Qt Terms and Concepts

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Here you can find definitions for the terms and concepts used in Qt.

Qt names

Here you can find names of Qt tools and solutions. In documentation, use QDoc macros for them, to apply any changes automatically. You can find a list of macros here: QDoc Manual: Product Names

Name Description Do not use Macro Status
Android Deploy Qt (androiddeployqt) This tool automates the Qt application deployment on Android. ?
CMake CMake is a tool to simplify the build process for development projects across different platforms. It automatically generates build systems, such as Makefiles and Visual Studio project files. ?
D-Bus Viewer Introspection tool for D-Bus objects and messages. ?
makeqpf A tool to generate pre-rendered fonts for embedded Linux. ?
Meta-Object Compiler (moc) Generates meta-object information for QObject subclasses. ?
On-device Deployment and Debugging On-device debugging and deployment of Qt applications via Qt Creator. ?
Python Shiboken Wizard A binding generator tool for exposing C++ projects to Python. ?
qmake Qt's build automation tool that simplifies the build process across different platforms. Note! Although qmake is still supported, the official build tool for Qt is CMake, and we recommend developers to use CMake in new projects. ?
qmlformat A tool for automatically formatting the QML files in accordance with the QML Coding Conventions. ?
qmllint A tool for verifying the syntax validity of QML files. ?
QMLLive Provides a live reloader environment for rapid development of Qt Quick applications, dramatically reducing the time it takes to deploy and test changes in the UI design. ?
QML Language Server Helps you edit QML code in your favorite LSP (Language Server Protocol) compatible editor. \QMLLS
QML Profiler Enables you to get the necessary diagnostic information, allowing you to analyze the application code for performance issues. ?
QML Runtime A utility to load and display QML documents. ?
Qt Assistant A tool for viewing Qt documentation. \QA
Qt Configuration Tool (qtconfig-gui) A tool for providing features and tools for creating and building smaller Qt binaries. ?
Qt Core Core non-graphical classes used by other modules. ?
Qt Creator A cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE) for application developers to create applications for multiple desktop, embedded, and mobile device platforms. \QC (TBA)
QDB A tool for controlling Boot2Qt devices. ?
Qt D-Bus XML compiler (qdbusxml2cpp) Converts D-Bus interface descriptions to C++ source code. ?
Qt Designer A tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using Qt Widgets. \QD
Qt Design Studio A UI design and development environment for creating animated user interfaces. \QDS
Qt Digital Advertising All-in-one development solution to monetise digital ads on embedded screens/mobile/desktop adds. ?
Qt Distance Field Generator Generates distance fields to improve load times of text-heavy Qt Quick user interfaces. ?
QDoc A tool used by Qt Developers to generate documentation for software projects. ?
Qt GUI Base classes for graphical user interface components. Includes OpenGL. ?
Qt Installer Framework Provides a set of tools and utilities to create installers for the supported desktop platforms. \IFW (TBA)
Qt Linguist A set of tools for translating Qt C++ and Qt Quick applications into local languages. \QL
Qt Multimedia Classes for audio, video, and camera functionality. ?
Qt Multimedia Widgets Qt Multimedia sub-module, containing widget-based classes for implementing multimedia functionality. ?
Qt Network Classes to make network programming easier and more portable. ?
Qt QML Classes for QML and JavaScript languages.,All,All,C++ ?
Qt Quick Compiler Runs QML at a speed close to native with a QML Script and QML type compiler. The former compiles functions and expressions in QML files into C++ classes. The latter compiles QML objects structures into C++ classes. ?
Qt Quick Compiler Extensions Decreases the refactoring effort to improve the coverage of compilation. Up to 30% speed-up can be achieved in the startup and execution over time. ?
Qt D-Bus Classes for inter-process communication over the D-Bus protocol. ?
Qt Quick A declarative framework for building highly dynamic applications with custom user interfaces. ?
Qt Quick Controls Provides lightweight QML types for creating performant user interfaces for desktop, embedded, and mobile devices. These types employ a simple styling architecture and are very efficient. ?
Qt Quick Dialogs Types for creating and interacting with system dialogs from a Qt Quick application. ?
Qt Quick Effect Maker A standalone tool for creating high-performance shader effects for Qt Quick. Provides both a node and code editor to maximize productivity. \QQEM (TBA)
Qt Quick Layouts Layouts are items that are used to arrange Qt Quick 2 based items in the user interface. ?
Qt Quick Test A unit test framework for QML applications, where the test cases are written as JavaScript functions. ?
Qt Quick Ultralight Compiler Compiles QML files and graphical resources into C++ classes optimized for resources-constrained target platforms such as MCUs. ?
Qt Quick Ultralight Project Exporter Exports Qt Quick Ultralight projects to project files for embedded IDEs such as Green Hills MULTI or IAR Embedded Workbench. ?
Qt Shader Tools Tools for the cross-platform Qt shader pipeline that enable processing graphics and compute shaders to make them usable for Qt Quick and other components in the Qt ecosystem. ?
Qt Test Classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries. ?
Qt Visual Studio Tools Integrates the Qt development tools into Microsoft Visual Studio. ?
Qt Widgets Classes to extend Qt GUI with C++ widgets. ?
Resource Compiler (rcc) Embeds resources into Qt applications during the build process. ?
Tools for Active Qt Enables Qt integration with the ActiveX components. Includes Interface Description Compiler (IDC), dumpcpp, and dumpdoc tools. ?
User Interface Compiler (uic) Generates C++ code from user interface files. ?
Windows Deploy Qt (windowdeployqt) This tool automates the Qt application deployment on Windows. ?

Qt technical terms

Here you can find terms that were coined for Qt. For general terms, follow the Microsoft Style Guide.

Name Description Do not use Macro Status

Terms under work

Not sure which term to pick? Did you check the Microsoft Style Guide? If you can not find it there, add it here, so we can decide together.

Name Description Do not use Macro Status