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Touch and Gestures
mouse and touch
- Qt Quick: handle actual touch events instead of synthetic mouse events when possible (work in progress)
- propagating events without consuming them
- hover events: if one MouseArea contains another, they both should see hover when it happens
- OSX: enabling gestures means we eat hover events in PinchArea
- dragging stuff with touch is not as smooth as flicking is
- synthesize interpolated touch events per-frame?
- then we need a means to turn it on/off
- should every event contain velocity?
- use platform timestamps when possible/available
the transfer-of-touch problem
- touch a control like a ComboBox, a window pops up, then drag to select an item
- drag in one Flickable and continue dragging in another (in the same window)
- reemit(event, targetItem);
- similar to keys forwardTo
- idea: MouseArea { priority: 2 }
system gestures
- no more gesture framework
- could recognize only one gesture at a time
- too many bugs
- OSX and Windows 8.x can give us native flick/scroll and pinch
- qtquick needs to support them
- Note though that on Windows, gestures will suppress touch events
- still have to solve the issue of choosing, or being able to get both gestures and touch somehow
- could receive one type of event first, accept/reject, then the other type will come
- TouchCancel is intended as notification that touch started but the effects should be un-done
- sometimes difficult….