CMake Port/Porting Guide

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Porting Notes

General porting guide

There is a python script called in qtbase/cmake/utils.

It takes a .pro file as input, and generates a CMakeLists.txt file in the same folder. You need to have python3 installed and a few packages from pip (pyparsing, sympy) to use the script.


python3 qtbase/util/cmake/ qtbase/src/corelib/

The script does a good chunk of the conversion process for you, but you'll sometimes need to do manual fixes to the file. Make sure to mark those manual changes with a "# special case" marker. Example:

 bar.cpp # special case

This way when you re-run the script, you won't lose your manual modifications. You can also use block special case markers:

# special case begin
# special case end

There is also another script called which runs the first script recursively on all .pro files in the given folder. A good place to use it would be on the examples folder, or on the whole repository you are porting: Example:

python3 qtbase/util/cmake/ qtbase/examples
python3 qtbase/util/cmake/ qtsvg