Vendor Packages of Qt Creator
The following vendors provide native packages of Qt Creator to fit their platform. Those packages usually deliver a better integration experience than the generic Qt Software packages. If you encounter problems with Qt Creator, especially if the problem seems packaging-related, please contact the vendor first.
Debian oldtable (aka “Squeeze”): Qt Creator 1.3.1
Debian stable (aka “Wheezy”): Qt Creator 2.5.0
Debian testing (aka “Jessie”): Qt Creator 2.7.0
Debian unstable (aka “Sid”): Qt Creator 2.8.1
Download: Via packaging system. Shipped by default (qtcreator package).
Ubuntu 10.04 “Lucid Lynx”: Qt Creator 1.3.1
Ubuntu 12.04 “Precise Pangolin”: Qt Creator 2.4.1
Ubuntu 12.10 “Quantal Quetzal”: Qt Creator 2.5.2
Ubuntu 13.04 “Raring Ringtail”: Qt Creator 2.7.0
Ubuntu 13.10 “Saucy Salamander”: Qt Creator 2.7.1
Download: Via packaging system. Shipped by default (qtcreator package).
openSUSE 12.3: Qt Creator 2.6.2
Download []
2011: Qt Creator 2.5.2
Download: Via packaging system. Shipped by default.
Arch Linux
Qt Creator 2.8.1 available from the “community” repository
“Package description“
Fedora 21: Qt Creator 3.3.0
Download: Via packaging system (package qt-creator)