How to catch enter key
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How to catch enter key events
There are many different situations where you can use the enter key, e.g. to start a search action. But implementing something like this is not that easy – Qt catches enter keys before you even get the event.
Fortunately, Qt allows to reimplement the general event catching method. You need a new class with a method like this:
That’s everything:
Now, we have to implement the method:
That was quiet fast – so here is a detailled explanation:
Key pressed?
First, we check if any key was pressed. If not, it is a event that has nothing to do with keys – and Qt should handle it:
We got a QEvent as a parameter. To read out which key was pressed, we need to convert the QEvent to a QKeyEvent:
Enter/Return or another key?
That’s it. Now we only have to check whether it was “our” enter key or another key we are not interested in:
Finally, we can install our event handler: