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h1. Wanted Topics

This is the place to dump ideas about topics you'd like to see covered in articles, how-tos, tutorials etc.

  1. Qt Licensing Details

Probably best answered here already "":

  1. Qt Mobility API (Bearer Management, Contacts, Location, Messaging, Multimedia, Publish and Subscribe)

Lots of good multimedia details "here":

  1. Making using of Qt Creator
  2. Developing Qt Applications for Maemo devices.
  3. Code examples using sensors through the Qt Mobility API
  4. Working with .zip/.rar/.tar.gz/.bzip2 archives
  5. Reading ODF files
  6. Load huge image files (>100Mb in jpg for example and more than 4568 x 6000 resolution) into Qt application
  7. Fast resizing svg content. Create the vector maps for QGraphicsScene.
  8. Implementation SMTP protocol for QNetworkAccessManager
  9. Convert QByteArray to QBitArray
  10. Scaled GUI contents for different resolution ("crossplatform" application between mobile and desktop OS's)
  11. Build Qt as static library (GPL3/Commercial license)

already answered "here":

  1. Using installer for custom application (like NSIS or BitRock)
  2. Compiling Qt in MSYS or CygWin console
  3. Step by step guide how to a suggest the own patch for Qt sources in gitorious
  4. How to create and show semitransparent .mng animation
  5. Example Qt + Ogre3d/irrlicht
  6. More examples for Qt + Box2d/Chipmunk
  7. Working with Flash files (reading, writing, showing)
  8. Create custom Style Sheet rules for own widget (declare sub-controls etc)
  9. Using styled title bar and frame for main window with selected QStyle. Override system titlebar using Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground
  10. Getting all QObject instances in application (with and w/o parent)
  11. Setting up height of row QTableView less than 15 pixels
  12. Using CMake as build system instead qmake
  13. Draw Style Sheet'ed widgets from QStyledItemDelegate::paint() with QStyle::drawControl() but without widget instances
  14. Creating "breadcrumbs" widget like in Dolphin file manager or Windows Vista explorer.
  15. Using Animation Framework with Qt layouts (QGridLayout, QBoxLayout etc)
  16. Create panel inherited QGraphicsItem like in console games with: hp/mp, ammo, life. Panel wich always on top, stretched on scene width and sticked to top.
  17. Declarative UI
  18. Interfacing with databases, especially with sqlite
  19. Tutorial based on Qt Essentials Curriculum Block
  20. Qt Creator plugins development tutorial.
  21. Qt Creator usage for people migrating from other IDEs or development environments (VS, Eclipse, vim/emacs/command line)