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Architecture ARM
CPU ARM Cortex A9
RAM 512 MB
Hardware acceleration OpenGL ES 2.0
Qt 4.8 (eglnullws/QWS) Supported, with OpenGL
Qt 5.0 (eglfs/QPA) Supported, with OpenGL

Device Information

The Shiner is made by "Trident Microsystems":

  1. "The Trident PNX8472/ PNX8473 combines a unique array of worldclass, high-performance technologies for mainstream high-definition (HD) set-top boxes (STBs) on broadband networks and for online video on demand (VOD) on home networks."


  1. Trident SDK 3.3.0


  1. Chip Type :- Shiner
  2. Chip Rev :- M1
  3. Template :- 0A


  1. Trident reference software SDK 3.3.0 is configured with "source ./ sage_512M retail ipstb_license_free pnx8473 singlehd_512M.ini"
  2. Trident reference software SDK 3.3.0 is built on Host PC as conveyed in Trident's documentation given by Trident's Field Application Engineer.
  3. Can run Trident's simple test apps on reference board to test OpenGL ES 2.0 and media playback.
  4. "Trident SDK 3.3.0" is installed at <Trident SDK 3.3.0 installation path>
  5. EGL and OpenGL ES 2.0 headers are located at <path to EGL headers>
  6. EGL and OpenGL ES 2.0 libs are located at <path to EGL libs>

Qt 4.8.0 EGLNullWS/QWS

Getting Qt 4.8.0 with Trident's mkspecs

  1. Extract qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0.tar.gz
  2. Create folder named "linux-trident-sage-g+" in "qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0/mkspecs/qws"
  3. Get following files in "qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0/mkspecs/qws/linux-trident-sage-g"

h3. Compiling Qt 4.8.0 <

Set the development environment variables using following commands

 cd /path/to/Trident_SDK_3.3.0/
 export MY_BUILDTREE=/path/to/Trident_SDK_3.3.0/SRC

Configure, build and install Qt 4.8.0 as

 $ /path/to/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0/configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-trident-sage-g''+  -little-endian -opensource -confirm-license -release -shared -verbose -qt3support -freetype -qt-sql-sqlite -system-libpng  -system-libjpeg -no-openvg -no-rpath -qt-gfx-linuxfb -qt-gfx-transformed -qt-gfx-vnc -qt-gfx-multiscreen -qt-kbd-linuxinput  -no-kbd-tty -qt-mouse-linuxinput -no-mouse-pc -xmlpatterns -exceptions -declarative -script -scripttools  prefix=/path/to/installation/directory/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0-qws/ -make libs -make tools -make examples  -make demos -make docs -make translations -webkit -javascript-jit -opengl es2 -plugin-gfx-eglnullws -qt-gfx-directfb -no-xvideo -multimedia

 $ make
 $ make install

After the build succeeds set following environment variables before building any Qt Apps,

  1. QTDIR=/path/to/installation/directory/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0-qws/
  2. PATH=/path/to/installation/directory/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0-qws/bin/

Before executing any Qt applications on target copy "/path/to/installation/directory/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0-qws" from host on target at "/path/to/installation/directory/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0-qws" on target file system

h2. Qt 5.0 EGLFS/QPA

Only QtBase module is tested.

h3. Compiling Qt 5.0

One need to pass following "device-option"s

  1. SDK_BUILDTREE=<Trident SDK 3.3.0 installation path>/SRC
  2. CROSS_COMPILE=<Trident SDK 3.3.0 installation path>/SRC/open_source_archive/linux/toolchains/gcc-4.5.2_uclibc/usr/bin/arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-
  3. SDK_BUILDSPEC=<build specification for given board>
  4. SDK_INCDIR_EGL_OPENGL_ES2=<path to EGL headers>
  5. SDK_LIBDIR_EGL_OPENGL_ES2=<path to EGL libs>

Configure, build and install Qt 5.0 as

 $ configure prefix=/path/to/installation/directory/qt-gitorious-opensource-src-5.0  -release -opensource -confirm-license -shared -verbose -device linux-arm-trident-pnx8473-g++  -device-option TRIDENT_SHINER_SDK_BUILDTREE=<Trident SDK 3.3.0 installation path>/SRC  -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=<Trident SDK 3.3.0 installation path>/SRC/open_source_archive/linux/toolchains/gcc-4.5.2_uclibc/usr/bin/arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-  -device-option TRIDENT_SHINER_SDK_BUILDSPEC=sage_512M-ipstb_license_free-gcc-4.5.2_uclibc-linux-retail  -device-option TRIDENT_SHINER_SDK_INCDIR_EGL_OPENGL_ES2=/target_opt/OpenGLES20Headers/include  -device-option TRIDENT_SHINER_SDK_LIBDIR_EGL_OPENGL_ES2=/target_opt/3ddrivers/usr/lib
 $ make module-qtbase
 $ make module-qtbase-install_subtargets

After the build succeeds set following environment variables before building any Qt Apps,

  1. QTDIR=/path/to/installation/directory/qt-gitorious-opensource-src-5.0/
  2. PATH=/path/to/installation/directory/qt-gitorious-opensource-src-5.0/bin/

Before executing any Qt applications on target copy "/path/to/installation/directory/qt-gitorious-opensource-src-5.0" from host on target at "/path/to/installation/directory/qt-gitorious-opensource-src-5.0" on target file system