Welcome to the Qt Contributors Summit 2013
Dates: July 15-16, 2013. Venue: Faculty of Engineering (ETSI) Bilbao, Basque Region, Spain
The Qt Contributors Summit (aka QtCS) is the main Qt Project event. QtCS 2013 is the edition after the successful launch of Qt Open Governance in 2011. The second edition of the Qt Contributor Summit was held in Berlin in June 2012.
The event is a hands-on gathering to get things done and plan ahead, and is a free of charge and invitation-only. This year, the KDE Community has invited QtCS to be co-located with [| Akademy], influencing, improving and creating Qt excellence for the future. For the combined event, we expect 500 attendees.
Request an invitation
To participate, you will need to fit one of the listed criteria. Registration closed.
Participation criteria
- You are a Qt Project maintainer.
- You are a Qt Project approver.
- You took part in the previous Summit ("see attendees:"http://qt-project.org/groups/qt-contributors-summit-2012/members )
- You took a sponsorship package including event invitations (coming soon).
- You are in the organization team.
- You are invited by a maintainer or the organization team and we still have seats left.
- KDE Akademy contributor
Travel sponsorship
Participants will need to take care of their own travel and accommodation financial arrangements. Travel sponsorship is planned only for exceptional cases. If you are one of those who request travel sponsorship, please explain in the registration form.
Expect an unconference setup with just a few core sessions scheduled in advance. What matters is to have the right people getting together, discussing the right topics. This is done by scheduling BoF meetings.
(To be updated See Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Program).
[| Faculty of Engineering (ETSI)] is a nice building in a great location. Expect many rooms for sessions and spaces for hacking and hanging around, indoors and outdoors.
Address: Alameda Urquijo s/n. 48013 - Bilbao Main entrance at Luis Briñas St.
See Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Venue.
Name: akademy Password: akademy2013
Travel & accommodation
No central travel booking is planned. You need to book your own travel and accommodation.
Find community tips and self-organization at Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Travel.
Sponsoring Qt CS 2013
The entire budget of this event is funded by sponsors. There are sponsorship packages of all sizes.
See Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Our-sponsors & Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Sponsoring.
See Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Organization.
Wiki Articles
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-18836
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-19025
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Adaptable-UI-2-
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Adaptive-UI
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-CMake-files-feedback-requests
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Documentation-Content-and-Structure
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Evolution-of-the-QML-language
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Open-Business-Architecture
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-OpenGL
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-QBS
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-QML-Tooling
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-QML-engine
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-QML-import-control
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-QObject
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Qt-Creator-3.0
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Qt-Quick-views-version-2
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-QtCSBugDiscussion
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-QtCore CS 2013
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-QtDBus CS
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-QtQuickControls CS 2013
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-QtQuick TouchMouse
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Qt Android Planning CS 2013
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Qt CI in CS 2013
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Qt ICU
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Qt Mac Planning
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Qt Network CS 2013
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Qt Web Engine
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Qt for iOS
- Qt-contributors-summit-2013-Scene-Graph