Qt Quick

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Qt Quick, first introduced in Qt 4.7 and in Qt Creator 2.1, is a high-level UI technology that allows developers and UI designers to work together to create animated, touch-enabled UIs and lightweight applications. It includes:

  1. New Tools in the Qt Creator IDE: including a visual editor that allows UI designers and developers to cooperate, working on the same code in an iterative approach
  2. QML (Qt Meta-Object Language): an easy to use, declarative language
  3. QtDeclarative: a new module in the Qt library that enables a new declarative programming approach

And while no C++ programming skills are needed to use Qt Quick, it is 100% based on Qt and can be extended from C++ (and other languages, thanks to the bindings), limited only by your creativity.

Scope (Qt Creator and Quick)

  • QML 项目向导和项目管理 (纯 QML 申请新的文件格式)
  • 高级 QML 编辑器带有语法高亮显示,代码完成、 集成的帮助功能和更多
  • Qt Quick 快速设计器 ︰ 视觉所见即所得编辑器创建 Qt 快速的用户界面 (技术预览版)
  • Qt Quick 成分 ︰ 常见的 UI 元素,融入平台的外观与感觉

QML vs. Widget-based GUI

Qt beginners often ask: What option will be the best for creating my user interface. With Qt there are 3 techniques (which can be integrated):

  • using Qt Designer to create *.ui files
  • a XML-based UI description coding the setup of your UI in C++ with Qt widgets classes
  • write or visually design (or modeling with Qt Creator) QML files

See also: Introduction_to_Qt_Quick