QtCS2024 Qt Creator meets Lua

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Session Summary

Session Owners


  • How to write extensions
  • Why Lua (why not JS / Python)?
  • Can export functions + types to lua
  • Documentation...
  • Async/coroutines
  • How to add APIs..
  • REPL in Qt Creator

Questions and feedback

How can a plugin developer explore the APIs available?

- the "lua/meta" files are documented with their APIs

Is there a lua JIT?

- There is (not official), but we don't use it.

The API Qt Creator exposes to Lua is limited

- Creator team is careful with adding APIs due to concerns of future API debt

- considering exposing QWidget APIs

- Which way is the best way to expose APIs?

  - auto-expose all of widgets?

  - be more selective?

- Security concerns (e.g. careful thought must be put in exposing file access and network access)

note: the documentation for the modules can also be found in the online documentation at:
