Qt Webkit HTML5 Score

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—————- to be formatted

This is just to track support of Qt Webkit for HTML5. These are the ratings generating using html5test [html5test.com] and on Qt Webkit 2.0.x

SCORE out of 400

Total Score is 212
And Bonus Points: 2

Parsing rules

Score: 1/11

<!DOCTYPE html> triggers standards mode Yes ✔
HTML5 tokenizer No ✘
HTML5 tree building No ✘
HTML5 defines rules for embedding SVG and MathML inside a regular HTML document. Support for SVG and MathML is not required though, so bonus points are awarded if your browser supports embedding these two technologies.
SVG in text/html No ✘
MathML in text/html No ✘


Score: 20/20

canvas element Yes ✔
2D context Yes ✔
Text Yes ✔


Score: 21/31

video element Yes ✔
Subtitle support No ✘
Poster image support Yes ✔
The following tests go beyond the requirements of the HTML5 specification and are not counted towards the total score. If a browser supports one or more video codecs, two bonus points are awarded for each codec.
MPEG-4 support No ✘
H.264 support No ✘
Ogg Theora support No ✘
WebM support No ✘


Score: 2 bonus points: 20

audio element Yes ✔
The following tests go beyond the requirements of the HTML5 specification and are not counted towards the total score. If a browser supports one or more audio codecs, one bonus point is awarded for each codec.
PCM audio support Yes ✔
MP3 support Yes ✔
AAC support No ✘
Ogg Vorbis support No ✘
WebM support No ✘


Score: 24/38

Embedding custom non-visible data No ✘
New or modified elements
Section elements Yes ✔
Grouping content elements No ✘
Text-level semantic elements Partial ○
Interactive elements Partial ○
Global attributes or methods
hidden attribute No ✘
contenteditable attribute Yes ✔
Dynamic markup insertion Yes ✔


Score: 31/90

Field types
input type=search Yes ✔
input type=tel Yes ✔
input type=url Yes ✔
input type=email Yes ✔
input type=datetime Partial ○
input type=date Partial ○
input type=month Partial ○
input type=week Partial ○
input type=time Partial ○
input type=datetime-local Partial ○
input type=number Partial ○
input type=range Yes ✔
input type=color Partial ○
input type=checkbox Yes ✔
select No ✘
fieldset No ✘
datalist Partial ○
keygen Partial ○
output No ✘
progress No ✘
meter No ✘


Field validation Yes ✔
Association of controls and forms Partial ○
Other attributes Partial ○
CSS selectors Partial ○
Events Yes ✔


Form validation Yes ✔
Events No ✘

User interaction

Score: 15/15

Drag and drop Yes ✔
Session history Yes ✔


Score: 0/15

Microdata No ✘

Web applications

Score: 19

Application Cache Yes ✔
Custom scheme handlers Yes ✔
Custom content handlers Yes ✔


Score: 5/10

Sandboxed iframe Yes ✔
Seamless iframe No ✘

Related specifications


Score: 0/15

Geolocation No ✘


Score: 0/15

3D context No ✘


Score: 25/25

Cross-document messaging Yes ✔
Server-Sent Events Yes ✔
Both Mozilla and Opera do support the WebSocket protocol in their latest browsers, but have disabled it due to a fundamental security issue with the protocol. Once the protocol has been updated it is expected they will re-enable this feature.
WebSocket Yes ✔


Score: 0/20

FileReader API No ✘
FileWriter API No ✘


Score: 15/20

Session Storage Yes ✔
Local Storage Yes ✔
IndexedDB No ✘
The Web SQL Database specification is no longer being updated and has been replaced by IndexedDB. Because at least 3 vendors have shipped implementations of this specification we still include it in this test.
Web SQL Database Yes ✔


Score: 10/10

Web Workers Yes ✔

Local devices

Score: 0/20

device element No ✘


Score: 6/6

Text selection Yes ✔
Scroll into view Yes ✔
