Qt Writing Guidelines

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The Qt Writing Guidelines contains information about writing Qt documentation in a consistent way. Though there are exceptions, maintain the consistency level outlined in the guidelines or the existing Qt documentation.

Language Style

We use the Microsoft Writing Style Guide in the Qt documentation. Essentially, use clear and direct language in American English. We write to a diverse audience and we need to communicate Qt topics in an approachable and understandable manner.

Here are some specifics for Qt:

  1. Use active voice, not passive. Passive does not make a sentence formal, but unnecessarily weakens the sentence. See Verbs
  2. Use the pronoun you in to address the reader when appropriate. See Nouns and Pronouns.
  3. Use because instead of "since" or "as". See Use simple words, concise sentences.
  4. Use a serial comma, also known as the Oxford comma. See Commas
  5. Use the correct spelling and case for Qt Products. See Qt Terms and Concepts
  6. Use US spelling and avoid latin abbreviations. See Use US spelling and avoid non-English words. Here is a summary :
Use Instead of
that is i.e.
namely viz.
therefore ergo

Writing API Documentation

We document Qt APIs in the sources and use QDoc to generate the HTML for the doc.qt.io site and an offline version for Qt Creator.

C++ and QML documentation follow a similar style, but there are differences. See the following pages for documenting APIs.

Writing the QDoc files

These QDoc guidelines complement the QDoc Manual

Documenting Examples

Examples and Tutorials Style

Integrating Examples


Qt 5 Documentation Requirements

When writing Qt documentation, ensure that new Qt 5 modules conform to the requirements:

QDoc changes should pass the QDocRegressionTesting

Using images in documentation

It can be useful to include images in documentation, such as screenshots, diagrams, icons, or even animated images and embedded YouTube videos. QUIP-21 describes the requirements and considerations for use of images in Qt's documentation.

As the images must be checked in to git, the binary blob size is a point of some concern. Prefer the webp image format when possible, and crop out unnecessary details to reduce the overall size.