QtDesignStudio/Localization FAQ

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Currently (QDS 4.6) supports english as the language for the user interface itself. We are doing the localisations to be more complete but until then the other languages are hidden. Official release of this feature is not set yet but it shall be out in year 2025.

The translations are controlled by the ini file which has different location depeneding on the platform. Before we release the language support officially, user can enable what ever language they want by editing this file:

Windows: <USER HOMEFOLDER\AppData\Roaming\QtProject\QtDesignStudio.ini
Linux/Mac: <USER HOME DIRECTORY>/.config/QtProject/QtDesignStudio.ini

Q: How do I enable other translation

A: In the [% General] section of the INI file you have OverrideLanguage property, set this to the locale of your choice. By default it is set to C (= system default). Below is example where localisation is set to Japan (ja)


Q: Where are the localized UI description files?

A: They are stored in the Qt Design Studio installation, the exact location depends on the platform. The files relevant to the user interface of Qt Design Studio are the .qm files which have syntax qtcreator_<LANG>.qm. Location of the files are:

Windows: <QT DESIGN STUDIO INSTALLATION>\share\qtcreator\translations
Mac: <QT DESIGN STUDIO INSTALLATION>/Contents/Resources/translations