Code Examples Sensors API
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This page points to and provides quick overviews of existing code examples using the "Sensors API":, one of the suite of Qt Mobilty APIs.
Fall detector
The "Fall Detector example": from Forum Nokia uses the accelerometer in a mobile device to detect if the user has fallen, then uses the
- "Location API": to get the user's location
- the "Contacts API": to store and access an email address to be notified in the event of a fall
- and the "Messaging API ": to send an email notification with photo attachment.
Fall Dector Screen Shot
Here's the code snippet for the fall detector using the Sensors API:
#include <QAccelerometer&gt;
// Neccessary for Qt Mobility API usage<br />QTM_USE_NAMESPACE
class AccelerationInfo : public QObject, public QAccelerometerFilter<br />{<br /> Q_OBJECT
AccelerationInfo(QObject* parent = 0) : QObject(parent)<br /> {<br /> m_sensor = new QAccelerometer(this);<br /> m_sensor->addFilter(this);<br /> m_sensor->start();<br /> }
private slots:
// Override of QAcclerometerFilter::filter(QAccelerometerReading*)<br /> void filter(QAccelerometerReading* reading)<br /> {<br /> qreal x = reading->x();<br /> qreal y = reading->y();<br /> qreal z = reading->z();
// Process acceleration sensor readings …
qDebug("Current device acceleration: x=%f y=%f z=%f&quot;, x, y, z);<br /> }
QAccelerometer* m_sensor;<br />};
Use accelerometer to control an Open GL-ES 3D model
This sensors tutorial from "Mobile Qt-Entwicklung": (Mobile Qt Development) shows the accelerometer in an N900 manipulating a 3D model created using Open GL. The "descriptive text is in German":, but all "the code is available in a downloadable package": and this "demo video": shows you how it works.
Here is the relevant accelerometer code:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget *parent) :
xRot = 0;
yRot = 0;
zRot = 0;
_rotationSensorAvailable = false;
_rotationSensor = new QtMobility::QAccelerometer(this);
if (!_rotationSensor->isAvailable()) {
qWarning("No acceleration sensor available!");
} else {
_rotationSensorAvailable = true;
_rotationSensor->setSignalEnabled(false); // we get the values from the sensor itself
_rotationSensor->setUpdateInterval(100); // as quickly as possible
QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this);
QObject::connect(timer, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (updateGL()));