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See also

  • ClangCodeModel plugin has class CXPrettyPrinter that prints clang-c types in JSON-like format. Use it to debug and feel free to improve this class.
  • Clang hacking notes

Clang bugs with known workarounds

  • Sometimes diagnostic message have one empty SourceRange, which breaks SourceLocation-based euristic. Example:
    <br />#include &lt;vector&amp;gt;
    int main()<br />{<br /> std::vector&amp;lt;&gt; a;<br /> return 0;<br />}<br />

    CXPrettyPrinter reports:
    <br />CXDiagnostic: {<br /> 'error: too few template arguments for class template 'vector''<br /> severity: Error<br /> location: {<br /> file: '/home/sergey/Документы/wip-clang/test_projects/objc_test/main.cpp',<br /> line: 5,<br /> column: 10<br /> }<br /> category: 'Semantic Issue';<br /> ranges: [<br /> {<br /> file: '',<br /> from: {0, 0},to: {0, 0}<br /> }<br /> ]<br /> children: [<br /> {<br /> 'note: template is declared here'<br /> severity: Note<br /> location: {<br /> file: '/usr/include/c+''/4.6/bits/stl_vector.h',<br /> line: 180,<br /> column: 11<br /> }<br /> category: 'Semantic Issue';<br /> ranges: [<br /> {<br /> file: '/usr/include/c/4.6/bits/stl_vector.h',<br /> from: {179, 3},to: {179, 65}<br /> }<br /> ]<br /> }<br /> ]<br />}<br />

h2. Clang bugs
Links to reported bugs will be attached in future
* inside lambda, clang doesn't include mutable (non-const) methods of current class even if 'this' was captured by lambda
See example, completion requested in point marked with '#' sign

<br />void UnitConsumer::visitChildren()<br />{<br /> visitChildren(cursor, [this](const CXCursor &amp;cursor, const CXCursor &amp; /*parent*/) {<br /> if (cursor.kind == CXCursor_FieldDecl) {<br /> #<br /> }<br /> });<br />}<br />

* Clang does not add virtual functions to proposals list

<br />class Base<br />{<br />public:<br /> virtual void overrideMe(int a);<br />};
<br />class Derived : public Base<br />{<br />public:<br /> void #<br />};<br />

* no way to differ method definition and call with qualifier: completion strings and contexts are the same in both cases:

<br />class Foo<br />{<br />public:<br /> void declarable(int a, float b);<br />};
<br />void Foo::declarable(int a, float b)<br />{<br /> if (a != 1)<br /> Foo::declarable(1, 2.0);<br />}<br />

Poor diagnostic for such code if C11 disabled

<br />enum class EnumScoped<br />{<br />};<br />

* clang does not add classes to completion proposals when completing 'foreach'
* when declaring variable, variable itself proposed with highest priority. It's error.

* Macro completions not added after class keyword

<br />class CLANG_EXPORT CodeCompletionResult<br />{<br />};<br />

* Wrong completions inside function-try-block in constructor:

<br />class Class<br />{<br /> int a;<br /> int '''c;<br />public:<br /> Class(int b) try : a(b), c(new int)<br /> {<br /> }<br /> catch ()<br /> {<br /> // no &quot;delete&amp;quot; proposed<br /> }<br />};<br />

Completion with nested names lookup not performed for comparison with enum value

<br /> if (lexer.tokenKind() == Token::LeftBrace) {<br /> }<br />

* Value types completions added where thay shouldn't be

<br />QStringList createClangOptions(CPlusPlus::ProjectFile::Kind language,<br /> CPlusPlus::ProjectPart::CXXExtensions extensions,<br /> CPlusPlus::ProjectPart::,<br /> CPlusPlus::ProjectPart::QtVersion qtVersion,<br /> const QList&amp;lt;QByteArray&amp;gt; &amp;defines,<br /> const QStringList &amp;includePaths,<br /> const QStringList &amp;frameworkPaths);<br />

* C+11 'override' pseudo-keyword breaks clang_annotateTokens()

<br />bool init() override;<br />
  • Poor completion context recognition in template params
    <br />std::vector&amp;lt;#&gt; myVector;<br />
  • Clang doesn't add Informative completion chunk to macro. It better to add macro definition text to informative.
    <br />#define MACRO std::min(left, right)
    // Completion proposal &quot;MACRO&amp;quot; doesn't have chunk of kind Informative with text &quot;std::min(left, right)&quot;<br />
  • Completion stops after asterisk:
    <br />ButtonsFactory '''ButtonsFactory::ms_instance = 0;<br />ButtonsFactory'''// completion requested here<br />