Qt for Python/Considerations

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General considerations

QString, QVariant and other types

Qt for Python does not provide access to QString and QVariant, meaning that we decided to use Python's native types for them. Internally we convert Python strings to QStrings and other types that could be accepted as QVariant, like dictionaries, lists and tuples.

Furthermore, the same idea is applied to QChar and QStringRef which are represented as Python strings and QStringList is converted to a Python lists of strings.

QDate, QDateTime, QTime, and QUrl's __hash__() methods return a string representation so that identical dates (and identical date/times or times or URLs) will have identical hash values. QTextStream's bin(), hex(), and oct() functions have been renamed bin_(), hex_(), and oct_(), to avoid conflicting with Python's built-ins of the same names.

Known issues

Problems with Python 3.6.0

There seems to be a binary compatibility between 3.6.0 and 3.6.1:

4628:4698 @ 1025492328 - LdrpReportError - ERROR: Locating export "PyUnicode_AsWideCharString" for DLL "C:\Dev\super_pyside_clang\py360_ap\lib\site-packages\PySide2\QtCore.pyd" failed with status: 0xc0000139

(Related: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43264773/pil-dll-load-failed-specified-procedure-could-not-be-found/43504007#43504007 )