QML orientation observer
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In one of my mobile QML applications, I need to know when the handset orientation changes. The runtime knows but it doesn't offer a signal to my code. Here is a QML hack that observes when orientation changes. It watches both height and width for changes. When they have both changed, it sets a boolean property to 'true'. This works on handsets because both height and width change when orientation changes. It probably won't work on a desktop because there it's easy to change one without the other.
/*<br /> Hack to observe changes in orientation from portrait to landscape in a Rectangle.
Observation: On handsets, both the width and the height of the<br /> Rectangle will change when orientation changes. There is no way to<br /> catch both changes at the same time, so we catch them individually<br /> and set corresponding bools so we can remember the events. When we<br /> observe that both flags are 'true', we determine the orientation<br /> and set both bools back to 'false'.<br />*/<br />property bool changeOfWidth: false<br />property bool changeOfHeight: false<br />property bool newOrientation: false
onWidthChanged: {changeOfWidth = true; newOrientation = (changeOfWidth && changeOfHeight)}<br />onHeightChanged: {changeOfHeight = true; newOrientation = (changeOfWidth && changeOfHeight)}
onNewOrientationChanged: {<br /> if (newOrientation) {<br /> changeOfWidth = false;<br /> changeOfHeight = false;
if (width > height) {<br /> // landscape<br /> console.log("landscape&quot;)<br /> } else {<br /> // portrait<br /> console.log("portrait&quot;)<br /> }<br /> }<br />}