Qt 5.3.1 Known Issues

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h1. Known Issues - Qt 5.3.1

All platforms

  • Installation over the existing installation not supported
    • QTIFW-278: SDK 5.1.0 rc1 : installation over existing installation fails
  • Examples in Qt Creator Welcome mode is empty
    • Workaround: Start Qt Creator with clean settings (e.g. for temporary testing: 'settingspath /some/temp/dir'

* Late change file updates missing from official packages
' Up-to-date change files here: https://wiki.qt.io/Change-files-in-Qt-5.3.1
* Qt Creator still shows 5.3.0 as Qt / Kit version number, although I updated
' QTBUG-39749: Qt Creator caches the Qt / Kit version names in your profile. Workaround is to nuke your local Qt Creator settings.
h2. Linux
* QTBUG-35516: example directory in binary package has wrong permissions (creating problems for global installations)
' Workaround: Fix permissions with 'chmod g+rx,o+rx 5.2.0/gcc_64/examples'
* QTBUG-39897: Packaged libQtWebKit fails to load: conflict between (system) libxml2 and shipped libicu
This can show up e.g. in crashes when trying to open Qt Creator's Help, Widget Designer, or Qt Assistant.
h2. Windows
* if you want to install a Qt for Visual Studio be sure you have the related Visual Studio installed
* Qt Creator does not support Windows XP.
' Workaround: Disable 'Welcome', 'QmlProfiler', QmlDesigner' plugins
* Qt Creator does require a working DirectX/DirectDraw backend
' Enable Accelerated 3D support if you run Windows in e.g. VirtualBox, VMWare
* QTBUG-32864: WMF plugin fails to load on Windows Vista (no service found for

    • Workaround: If you target Windows Vista, rebuild the plugin (qtmultimedia/src/plugins/wmf) using the Windows Vista SDK.
  • QTBUG-33788: Widgets in QGraphicsView via QGraphicsProxyWidget can't receive QTabletEvent

WinRT / Windows Phone

  • If you want to install Qt for Windows RT or Phone, please have also the according Visual Studio installed (Visual Studio for Windows, Visual Studio for Windows Phone)
  • Note that not all mobile related modules are supported (e.g. Geopositioning, bluetooth, etc)
  • Even though Qt Cloud Services are part of the package, they are not supported yet.
  • Qt Quick Controls might have some wrong behaviors.
  • Automatic kit registration wrongly sets up WinRT target as local desktop target. This is related to the WinRT plugin not enabled by default. Please open Help->About Plugins, enable WinRT and restart Qt Creator

Mac OS X

  • QTBUG-31724: can’t debug into qt libs on Mac (it hasn’t worked since 5.0.0)
    • Workaround: Compile Qt on your own (configure -developer-build provides both release and debug libs)
  • QTBUG-35211: Apps using Qt WebKit 2.0 are not deployable on Mac OS X (QtWebProcess fails to deploy/start)
  • QTBUG-35317: Qt Quick1 apps that use Qt WebKit 1.0 fail to deploy on Mac OS X
  • QTBUG-35506: Qt Quick Controls applications launched using qmlscene might not display the menubar until they lose and regain focus
  • QTBUG-38835: REG: QtQuick.Dialogs.FontDialog doesn't display on iOS and OS X. workaround: "FontDialog: restore the font and weight list on iOS and OSX":https://codereview.qt.io/85057 . Will be fixed in stable: "Fix interaction of garbage collector with JS objects during QML type instantiation":https://codereview.qt.io/85410


See "Qt for Android known issues"


See "Qt for iOS known issues"

BlackBerry 10

See " Qt5 Status on BlackBerry 10"


See " Qt Status on QNX "