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Obtaining the system image

Option 1

Build your own system image and SDK using Yocto [1].

  • Use a Linux host. I was not able to complete a build with WSL due to various errors occurring during build. These could be memory or disk space related, but I don't know.
  • Have at least 64 GB of RAM.
  • Errors fetching data during bitbake process seems normal. Just restart the bitbake process. You may have to delete bitbake.lock to get things going again.
mkdir ~/Projects/qt-yocto
cd ~/Projects/qt-yocto
repo init -u git:// -m 6.8.xml
repo sync
export MACHINE=raspberrypi4-64
bitbake meta-b2qt-embedded-qbsp

The bitbake output is a Qt board support package (BSP) that can be installed with the Qt Maintenance tool. It is located at build-raspberrypi4-64/tmp/deploy/qbsp/meta-b2qt-embedded-qbsp-x86_64-raspberrypi4-64-6.8.0.qbsp

Note that building Qt WebEngine requires a lot of RAM. Consider disabling this module by adding DISTRO_FEATURES:remove = "webengine" to build-raspberrypi4-64/conf/local.conf

Remember to extend flash memory card space after flashing (done on device):

parted -s /dev/mmcblk0 resizepart 2 100%
resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2