword->text() );
databaseConnection.setPort( spinBoxDatabasePort->text().toInt() );
if( ! ){
QMessageBox::critical( this,
tr("Database Connection Error"),
// disable the connect button and set the focus again
// on the first field
buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setEnabled( false );
// hide the dialog
// emit the signal
qDebug() << "Emitting signal since the database is connected!";
emit databaseConnect( databaseConnection );
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::slotPerformConnection()
// perform another check against the user data
if( slotCheckFormData() )
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::setDatabaseName(const QString &dbName)
editDatabaseName->setText( dbName );
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::setDatabasePortNumber(int &portNumber)
spinBoxDatabasePort->setValue( portNumber );
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::setDatabaseHostName(const QString &hostname)
editDatabaseHostName->setText( hostname );
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::setDatabaseUsername(const QString &username)
editDatabaseUsername->setText( username );
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::setDatabaseDriverName(const QString &drvName)
int index = comboDatabaseDriverName->findText( drvName );
if( index >= 0 )
comboDatabaseDriverName->setCurrentIndex( index );
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::setDatabasePassword(const QString &pwd)
editDatabasePassword->setText( pwd );
void DatabaseConnectionDialog::run(bool autoConnect)
bool statusOk = checkFormData();
if( ! autoConnect || ! statusOk )