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Qt on the BeagleBoard

This wiki is to share with you my progress with Qt and the BeagleBoard.
The OS I used in the BeagleBoard is Angstrom [angstrom-distribution.org] . I don’t explain how to install Angstrom in the board because you can find a lot of useful guide.
At this time the last Qt version is 4.7.1 .
I’m working on a Slackware Linux 13.1 .

I found a lot of guide for install Qt on the beagle but all of them tell to compile Angstrom and I wanted to avoid this.

Procedure for Qt Embedded (without X11)

Here I explain how to get Angstrom and Qt without X server. Next I’ll explain how to do with X11.

First of all I downloaded Angstrom image and SDK from Narcissus [narcissus.angstrom-distribution.org] .
This is how to get the right image and SDK from that website:

  1. select the right board (beagleboard)
  2. select “Advanced”
  3. select “Unstable” (I don’t know why there isn’t a stable version but I have never got problem form the unstable version)
  4. check “regular”
  5. “udev”
  6. “tar.gz”
  7. “No”
  8. On the SDK selection set “Full SDK for the generated filesystem”
  9. select your architecture. I selected “32 bit intel”
  10. “console only”
  11. on the “Additional packages selection” you can check all you want. I selected: Toolchain, Native (on-target) SDK, All kernel modules, PowerVR SGX drivers for OMAP3 and some network packages as Apache, ssh ecc…

That’s all. Now press “Build Me” and wait a lot of time until you can download the image (something like random-91140962-image-beagleboard.tar.bz2 ) and the SDK (something like Angstrom-2010.12-narcissus-beagleboard-i686-random-098bb031-image-sdk.tar.gz). You don’t need to download the SD image .
I won’t explain how to put the Angstrom image on the Beagle (you only need to extract it on the SD).

Extract the SDK in this way:
tar -C / -xvzf Angstrom-2010.12-narcissus-beagleboard-i686-random-098bb031-image-sdk.tar.gz

now you have the SDK on /usr/local/angstrom .

Extract Qt source [get.qt.nokia.com] where you want .

… to be continued
