Delayed Animations

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Delayed Animations

Ever want the user to click something and then play out a series of delayed events? For example, opening a list and closing it again?

The following example starts with a red circle. When the user clicks on the circle, it animates in to a rectangle and triggers a timer. Once the timer triggers, it animates the rectangle back in to a circle again.

<br />import QtQuick 1.0

Rectangle {<br /> property int time: 800<br /> property int size: 300<br /> width: size; height: size; radius: size<br /> color: &quot;red&amp;quot;<br /> Behavior on radius { NumberAnimation { duration: time } }<br /> Timer {<br /> id: reset<br /> interval: time;<br /> onTriggered: parent.radius = size<br /> }

MouseArea {<br /> anchors.fill: parent<br /> onClicked: {<br /> parent.radius = 0;<br /> reset.start()<br /> }<br /> }<br />}<br />

Note that if you just wanted the animation to follow directly after the previous one you could use SequentialAnimation. This example is rather to show arbitrary delays in animations.