Qt for Python Missing Bindings
PySide6 bindings for Qt 6.7
Using Qt version 6.7 documentation to find public API Qt types and test if the types are present in the PySide6 package.
This report was generated by running the following command:
python main.py
on the following date:
2024-12-05 15:36:37 W. Europe Standard Time
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtcore-module.html
Number of types in QtCore: 261
Missing types in PySide (all) QtCore:
QAbstractEventDispatcher.TimerInfoV2 QAbstractEventDispatcherV2 QAdoptSharedDataTag QAnyStringView QAtomicInt QAtomicInteger QAtomicPointer QAtomicScopedValueRollback QBEInteger QBaseIterator QBindable QByteArrayList QByteArrayView QCache QCborMap.ConstIterator QCborMap.Iterator QCborStreamReader.StringResult QChronoTimer QConstIterator QContiguousCache QDirListing QDirListing.DirEntry QDirListing.sentinel QEventLoopLocker (is present in PyQt6) QException QFuture QFutureSynchronizer QFutureWatcher QGregorianCalendar QIterable QIterator QJalaliCalendar QJniArray QJniArrayBase QJniEnvironment QJniObject QJsonObject QJulianCalendar QKeyValueIterator QLEInteger QLatin1StringMatcher QLatin1StringView QMessageLogger (is present in PyQt6) QMetaContainer QMetaSequence QMilankovicCalendar QModelRoleDataSpan (is present in PyQt6) QMultiMap.key_iterator QMultiMapIterator QMutableMultiMapIterator QNativeInterface.QAndroidApplication QNtfsPermissionCheckGuard QObjectBindableProperty QObjectCleanupHandler (is present in PyQt6) QObjectComputedProperty QPartialOrdering QProcess.CreateProcessArguments QProcess.UnixProcessParameters QPromise QProperty QPropertyBindingError QPropertyChangeHandler QPropertyData QPropertyNotifier QRomanCalendar QScopeGuard QScopedPropertyUpdateGroup QSpan QStaticByteArrayMatcher QStaticLatin1StringMatcher QStringTokenizer QStringView QTaggedIterator QThreadStorage QTypeRevision (is present in PyQt6) QUnhandledException QUntypedBindable QUtf8StringView QUuid.Id128Bytes (is present in PyQt6) QVariant (is present in PyQt6) QVariantConstPointer QVariantPointer QVariantRef Qt.Literals Qt.Literals.StringLiterals Qt.partial_ordering Qt.strong_ordering Qt.totally_ordered_wrapper Qt.weak_ordering QtFuture QtFuture.WhenAnyResult QtJniTypes QtLiterals qfloat16
Number of missing types: 94
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 7
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtgui-module.html
Number of types in QtGui: 230
Missing types in PySide (all) QtGui:
QAccessibleAnnouncementEvent QAccessibleAttributesInterface QAccessiblePlugin QAccessibleSelectionInterface QAccessibleTableInterface QFileSystemModel (is present in PyQt6) QNativeInterface.QAndroidOffscreenSurface QNativeInterface.QAndroidScreen QNativeInterface.QCocoaGLContext QNativeInterface.QEGLContext QNativeInterface.QGLXContext QNativeInterface.QWGLContext QNativeInterface.QWaylandApplication QNativeInterface.QWaylandScreen QNativeInterface.QX11Application QOpenGLTexture QPdfOutputIntent QRgbaFloat QShader.NativeShaderInfo QShader.SeparateToCombinedImageSamplerMapping QShaderDescription QShaderDescription.BlockVariable QShaderDescription.BuiltinVariable QShaderDescription.InOutVariable QShaderDescription.PushConstantBlock QShaderDescription.StorageBlock QShaderDescription.UniformBlock QSupportedWritingSystems QUtiMimeConverter QVulkanDeviceFunctions QVulkanExtension QVulkanFunctions QVulkanInfoVector QVulkanInstance QVulkanLayer QVulkanWindow QVulkanWindowRenderer QWindowsMimeConverter
Number of missing types: 38
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 1
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtnetwork-module.html
Number of types in QtNetwork: 61
Missing types in PySide (all) QtNetwork:
QDnsTlsAssociationRecord QFormDataBuilder QFormDataPartBuilder QSctpServer QSctpSocket
Number of missing types: 5
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtqml-module.html
Number of types in QtQml: 31
Missing types in PySide (all) QtQml:
QJSPrimitiveNull (is present in PyQt6) QJSPrimitiveUndefined (is present in PyQt6) QQmlEngineExtensionPlugin (is present in PyQt6) QQmlInfo QQmlListProperty (is present in PyQt6)
Number of missing types: 5
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 4
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquick-module.html
Number of types in QtQuick: 57
Missing types in PySide (all) QtQuick:
QNativeInterface.QSGD3D11Texture QNativeInterface.QSGD3D12Texture QNativeInterface.QSGMetalTexture QNativeInterface.QSGOpenGLTexture (is present in PyQt6) QNativeInterface.QSGVulkanTexture QQuickItem.ItemChangeData (is present in PyQt6) QQuickOpenGLUtils
Number of missing types: 7
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 2
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquickwidgets-module.html
Number of types in QtQuickWidgets: 1
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquickcontrols2-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtQuickControls2 for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtQuickControls2.
Number of types in QtQuickControls2: 2
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtsql-module.html
Number of types in QtSql: 15
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwidgets-module.html
Number of types in QtWidgets: 190
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtconcurrent-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtConcurrent for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtConcurrent.
Number of types in QtConcurrent: 2
Missing types in PySide (all) QtConcurrent:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtdbus-module.html
Number of types in QtDBus: 21
Missing types in PySide (all) QtDBus:
QDBusPendingReply (is present in PyQt6)
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 1
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qthelp-module.html
Number of types in QtHelp: 17
Missing types in PySide (all) QtHelp:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtopengl-module.html
Number of types in QtOpenGL: 46
Missing types in PySide (all) QtOpenGL:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtprintsupport-module.html
Number of types in QtPrintSupport: 8
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtsvg-module.html
Number of types in QtSvg: 5
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtsvgwidgets-module.html
Number of types in QtSvgWidgets: 2
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtuitools-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtUiTools for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtUiTools.
Number of types in QtUiTools: 1
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtxml-module.html
Number of types in QtXml: 18
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquicktest-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtQuickTest for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtQuickTest.
Number of types in QtQuickTest: 1
Missing types in PySide (all) QtQuickTest:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qttest-module.html
Number of types in QtTest: 5
Missing types in PySide (all) QtTest:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtnetworkauth-module.html
Number of types in QtNetworkAuth: 8
Missing types in PySide (all) QtNetworkAuth:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtstatemachine-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtStateMachine for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtStateMachine.
Number of types in QtStateMachine: 12
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtcoap-module.html
Could not load PySide6.QtCoap. Received error: module 'PySide6' has no attribute 'QtCoap'. Skipping.
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtmqtt-module.html
Could not load PySide6.QtMqtt. Received error: module 'PySide6' has no attribute 'QtMqtt'. Skipping.
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtopcua-module.html
Could not load PySide6.QtOpcUa. Received error: module 'PySide6' has no attribute 'QtOpcUa'. Skipping.
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtvirtualkeyboard-module.html
Could not load PySide6.QtVirtualKeyboard. Received error: module 'PySide6' has no attribute 'QtVirtualKeyboard'. Skipping.
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwaylandcompositor-module.html
Could not load PySide6.QtWaylandCompositor. Received error: module 'PySide6' has no attribute 'QtWaylandCompositor'. Skipping.
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwebview-module.html
Could not load PySide6.QtWebView. Received error: module 'PySide6' has no attribute 'QtWebView'. Skipping.
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtscxml-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtScxml for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtScxml.
Number of types in QtScxml: 20
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtbluetooth-module.html
Number of types in QtBluetooth: 24
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtpositioning-module.html
Number of types in QtPositioning: 17
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtmultimedia-module.html
Number of types in QtMultimedia: 34
Missing types in PySide (all) QtMultimedia:
QAbstractVideoBuffer QAbstractVideoBuffer.MapData QAudioBufferInput QAudioBufferOutput QVideoFrameInput QtAudio
Number of missing types: 6
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtremoteobjects-module.html
Number of types in QtRemoteObjects: 15
Missing types in PySide (all) QtRemoteObjects:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtsensors-module.html
Number of types in QtSensors: 48
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtserialport-module.html
Number of types in QtSerialPort: 2
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwebchannel-module.html
Number of types in QtWebChannel: 2
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwebenginecore-module.html
Number of types in QtWebEngineCore: 37
Missing types in PySide (all) QtWebEngineCore:
QWebEngineClientHints QWebEngineDesktopMediaRequest (is present in PyQt6) QWebEngineFrame QWebEnginePermission
Number of missing types: 4
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 1
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwebenginequick-module.html
Number of types in QtWebEngineQuick: 2
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwebenginewidgets-module.html
Number of types in QtWebEngineWidgets: 1
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwebsockets-module.html
Number of types in QtWebSockets: 6
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qthttpserver-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtHttpServer for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtHttpServer.
Number of types in QtHttpServer: 8
Missing types in PySide (all) QtHttpServer:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtmultimediawidgets-module.html
Number of types in QtMultimediaWidgets: 2
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtnfc-module.html
Number of types in QtNfc: 11
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquick3d-module.html
Number of types in QtQuick3D: 17
Missing types in PySide (all) QtQuick3D:
QQuick3DExtensionHelpers QSSGCameraHelpers QSSGFrameData QSSGModelHelpers QSSGRenderContextInterface QSSGRenderExtension QSSGRenderExtensionHelpers QSSGRenderHelpers QSSGRhiContext QSSGRhiGraphicsPipelineState QSSGRhiSamplerDescription
Number of missing types: 11
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtpdf-module.html
Number of types in QtPdf: 11
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtspatialaudio-module.html
Number of types in QtSpatialAudio: 5
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtserialbus-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtSerialBus for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtSerialBus.
Number of types in QtSerialBus: 30
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qttexttospeech-module.html
Number of types in QtTextToSpeech: 2
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtlocation-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtLocation for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtLocation.
Number of types in QtLocation: 36
Missing types in PySide (all) QtLocation:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtgrpc-module.html
Could not load PySide6.QtGRPC. Received error: module 'PySide6' has no attribute 'QtGRPC'. Skipping.
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtprotobuf-module.html
Could not load PySide6.QtPhotobuf. Received error: module 'PySide6' has no attribute 'QtPhotobuf'. Skipping.
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtgraphs-module.html
Could not load PySide6.QtGraphs. Received error: module 'PySide6' has no attribute 'QtGraphsWidgets'. Skipping.
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtcharts-module-qtcharts.html
Number of types in QtCharts: 49
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtdatavisualization-module-qtdatavis.html
Number of types in QtDataVisualization: 35
Number of missing types: 0
Total number of missing types: 180
Total number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 16
Total number of missing modules: 9