Meeting Minutes
Weekly call meeting minutes
Thursday, 08.03.2012h3.
Participants: CP, GR, JZ, BW, MS, BS, SD, HF
# go-through task list, status and questions (for details see subpages of task list)
' GR: QMH packaging; Qt4 ok; Qt5 cross-compilation not working (see wiki)
' JZ:
'* Matinee skin (video playback, live video preview)
* removed VNC plugin
* should we also remove all other plugins (create a lot of warnings) or wait until after alpha? Ask Samuel and/or Jorgen about their plans/opinion on dev mailing list (HF)
* start playing aroung with new SDK for BRCM 7425; Qt5/MIPS was broken again
* problems with RPi and sysroot: absolute paths instead or relative paths used; wait for talking to DC to get knowledge about his changes, eventually approach RPi foundation to get them make changes
* mkspecs: toolchain and sysroot info should go to configure; everything else stays in mkspecs (manual edit)
BW: internal project; QMH media streaming done; improve N9 remote control
* should be avahi used? no avahi
MS: stb customer support ongoing; bugfix for Qt 4.7/4.8 for directfb plugin for QWS available; to be contributed
' SD: Make QMH run on BRCM 7425 for CCBN show; some problems with multi process
' BS: make QMH running for CCBN show (Trident)
' DC (by GR): cleaning up Qt 5 compilation stuff
# Qt 5 alpha E03; idea: have Qt 5 running on all boards and packaging available until 28.03.2012
# decision: keep engineering mailing list as is; check if all people are in;
# internal project is approaching; no details known
# task list: no new items should be added to the task list without going through Thursday call; approached from KA should be pushed back and/or go to CP; more detailing tasks of a high-level task are ok; new items put to ideas table
Action Items
- HF: ask Samuel and/or Jorgen about their plans/opinion on unmaintained plugins on dev mailing list
- MS: wish for mailing list including KA (GR)
Thursday, 01.03.2012
Participants: CP, GR, AD, JZ, BW, TS, MS, BS, SD, LH
# go-through task list, status and questions (for details see subpages of task list)
' GR: QMH packaging
' MS: stb customer support
' TS: OpenMax
' JZ: linux input and Matinee skin
' BW: internal project and media streaming
' AD: discussed new task item [GENIVI] Review Qt API for GENIVI
' BS: prepare ST7108/7105/7450 for CCBN show (QMH, problems: multimedia playback)
' SD: prepare BRCM 7425 for CCBN show (QMH)
' LH: preparing customer meeting
# decision: make meeting minutes public on wiki
# decision: keep logbook on sub task page, even, if it might also fit to other tasks
# have the team updated (at least) estimated time and status in task list on QtEcosystemTeamTasklist
Action Items
- GR: QMH: remove Orca skin
- MS: make meeting minutes public on wiki
Thursday, 16.02.2012
Participants: CP, GR, AW, JZ, BW, MS, JS
- kick-off technical tracks
- prepare presentations for tracks
- summary for Thursday needed
- focus on Qt external ecosystem (confirmation from Richard)
- changes in task list (see QtEcosystemTeamTasklist)
- removal of app development stuff
- addition of HTML5 skin to task list
- removal on Qt5 on N9 from task list
- discussion about removal
- solution: leave Qt5 on N9 on task list and discuss during kick-off; review task list during kick-off (Thursday morning)
- changes in task list (see QtEcosystemTeamTasklist)
- why are we doing the Qt on Pi project?
- goals unclear for engineering team
- lots of questions: why build a linux distro? who will do that? what should the engineering team do?
- discuss it with Rajiv during kick-off: move session Qt on Pi from Thursday to Wednesday
- walk-through everybody's working tasks
- JZ: keyboard input
- MS: stb customer support
- BW: internal project
- HF: white papers and NDS bugs
- GR: customer meetings (NagraVision, Broadcom)
- Qt contributions
- discussion about how to provide contributions on a regular basis to Chuck
- search in gerrit
- add names to search query
- provide link in wiki to saved search query, if possible
- high level description in wiki + list of contributions
- agreed solution: add manually high level description (like keyboard input) to a wiki page and add links to the actual contributions
- discussion about how to provide contributions on a regular basis to Chuck
Action Items
- get access for Holger to Nokia wiki
- create wiki page for contributions
- RG: ask Rajiv about Qt on Pi project