Online Installer 4.x

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Qt Installer and Maintenance Tool 4.0 has a new command line interface. With command line interface you can install, uninstall and update components and perform a full uninstall. You can also list installed components, search updatable components which has an update, and search which components are available for install. Use command <installer_executable> --help to study the commands and options available. For example doing an default install, which installs for all components marked as 'Default' and 'ForcedInstalation' the command would be: 'installer.exe install --root C:\Qt\MyQtInstall'

Installing unattended with CLI

There are several options which can be given to installer to perform full unattended installation. For example license and opensource oblications acceptanceies:

--accept-licenses -> Accepts all licenses without user input.

--accept-obligations -> Accepts Qt Open Source usage obligations without user input.

Also there are queries which require user input can ask you a question from command line. In case you don't want to type them you can give the answer as an option to installer. Simpliest way is to use:


which will automatically select the default answer for the messages. In case you want different answers to certain queries to influence to the answers, you can use --auto-answer <identifier=value>, for example

--auto-answer telemetry-question=Yes,AssociateCommonFiletypes=Yes

There might be also a case where that the installer asks for you a file or a folder location. --file-query <identifier=value> can be used in that case, for example for SDP7 path:

--file-query PathForSDP7=<path_to_sdp>

The identifiers are printed into console before the actual question and message type so you can pick up the identifiers from there.

Qt Installer and MaintenanceTool still hasve a forced login. If qtaccount.ini is found from cache that will be used. Optionally you can login either from command line using switches

--email <your_email>

--pw <your_pw>

or save jwt token to env variable QT_INSTALLER_JWT_TOKEN

Example commands and options for Qt Installer

Here is an example which allows installing Qt without user input:

installer(.exe) install --root C:\Qt\MyQt --auto-answer telemetry-question=Yes,AssociateCommonFiletypes=Yes --default-answer --accept-licenses --accept-obligations --file-query PathForSDP7=<path_to_sdp> --email <your_email --pw <your_pw>