QtCS2024 Qt Documentation

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Session Summary

Qt Documentation State of the Union (Nicholas Bennet)

- How do I contribute?

- Where do I find the documentation I need?

- How do I give feedback?

Documentation Infrastructure (Paul Wicking)

- Infrastructure

- QDoc: Recent development

- QDoc: Future development


* Current state:
   * 100k+ pages of active Qt documentation
   * 5 maintained versions, 3 lts, 55 oss modules, 3 commercial modules, 11
  • How it's delivered
   * online (doc.qt.io), offline (QtC and QtDS)
   * You can also do a docbook generation.
  • Team is formed by tech writers, and sw engineers.
  • There is a gerrit group for documentation reviewers in case changes need it.
  • the team welcome contributions: https://wiki.qt.io/Category:Developing_Qt::Documentation
  • Qt Docs is adopting the usage of the Diátaxis doc organization approach: https://diataxis.fr/
  • Changes in the sidebar from the docs.
  • (Eddy laughed very hard when the quote "We will not need docs anymore, thanks
   to LLM" was mentioned by Nick, refering to some common misconceptions about
   LLMs :D)
  • Suggestions:
   * Use your active voice.
   * Lots of people asked for more snippets within the codes.

(discussion started)

  • Cristián requested for snippets to live in files rather than inline in qdoc,
 for translating them to Python (for the pyside docs)
  • Eddy interjected that having files is even better, because we can compile and
   check the snippets.
  • Tukkaa asked that maybe we could request snippets from the users/readers
 even if they are not the best quality.
  • Kai: We have a feedback survey in place that is helping with the process
  • Paul: We might end up with worthless snippets, or people using LLMs to
   generate them...and we might need to curated them.
  • Daniel: we could use LLMs to read/evaluate the snippets provided by people.


  • Infra team is mostly Paul and Topi at the moment, plus a few technical
  • JIRA: QTBUG/Build tools: qdoc and QTWEBSITE/doc.qt.io
  • Responsible from the doc builds on COIN, publishing infra, and provisioning
  • The qdoc warnings have been documented in order to give to users a good
 experience while fixing issues.
  • qdoc is provisioning via the Qt Installer.
  • Recent development:
   * \fn template common overloads
   * ordering commands for comparison categories
   * \details
   * \nativetype
   * \tm trademark
   * preparing for c++20
   * Refactoring
   * lots of bug fixing.

(discussion started)

  • Cristián: is there any list of missing commands or planned ones?
  • Paul: We don't have that one, and the new commands are based on need.
  • Tuukka: what's the use case of videos?
  • Paul & Nick: we have a few qml ones that are very useful. Creating
 videos is a lot of work and some professional could do it.
  • Emilia: we could provide videos urls in case that's needed.


  • Soon:
   * QML DOM API: things are evolving so we need to catchup.
   * Performance upgrades: lots of work on speeding up parts of qdoc.
   * C++ language features that are coming with new versions
  • We got some external contributions for translations
  • There is interest from KDE to use qdoc.
  • Nicholas: KDE currently using doxygen, and there are some things
 that don't work well with KDE code, that qdoc might do, because
 of the Qt-nature.
 QML is not recognized by doxygen.
 Some KDE people requested to have documentation in the headers
 rather than the implementation.
  • Paul: Luca was hired some time ago, and did lots of improvements,
 but he moved to another team. There is currently discussion on
 a patch that enabled header-docs, and Doc team is reviewing.
  • Nicholas: There has been other details that KDE wants to change
 but it's not too complicated.

Session Owners

Nicholas Bennet, Qt Group Paul Wicking, Qt Group
