Visual Studio Add-in

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Qt Visual Studio Tools

Get the sources

Use Git to check out the Qt Visual Studio Tools sources that are hosted at:

To create a repository clone, execute the following command:

git clone git://

Build a static Qt

Building the Qt Visual Studio Tools from sources requires a static build of Qt (version 5.6.0 or newer).Supported compilers are MSVC 2013 or newer, GCC 4.7 or newer, and Clang 3.1 or newer. See the Qt documentation for the prerequisites and steps to build Qt from sources.

Recommended configuration options: configure -prefix %CD%\qtbase -release -static -static-runtime -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests
Recommended (n)make options: (n)make module-qtbase

Build the Qt Visual Studio Tools

Change the directory into 'src' and run 'qmake && make' (or 'mingw32-make', 'nmake' ...) to build the Qt Visual Studio Tools command line applications. Once finished, open the solution QtVsTools.sln in Visual Studio and build the solution.

Build the Qt Visual Studio Tools documentation

Run 'qmake && make docs' (or 'mingw32-make docs', 'nmake docs' ...) from the root directory to build the Qt Visual Studio Tools documentation. You need to have 'qdoc' and friends built already. See the Qt documentation for the prerequisites and steps to build Qt documentation from sources.

How to debug the Qt Visual Studio Tools

To debug the resulting VSIX, select the 'QtVsTools' node, right click and choose 'Properties|Debug'. Update 'Start Action|Start external program:' to point to your Visual Studio 'devenv.exe' application. Update 'Start Options|Command line arguments:' with '/rootSuffix Exp'. Note: The implemented post build targets will only work reliable if you use the 'Exp' hive of Visual Studio.