Support for Maemo
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Qt on Maemo/MeeGo
Qt is a comprehensive application and UI framework for developing applications for the Nokia N9 (MeeGo Harmattan 1.2) and the Nokia N900 (Maemo 5) phones. These applications can also be deployed to Symbian smart phones and desktop operating systems without rewriting the source code. If you are developing apps for Symbian, Nokia N9, or Nokia N900 phones in most cases, you can use Qt under the free LGPL licensing option. Qt is cross-platform, and that means that you can use the code from one single code-base and rebuild for all supported platforms.
Getting Started on Maemo/MeeGo
- Support for the Nokia N9 []
- Supported Maemo/MeeGo platforms [] – Qt support for Maemo/MeeGo versions.
- Qt for Maemo/MeeGo Requirements [] – Software required to run Qt on Maemo/MeeGo.
- Installing Qt for Maemo/MeeGo [] – Build Qt for Maemo/MeeGo development.
- Platform and Compiler Notes [] – Maemo/MeeGo – Platform specific notes.
- Getting started []
- The Maemo 5 Platform [] – Introduction to Qt
- Get the sdk1.2.1 [] – downloading
Key Features for Nokia N9 and Nokia N950 Development
Native Look and Feel
For the Nokia N9, Qt Quick Components provide for a full set of UI building blocks that match the N9 UI. For the N900, Qt will detect which theme the device is running and applies the style at runtime to your Qt application. Widgets are optimized for touch screen usage..
Graphics Features
A powerful paint engine that contain features such as anti-aliasing, gradients, curves and transparency. It also has animation support with timelines and easing curves with hardware acceleration using ARM NEON and OpenGL ES 2.0.
Device Configurations
Full support for automatic switching between landscape and portrait mode is provided. They will support input methods, including predictive text input and on-screen keyboard. The applications will also have support for one finger touch events and gestures, and have configurable kinetic scrolling.
Maemo – Linux/X11
Qt supports a wide range of X11 platform variants, such as: Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX. Qt for the Nokia N9 and Nokia N900 provides the same Qt modules and features with the same functionality as Qt for X11.
Cross-platform development using Qt Creator
Qt Creator [] is a complete Cross-platform IDE included in the Qt SDK. The IDE allows programmers to create, build, debug and run Qt applications across all supported platforms.