Building Qt Creator from Git
Getting the source code
Qt Creator is open source. The arguably most convenient way to get the Qt Creator sources is with Git.
To get Qt Creator source code from git, you need first to install a git client.
If you have the git command client installed, you can then check out the sources from a terminal:
git clone --recursive
This will check out the latest development version of Qt Creator in a qt-creator directory. If you are interested in using other branches of the Qt Creator repository, please see the Qt Creator section at Branch Guidelines.
Building Qt Creator
Follow the Compiling Qt Creator section in You can find the file also in the local qt-creator directory.
Ubuntu Linux 22.04
For building Qt Creator from Git on Ubuntu 22.04 have a look at the following page.
Fedora 38
For building Qt Creator from Git on Fedora 38 have a look at the following page.