Qt5 dependencies

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If you want to compile Qt5 from source, please refer to "this":http://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_5_from_Git page.

When you download precompiled packages from "Downloads":http://qt.io/download page, installers will not install any dependencies for you. You need to install them yourself.


To get Qt 5 working here you'll first need build-essentials, which will give you the compilers you'll need(g+). Following that Qt 5 will need some graphics library stuff. Type the following code in the terminal to get the required dependencies respectively:

<br />sudo apt-get install build-essential<br />

By default, Qt also expects XCB and OpenGL drivers to be installed. Usually, many modern distros already do have those packages included by default. If you don't have other OpenGL drivers (supplied by graphics vendor, for example), you can use the mesa package:

<br />sudo apt-get install libx11-xcb-dev libglu1-mesa-dev<br />

h2. Windows
The MinGW package ships with a complete toolchain, including the MinGW compiler.
VS 2010
To compile code in this version you have to "download Visual C+ Express 2010&quot;:http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9709949. You won't actually use VC++ Express 2010 with Qt, it's just that we need the compiler that comes with it.

Mac OS X