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Revision as of 10:57, 25 February 2015 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs)
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[toc align_right="yes" depth="5"]

What is this

Korhal is an operating system for embedded devices, using Qt as systemui on top of Android. This is not Qt for Android application development,ie Necessitas.

Getting started


You need some supported environment, see: follow http://source.android.com/source/initializing.html (which pretty much means you should use Ubuntu 10.04 - 12.10 64bit, other distros may require some manual work)

repo init -u git@gitorious.org:korhal/manifest.git
repo sync
source build/envsetup.sh
make -j

flash/boot/whatever result in out/target/product/…

Rolling with Qml

adb push stuff.qml /data/stuff.qml
adb shell qmlscene /data/stuff.qml

see also

We hang out in #android-qt on freenode
