Qt Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
Starting with Qt 6.8, when building Qt, the build system can generate and install an SBOM in the SPDX 2.3 format.
A SPDX SBOM document contains the following kinds of information: installed files checksums, copyrights, licenses, dependency versions, urls, git commits, etc.
Each built repository (qtbase, qtsvg) will install a separate SPDX document, e.g. $qt_prefix/sbom/qtbase-6.8.0.spdx, qsvg-6.8.0.spdx, etc.
To generate and install an SBOM, pass -sbom to configure. The argument needs to be passed to each separately configured repository.
$ ../qtbase-source-dir/configure -prefix /opt/qt6 -sbom
$ /opt/qt6/bin/qt-configure-module ../qtsvg -sbom
Mapping of SPDX concepts to CMake
The general structure of a SPDX document is the following:
- a document contains document metadata and packages
- a package contains package metadata and files
- a file contains file metadata
- a package can have various kinds of relationships to other packages
- a package can depend on another package either in the current document or in a referenced external document
- a file can have various kind of relationships to other files
In Qt's build system, we have multiple 'entity' types that map to a SPDX package:
- qt module (Gui)
- qt plugin (platform plugin)
- qt tool (moc)
- qt app (Designer)
- 3rd party bundled code (pcre)
- system library dependencies (openssl)
Each of these can then have zero or more SPDX file references.
In a -debug-and-release build there would be a libQt6Gui.dll and libQt6Gui_debug.dll file.
For system libraries, there are no file references, because a SPDX document can only refer to an installed file.
Because system libraries are usually looked up each time a project is configured, the path would always be different, so we can't record such file metadata.
Almost all SPDX packages are backed by a cmake target.
Maintainer Knowledge
As a Qt maintainer, there are a few things you should know and take care of.
The licensing of the qt modules, plugins, tools, apps.
The default license of qt modules is LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only. And for tools and apps it is usually LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
If that is not the case for the repo you are maintaining, make sure to explicitly specify a different license either per target, or per subdirectory, or per repo.
To do it per target, specify the LICENSE_EXPRESSION option to qt_internal_add_module / plugin / tool / extend_target with a value that _qt_internal_sbom_get_spdx_license_expression understands.
To do it per subdirectory or repo, set the QT_SBOM_DEFAULT_QT_LICENSE_ID_LIBRARIES and QT_SBOM_DEFAULT_QT_LICENSE_ID_EXECUTABLES variables to one of the values that _qt_internal_sbom_get_spdx_license_expression understands. Example: