QtCS2024 Qt on Windows

From Qt Wiki
Revision as of 08:11, 5 September 2024 by Wladimir Leuschner (talk | contribs) (Session Summary)
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Session Summary

The native look of UI elements have changed their appearance starting with Windows 11. Since Qt 6.7 the UI changes were incoorperated into QtWidgets with a new QWindows11Style. This presentation will give a brief introduction into the style and about recent developments with a glimpse on what comes next for Qt on Windows.

  • Windows 11 Style for QtWidgets
  • Custom Titlebars
  • Refactoring COM to winRT
  • Windows on ARM
  • Transparency effects
  • Windows packaging
  • .Net with Qt
  • Windows App SDK integration

Session Owners

Wladimir Leuschner (wladimir.leuschner@qt.io)
