Language Bindings
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Programming Language Support & Language Bindings
The Qt API is implemented in C++, and provides additional features for easier cross-platform development. QML – introduced with Qt Quick is a CSS and JavaScript-like declarative, language designed to describe the user interface of a program: both what it looks like, and how it behaves. Bindings to Qt exist for several other languages, including Python, Ring, Go, Rust, PHP, and Java™. Officially, only the Python bindings are being maintained by the project, under the name of Qt for Python.
C++ Development with Qt
Qt provides an intuitive C++ class library with a rich set of application build blocks for C++ development. Qt goes beyond C++ in the areas of inter-object communication and flexibility for advanced GUI development. Qt adds the following features to C+:
- Powerful mechanism for inter-object communication called signals and slots
- Queryable and designable object properties
- Powerful events and events filters
- Contextual string translation for internationalization
- Sophisticated interval driven timers that make it possible to elegantly integrate many tasks in an event-driven GUI
- Hierarchical and queryable object trees that organize object ownership in a natural way
- Guarded pointers that are automatically set to 0 when the referenced object is destroyed, unlike normal C++ pointers which become dangling pointers when their objects are destroyed
- A dynamic cast works across library boundaries.
QML Development with Qt Quick
QML is a declarative, JavaScript-based language designed to describe the user interface of a program: both what it looks like, and how it behaves. In QML, a user interface is specified as a tree of objects with properties, like in JSON.
- JavaScript, HTML and CSS skills can be used to code complete apps
- Optimized for touch-based, animated mobile UIs
- Includes a set of graphical and behavioral building blocks: QML Types
- No C++ knowledge required for UI creation, while it can be extended with C++
Qt for Python
The Qt for Python project provides the PySide2 module allowing users to develop Qt and QML application easily from Python.
- You can find more information for the project, which is currently available as a Technical Preview, in the wiki page.
- Compatible with Qt 5.11, and Python 2.7 and 3.5+.
Qt for Python (PySide2) is the official set of Python wheels that The Qt Company provides.
Find out more about Qt for Python
These are third party language bindings for Qt
Qt for Python (PyQt)
Qt for Ring (RingQt)
RingQt is a binding of the Qt framework to the Ring programming language.
Ring uses Qt as its toolkit to provide cross-platform abilities.
Qt for Rust (Rust-Qt)
Qt bindings for the Rust language
Qt Quick for Rust (qml-rust)
- QML bindings for the Rust language
Qt Quick for Rust (qmlrs)
- QML bindings for the Rust language
Qt for Crystal (
- QML bindings for the Crystal language
Qt for Go (qt)
- Qt bindings for Go language
Qt for C#/Mono/.Net (QtSharp)
This project aims to create Mono/.NET libraries that wrap Qt thus enabling its usage through C#. It relies on the excellent CppSharp.
Qt for D (QtE5)
QtE5 is a binding of the Qt framework to the D programming language version 2.
Qt for Haskell (qtHaskell)
The qtah project provides a set of Haskell bindings for Qt.
Qt for Julia (QML.jl)
This project provides bindings to Julia.
Qt Quick for Haskell (HsQML)
HsQML provides a Haskell binding to the Qt Quick framework. It allows you to write graphical applications where the front-end is written in Qt Quick's QML language (incorporating JavaScript) and the back-end is written in Haskell.
Qt Quick for OCaml (lablqml)
QML Bindings to OCaml.
Qt Quick for Node.js (Brig)
The Brig project provides library for Qt Quick framework, making it possible to write graphical applications in JavaScript and QML languages.