Rethinking serialization for Qt6
Arnaud Clère
Serialization is an old problem, still, we keep writing code to serialize C++ data in specific ways again and again. With Qt5 for instance, you may have to code: QDebug << to debug it, QDataStream << and >> to marshal it to another Qt application, use QSettings to make it persistent, QJson* or QXml* to convey it on the web, QCbor* for the IoT, and QAbstractModelItem for the DB/GUI. Even though such code needs to be customized here and there, it is mostly boilerplate code. So, can we make this simpler for Qt6?
Indeed, I will present a solution that enables to read/write C++ data from/to any of those APIs by defining a single function which can be easily customized to specific needs. Its runtime overhead being almost negligible, I will go on talking about many data formats from QDataStream to XML since that is where the actual performance/safety/interoperability tradeoffs are made. That should trigger an interesting discussion on the tradeoffs made by the only broadly implemented serialization for Qt types: QDataStream.
Finally, I hope to trigger enough interest from the community to review and polish this proposal, and to enable more serialization choices for most Qt6 types.
Slides presentation
- Json API is based on Cbor since a couple of weeks
- Serializing Qt data
- QValue/QValueStatus as an interface for serializing data,
using: .record(), .bind() (with recursion inclued)
- Use reflections for getting the information related to the meta-object
- What is the proposal for Qt6?
* Patch on Gerrit. * Is this valuable? * Start enabling CBorStreamWriter with te value() method, to provide the QValue interface. * Flexibility and Safety are the base on this approach.
- What about performance?
* Not much, there was tests with constexpr, but it was OK
- Is this Meta Data Format?
* Yes, the idea is to provide flexibility.
- Does it need to be runtime? What about compile time?
- What is you break up the patch?
* The idea could be to include this step-by-step.
- Boost serialization has a similar idea in place, what about it?
* Worth comparing it. * Archive type provide some info. * Less flexibility to provide some data types, like XML.
- protobuf could be a better solution.
* QDataStream, code is the schema. * Move problem to another side, code to an external file. that still need to be managed on a central way. * What about the provisions that are provided? * There are protocols that handle version schemas.
- In Cbor, you habe additional checks for the data (protobuf doesn't)
- Tradeoff between performance, safety.