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Qt Local Groups

This is a stub discussed at the "marketing list":http://lists.qt.io/mailman/listinfo/marketing in the context of the Marketing priorities.

Meet everywhere

Face to face meetings and collaboration are unique and make a community stronger. There are Qt contributors, developers and users and other stakeholders in many locations worldwide. Let's meet!

What we have

  • Hundreds of people having expressed an intention to meet around the "Qt meetups":http://www.meetup.com/QtEverywhere/. The level of consolidation of those meetups differs strongly and there are other initiatives that for some reason grew apart like i.e. the "Qt Chapter Silicon Valley":http://www.meetup.com/QtChapterSiliconValley/.
  • Dozens of national level "groups at Qt DevNet":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/groups.
  • There is probably a lot more out there, disperse, in companies with professional Qt developers, KDE developers specializing in Qt…
  • For what is worth, there is also what is left from the "Local MeeGo Networks":http://wiki.meego.com/Local_MeeGo_Networks. Many of them with a clear interest in Qt related activities and a significant overlap with Qt groups.
  • Anything else?

What we could have

The concept of the "Local MeeGo Networks":http://wiki.meego.com/Local_MeeGo_Networks worked out quite well even in the complex context of the MeeGo project. Several groups were created and they actually met, mixing people from different fields with different interests. Countries with a certain density of local groups started seeing a structure at a regional level (e.g. "Finland":http://wiki.meego.com/Local_MeeGo_Networks/MeeGo_Network_Finland).

One idea would be to take that inspiration and start with a similar procedure, checking the current Qt meetups and MeeGo networks to build up a global structure. The Qt community has a long history and is in fact well articulated with developers, companies, non-profit organizations… There is a possibility of receiving a great response under the umbrella of the Qt Project and the possibilities of local empowerment and community organization that the open governance provides.