QtCS2024 QtGraphs

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Revision as of 06:40, 6 September 2024 by TomiKorpipaa (talk | contribs) (→‎Notes)
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Session Summary

A look into what has changed since QtGraphs TP and QtDataVisualization in the 3D offering of QtGraphs.

This session will not go into the 2D offering at all.

Session Owners

Tomi Korpipää


  • Due to limitations on QtQuick3D, surface does not support transparency yet
  • While integrating Quick3D scenes to Graphs3D is supported, integrating Graphs3D into View3D is in To-Do list
  • Performance on rapidly changing axis?
    • Not measured systematically, but we do have manual tests that cover this.
  • Graph data input from files?
    • Can be found on performance data example, and there are plans to offer an API in QtGraphs itself.
  • Works with python?
    • Yes
  • Volumetric support
    • Yes
  • Programmatic gradient supported for volumetric data?
    • No, gradients have to be in the volumetric data itself

