Qt for Android examples status
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h1. Qt for Android examples status
Working Examples
{background:#009900}. |. Example |. Status |. Comment | | /widgets/animation/appchooser | OK | - | | /widgets/animation/stickman | OK | Needs external keyboard… | | /widgets/animation/moveblocks | OK | - | | /widgets/layouts/borderlayout | OK | - | | /widgets/layouts/dynamiclayouts | OK | - | | /widgets/layouts/flowlayout | OK | - | | /widgets/mainwindows/mdi | OK | - | | /widgets/mainwindows/dockwidgets | OK | - | | /widgets/mainwindows/mainwindow | OK | Not that this is a good idea on a phone… | | /widgets/mainwindows/recentfiles | OK | - | | /widgets/mainwindows/menus | OK | - | | /widgets/painting/concentriccircles | OK | - | | /widgets/painting/gradients | OK | Not touch optimized… Does not exit on Back button | | /widgets/painting/fontsampler | OK | - | | /widgets/painting/pathstroke | OK | - | | /widgets/painting/transformations | OK | - | | /widgets/richtext/syntaxhighlighter | OK | - | | /widgets/richtext/calendar | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/movie | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/validators | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/analogclock | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/calculator | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/mousebuttons | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/charactermap | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/wiggly | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/digitalclock | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/elidedlabel | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/imageviewer | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/sliders | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/tetrix | OK | needs external keyboard | | /widgets/widgets/groupbox | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/spinboxes | OK | Combobox… | | /widgets/tools/undo | OK | - | | /widgets/tools/regexp | OK | - | | /widgets/scroller/scroller/graphicsview | OK | - | | /qtconcurrent/imagescaling | OK | - | | /qtconcurrent/progressdialog | OK | - | | /qtconcurrent/runfunction | OK | but slightly pointless, since it's a console application | | /network/torrent | OK? | Runs. I didn't try to actually torrent anything… | | /network/network-chat | OK | Tested with two devices on WLAN | | /sql/masterdetail | OK | - | | /opengl/cube | OK | - | | /opengl/hellogl_es2 | OK | - | | /opengl/textures | OK | - | | /linguist/arrowpad | OK | - | | /script/qstetrix | OK | needs external keyboard | | /script/calculator | OK | - | | /touch/pinchzoom | OK | - | | /touch/dials | OK | - | | /touch/knobs | OK | - | | /embedded/styleexample | OK | - | | /embedded/flickable | OK | - | | /embedded/lightmaps | OK | - | | /embedded/digiflip | OK | - | | /gui/rasterwindow | OK | - | | /gui/analogclock | OK | - | | /multimediawidgets/videowidget | OK | - | | /multimediawidgets/player | OK | - | | /qpa/windows | OK | - | | /svg/richtext/textobject | OK | - | | /qml/xmlhttprequest | OK | - | | /qml/referenceexamples/coercion | OK | - | | /qml/referenceexamples/properties | OK | - | | /declarative/toys/tvtennis | ~OK | Has some graphical issues | | /declarative/cppextensions/qgraphicslayouts/qgraphicsgridlayout | OK | - | | /declarative/cppextensions/qgraphicslayouts/qgraphicslinearlayout | OK | - | | /declarative/calculator | OK | - | | /declarative/samegame | OK | Add QT += sql to the .pro file, otherwise you will get a missing symbols error at run-time | | /declarative/photoviewer | OK | - | | /declarative/twitter | OK | - | | /declarative/snake | OK | - | | /declarative/modelviews/listview/sections | OK | - | | /declarative/modelviews/pathview | OK | - | | /declarative/modelviews/visualitemmodel | OK | - | | /declarative/modelviews/objectlistmodel | OK | - | | /declarative/modelviews/abstractitemmodel | OK | - | | /declarative/modelviews/stringlistmodel | OK | - | | /declarative/touchinteraction/pincharea | OK | - | | /declarative/touchinteraction/mousearea/mousearea-example | OK | - | | /declarative/text/fonts/availableFonts | OK | - | | /declarative/text/fonts/banner | OK | - | | /declarative/text/fonts/fonts | OK | - | | /declarative/text/fonts/hello | OK | - | | /declarative/text/textselection | OK | - | | /declarative/animation/basics/color-animation | OK | - | | /declarative/animation/basics/property-animation | OK | - | | /quick/customitems/maskedmousearea | OK | - | | /quick/demos/maroon | OK | - | | /quick/demos/calqlatr | OK | - | | /quick/particles/affectors | OK | - | | /quick/particles/customparticle | OK | - | | /quick/particles/emitters | OK | - | | /quick/particles/imageparticle | OK | - | | /quick/particles/system | OK | - | | /quick/touchinteraction | OK | - | | /quick/scenegraph/openglunderqml | OK | - | | /quick/scenegraph/simplematerial | OK | - | | /quick/scenegraph/textureinsgnode | OK | - | | /quick/scenegraph/textureinthread | OK | - | | /quick/scenegraph/customgeometry | OK | - | | /quick/textureprovider | OK | - | | /quick/imageelements | OK | - | | /quick/keyinteraction | OK | - | | /quick/controls/touch | OK | - | | /quick/text | OK | - | | /quick/animation | OK | - | | /quick/shadereffects | OK | - | | /quick/canvas | OK | - | | /multimedia/video/qmlvideo | OK | Fixed for 5.1.0 RC2 | | /multimedia/video/qmlvideofx | OK | Fixed for 5.1.0 RC2 | | /widgets/itemviews/interview | ~OK | - | | /widgets/itemviews/spreadsheet | OK | - | | /widgets/itemviews/pixelator | OK | - | | /widgets/graphicsview/weatheranchorlayout | OK | - | | /widgets/graphicsview/collidingmice | OK | - | | /widgets/graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts | OK | - | | /widgets/graphicsview/chip | OK | - | | /widgets/graphicsview/dragdroprobot | OK | - | | /widgets/dialogs/classwizard | OK | - | | /widgets/animation/animatedtiles | OK | - | | /widgets/layouts/basiclayouts | ~OK | Does not get the right size | | /widgets/mainwindows/application | ~OK | Does not exit on Back key | | /widgets/painting/affine | ~OK | Animation doesn't work | | /widgets/painting/imagecomposition | ~OK | Combobox | | /widgets/painting/basicdrawing | ~OK | Combobox | | /widgets/painting/deform | ~OK | Animation not working | | /widgets/painting/painterpaths | ~OK | Combobox | | /widgets/richtext/textedit | OK | - | | /widgets/widgets/stylesheet | ~OK | Combobox… | | /widgets/widgets/codeeditor | ~OK | Does not exit on Back button | | /widgets/widgets/windowflags | ~OK | all versions look the same, since there are no decorations | | /widgets/widgets/scribble | ~OK | Dialogs | | /widgets/widgets/shapedclock | ~OK | Not actually transparent | | /widgets/widgets/lineedits | ~OK | "Placeholder text" removed too late because of input method | | /widgets/widgets/calendarwidget | ~OK | Layout, Combobox | | /widgets/tools/completer | ~OK | Combobox, update problems | | /widgets/tools/i18n | ~OK | Multiple windows | | /widgets/tools/codecs | ~OK | dialogs, does not exit on Back button | | /network/bearermonitor | ~OK | layout | | /touch/fingerpaint | ~OK | Bad performance on Nexus 10, does not exit properly (message box) | | /embedded/raycasting | ~OK | Needs external keyboard; Doesn't exit on Back | | /svg/embedded/desktopservices | ~OK | PicturesLocation and MusicLocation not implemented | | /qml/referenceexamples/grouped | ~OK | QtQuck module needs to be added manually | | /qml/referenceexamples/methods | ~OK | QtQuick module need to be added manually | | /qml/referenceexamples/signal | ~OK | QtQuick module need to be added manually | | /qml/referenceexamples/attached | ~OK | QtQuick module need to be added manually | | /declarative/modelviews/gridview | ~OK | Only worked with keyboard navigation | | /declarative/touchinteraction/gestures/experimental-gestures | ~OK | Starts | | /quick/window | ~OK | - | | /widgets/itemviews/addressbook | ~OK | Does not exit when using the back key. | | /widgets/graphicsview/embeddeddialogs | ~OK | Comboboxes | | /widgets/graphicsview/diagramscene | ~OK | Comboboxes | | /widgets/graphicsview/elasticnodes | ~OK | Not easy to interact with | | /widgets/graphicsview/simpleanchorlayout | OK | - |
h2. Examples that don't work
{background:#009900}. |. Example |. Status |. Comment | | /script/customclass | No | console app | | /qml/networkaccessmanagerfactory | No | Seems to have some problem with paths/assets | | /qml/shell | No | - | | /declarative/toys/dynamicscene | No | QTBUG-30352 / QTBUG-30510 (bug is marked as resolved…) | | /declarative/toys/corkboards | No | QTBUG-30352 / QTBUG-30510 (bug is marked as resolved…) | | /declarative/toys/clocks | No | QTBUG-30352 / QTBUG-30510 (bug is marked as resolved…) | | /declarative/toys/tic-tac-toe | No | QTBUG-30352 / QTBUG-30510 (bug is marked as resolved…) | | /declarative/cppextensions/networkaccessmanagerfactory | No | Seems to have some problem with paths/assets | | /declarative/flickr | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/minehunt | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/modelviews/parallax | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/modelviews/listview/dynamiclist | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/modelviews/listview/expandingdelegates | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/modelviews/listview/highlight | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/modelviews/listview/highlightranges | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/modelviews/package | No | Name | | /declarative/ui-components/main | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/ui-components/scrollbar | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/ui-components/flipable | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/ui-components/progressbar | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/ui-components/dialcontrol | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/ui-components/searchbox | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/ui-components/slideswitch | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/ui-components/spinner | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/ui-components/tabwidget | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/positioners | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/keyinteraction/focus | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/animation/behaviors/behavior-example | No | problems loading files from asset | | /declarative/animation/behaviors/wigglytext | No | Works with modifications. Using wrong qml file… | | /declarative/animation/easing | No | problems loading files from asset | | /quick/demos/tweetsearch | No | Needs xmlpatterns | | /quick/demos/samegame | No | Needs sql | | /quick/dialogs/colorandfiledialogs | No | Start but locks up when a dialog is shown | | /quick/controls/gallery | No | Starts but crash when changing tabs | | /quick/controls/text | No | Unstable, e.g., when clicking open button. | | /widgets/itemviews/puzzle | No | Graphical artifacts | | /widgets/graphicsview/padnavigator | No | - | | /widgets/graphicsview/boxes | No | Desktop GL | | /widgets/graphicsview/flowlayout | No | Partially working, no text | | /widgets/graphicsview/anchorlayout | No | Partially working, no text | | /widgets/widgets/styles | No | Windows style not available on Android | | /widgets/windowcontainer | No | OpenGL subwindow | | /network/securesocketclient | No | Does not build: no SSL support | | /opengl/framebufferobject2 | No | requires desktop GL | | /opengl/pbuffers | No | requires desktop GL | | /opengl/pbuffers2 | No | requires desktop GL | | /opengl/hellogl_es | No | GLES 1.1 not supported | | /opengl/overpainting | No | requires desktop GL | | /opengl/2dpainting | No | Name starts with digit | | /opengl/samplebuffers | No | requires desktop GL | | /opengl/hellogl | No | requires desktop GL | | /opengl/grabber | No | requires desktop GL | | /opengl/hellowindow | No | Multiple GL windows not supported | | /webkitwidgets | No | Not supported in this version | | /gui/openglwindow | No | does not support createPlatformOpenGLContext | | /multimediawidgets/camera | No | Not supported in this version | | /multimediawidgets/declarative-camera | No | Not supported in this version | | /widgets/animation/sub-attaq | No | - | | /widgets/animation/states | Wrong | Layout problems | | /widgets/animation/easing | Wrong | Painting problems | | /widgets/mainwindows/sdi | Wrong | Multiple windows not supported | | /widgets/painting/composition | Wrong | Crashes if animation enabled | | /widgets/richtext/orderform | Wrong | Dialogs | | /widgets/widgets/icons | Wrong | images not deployed | | /widgets/tools/undoframework | Wrong | - | | /widgets/tools/settingseditor | Wrong | Multiple windows, no settings | | /widgets/scroller/graphicsview/anchorlayout | Wrong | Text not shown | | /network/http | Wrong | messagebox | | /sql/drilldown | Wrong | Multiple windows | | /threads/mandelbrot | Wrong | User interface not optimized for touch | | /help/contextsensitivehelp | Wrong | help text not installed | | /embedded/flightinfo | Wrong | - |