QtDesignStudio/build QDS

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Instruction on how to build Qt Design Studio.

Qt Design Studio is based on Qt Creator

The Qt Design studio consists of:

  • Qt Creator
    • The branches are prefixed with qds. e.g. qds/dev or qds/4.6
  • Studio components which are necessary for the used kit

We build with CMake + Ninja by default.

Windows notes:

  • We use MSVC2019 on Windows, but MSVC2022 should also work. MinGW is not activly supported.
    • you need "Desktop development with C++" + "Windows * SDK" (which is not default)
  • Also, do not use a build path that is too long. For example, if you have a long user path or if one drive is involved, it can result in crazy build errors
    • a good path is, for example, c:\dev. It is also good that it is not synced to one drive, which makes the machine slow during a compile.

since Qt Design Studio 4.6.0 we use Qt 6.7.3 to build it