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Qt Modeling

The Qt Modeling add-on module aims at providing basic model-driven features, such as the definition, storage, and manipulation of MOF/UML-based models as well as supporting new user-defined languages.


Qt Modeling Framework rationale has been driven by the following desired properties:

  • We should support automatic code generation as much as possible. Only 8.17% of UML 2.4.1 meta-model properties are declared as ‘derived’ (and not derived unions), which prevent automatic code generation. For those properties, the "specification":http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/2.4.1/Infrastructure/PDF provide the guidelines for implementation but maybe some of them could be automatically derived from their "OCL":http://www.omg.org/spec/OCL/ specifications. QtMof and QtUml libraries already provides a mapping from UML to Qt5 by first generating a more Qt-ish representation of a UML model ("XQuery-based xmi to qtxmi conversion":https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtmodeling/blobs/master/scripts/normative-xmi/xmi2qt.xq) and then generating source code from a couple of "well-design templates":https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtmodeling/trees/master/scripts/templates. Such infrastructure has successfully been used to generate the initial skeletons of QtMof and QtUml and can also be used to convert user-defined UML models into Qt5 source code. As a consequence, we hopefully end up with a faithful implementation of OMG’s standardized meta-models.
  • We should leverage the development of "meta-model-agnostic tools":https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtmodeling/trees/master/examples/uml/qtumleditor for editing, analysing, and converting any MOF-based model. By having no compile-time commitments with any specific MOF-based meta-model, such tool would be also able to handle other MOF-based meta-models (such as "CWM":http://www.omg.org/spec/CWM/) or even user-defined meta-models.
    QtMof and QtUml should provide a powerful modeling notation for early analysis of MOF-based models. A number of preset scripts for checking well-formed rules should be available and specific scripts may be defined by the user. OCL is a potential candidate as script language, but XQuery or even QtScript can also be considered. That would make possible, for example, analysis of conformance to architectural styles/patterns, continuously integrated models, and so on.
  • A flexible mechanism for mapping of models into middleware/framework-specific artifacts should also be provided. A uml2qt mapping is already in place, but new ones should be easily defined.
  • High adherence to OMG standards. That includes avoiding unjustified proprietary extensions. We should consider "Diagram Definition":http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/ specification when exporting/importing diagrams. "UML 2.5":http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/2.5/Beta1/ is on beta stage. "QVT":http://www.omg.org/spec/QVT/ could also be supported in the future.

Current Status

The following features are already supported in Qt Modeling:

  • UML 2.4.1 meta-model implementation
  • MOF 2.4.1 meta-model implementation
  • QtUmlEditor: model-agnostic (plugin-based) editor with full capabilities for model creation and XMI serialization
  • Programmatic model manipulation via QtScript


Expected features (probably not in first Qt Modeling release) include:

  • Refactoring for wrappedobjects-free implementation of meta-models
  • OCL parser
  • QML-based (extensible plugin-based) concrete syntax
  • Enhanced code-generation architecture

Basic Usage

To link against the Qt Uml module, add this line to the project file:

<br />QT += uml<br />

Include the required headers:

<br />#include &lt;QtUml/QUmlModel&amp;gt;<br />#include &lt;QtUml/QUmlPackage&amp;gt;<br />#include &lt;QtUml/QUmlPrimitiveType&amp;gt;<br />#include &lt;QtUml/QUmlEnumeration&amp;gt;<br />

And then you can programmatically create your models:

<br />QWrappedObjectPointer&amp;lt;QModel&amp;gt; model = new QModel;<br />model-&gt;setName(&quot;MyModel&amp;quot;);

QWrappedObjectPointer&amp;lt;QPackage&amp;gt; package = new QPackage;<br />package-&gt;setName(&quot;Package1&amp;quot;);

QWrappedObjectPointer&amp;lt;QPrimitiveType&amp;gt; primitiveType = new QPrimitiveType;<br />primitiveType-&gt;setName(&quot;String&amp;quot;);

QWrappedObjectPointer&amp;lt;QEnumeration&amp;gt; enumeration = new QEnumeration;<br />enumeration-&gt;setName(&quot;DirectionKind&amp;quot;);<br />QWrappedObjectPointer&amp;lt;QEnumerationLiteral&amp;gt; directionIn = new QEnumerationLiteral;<br />directionIn-&gt;setName(&quot;DirectionIn&amp;quot;);<br />enumeration-&gt;addOwnedLiteral(directionIn);

QWrappedObjectPointer&amp;lt;QClass&amp;gt; class_ = new QClass;<br />class_<s>&gt;setName(&quot;Student&amp;quot;);<br />class_</s>&gt;setAbstract(false);

package-&gt;addOwnedType(enumeration);<br />package-&gt;addOwnedType(class_);

model-&gt;addPackagedElement(package);<br />model-&gt;addOwnedType(primitiveType);

// query model or perform 'well-formed/sanity/architectural conformance' checks

delete model.data();<br />

Maybe do some XMI serialization:

<br />QFile file&amp;amp;#40;&quot;test.xmi&amp;quot;&amp;#41;;

if (!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text)) {<br /> qDebug() &lt;&lt; &quot;Cannot write file !&quot;;<br /> return 1;<br />}

QXmiWriter writer(model);<br />if (writer.writeFile&amp;amp;#40;&amp;file&amp;amp;#41;)<br /> qDebug() &lt;&lt; &quot;XMI file saved !&quot;;<br />else<br /> qDebug() &lt;&lt; &quot;Error when writing XMI file !&quot;;<br />file.close();<br />

Projects using Qt Modeling

Qt Modeling has been motivated by and constitutes the basic model-driven platform for the "DuSE-MT&quot;:http://duse.sf.net project. DuSE is a flexible and extensible approach for architectural design spaces based on "MOF&quot;:http://www.omg.org/spec/MOF/ (Meta Object Facility) and "UML&quot;:http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/ (Unified Modeling Language) technologies. DuSE defines a model-based meta-architecture which includes: i) a self-adaptation design space representation; ii) changes to be enacted in target system’s original model when navigating through the design space; iii) OCL rules which define valid variation points in each dimension; and iv) a set of metrics to guide architects during design trade-off analysis.

DuSE is a research project and an open source initiative carried out at "Federal University of Bahia&quot;:http://www.ufba.br/ (UFBa) and "Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia&quot;:http://www.ifba.edu.br/ (IFBa). The developers of DuSE are contributors of KDE / Qt Project and members of the "Distributed Systems Laboratory&quot;:http://www.lasid.ufba.br/ (LaSiD), a research center created in 1995 and that has performing researchs in the fields of Distributed Systems, Fault Tolerance, Real-Time, Mobile Agents, and Mechatronic Systems.


DuSE-MT integrates DuSE’s design spaces meta-model, algorithms, and mechanisms into an extensible and user-friendly supporting tool. DuSE-MT defines a flexible architecture which enables the use of connector plugins for system identification in a range of platforms. Each connector plugin enables the probing of target systems developed for that specific platform, gathering input/output relationships between system’s controlled/measured parameters and allowing off-line and on-line system identification.

Contribute !

All contributions are pretty welcome as usual. All development is done through "Gerrit&quot;:http://wiki.qt.io/Setting_up_Gerrit. Therefore, those wishing to be involved in the development process must have a Qt developer account. More information about the registration process and development can be found "here&quot;:http://wiki.qt.io/Code_Reviews.

For those of you who want just trying it out, simply clone the Qt Modeling repository:

<br />git clone git://gitorious.org/qt/qtmodeling.git<br />