Qt Champions 2024

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This page is currently being used for the Qt Champions 2024 nominations.

The Nomination Process

The nomination process is public. To nominate a community member, please fill in the table down below.

We’ll keep the nominations open until the 23rd December 2024 and then ask the current Qt Lifetime Champions to evaluate the nominees.

Nominations are now closed. Thanks for all the nominations!

The categories for nomination are:

  • Community Builder
  • Content Creator
  • Quality Assurer
  • Developer
  • Fixer
  • Ambassador
  • Rookie of the year
  • Maverick

Each category may or may not have a Qt Champion in a given year. The number of Qt Champions is limited. Being nominated does not automatically bring a title, but is a recognition in itself.

We know we have very talented Qt Champions out there! You can nominate multiple people for a category, only Rookie of the year and Maverick are strictly limited to one Champion per year. You can nominate any member of the community, including yourself.

In the table below, please add the following information of the person you wish to nominate:

  • Qt Account username, codereview name or Name
  • Category or Title to be nominated for
  • Reasons for nomination (max. 300 words, please provide links to relevant material if relevant)

Nominations 2024

Name/Username Title category Reason for nomination
Ahmad Samir Developer Ahmad is not only one of the biggest contributors to Qt source code (mostly qtbase), he's also a respeced reviewer and valued for his knowledge. This is his codereview page, which speaks for itself: https://codereview.qt-project.org/q/owner:a.samirh78@gmail.com Ahmad truly deserves the Developer champion title.
Mike Trahearn Ambassador This person has been actively promoting Qt and it's features in a way that it's easy to understand and enjoyable to consume. I believe that he is a big reason why many people are up to date with current Qt news, but also a reason that people start using Qt in the first place.
Mike Trahearn Ambassador Mike has been a Qt advocate for the 2+ years I've known him, and has created many Qt-specific educational offerings. He's always blogging about Qt "best practices," and is intimately involved with the Qt Academy. As I have gotten to know Mike over these past few years, I've very much enjoyed discussing the Qt Framework of technologies--and especially QtQuick. Therefore I think he would be an excellent Qt Champion!
Mike Trahearn Community Builder Mike is a true Community Builder who has made remarkable contributions to the growth of the Qt community. He has led various initiatives to advance Qt, showcasing exceptional expertise in helping developers worldwide better understand and utilize the framework. His passion and dedication have enriched the Qt community both technically and culturally.
Mike Trahearn Quality Assurer / Community Builder / Content Creator I am thrilled to nominate Mike for the Qt Champion award. Over the past year, I have had the pleasure of knowing Mike, who has consistently proven himself to be a passionate advocate for the Qt ecosystem. His dedication to promoting Qt is evident through his creation of numerous educational posts tailored specifically for Qt developers.
Mike Trahearn Content Creator - Developer - Community Builder - Ambassador - Fixer Mike has been a fundamental person in my Qt journey. Long before Qt Academy was created, Mike was out there creating beginner friendly content.

He has also given me personalized advice on how to proceed with certain QML situations I have encountered. Mike is the best Qt sales rep that doesn't work directly for Qt and it is because of him that I didn't give up on the framework but instead started pushing it everywhere I go.

Alexandra Betouni Community Builder / Content Creator Community Builder Alexandra has been an important part of the Qt community. As a CEO of Extenly, they have been organizing the annual Qt event in Greece (QtGreece) since 2019 and co-organized Qt events in North America (Toronto, CA and Detroit, US) together with the Qt Group. They have also participated as a speaker at Qt events in Italy and Belgium, helping to connect and grow the community.

Content Creator Alexandra has contributed to Qt education by creating two online courses and actively developing new educational material. Their work has helped developers worldwide learn and improve their skills with Qt.

Mike Trahearn Ambassador Mike Trahearn is an outstanding advocate for the Qt framework, consistently making significant contributions to its growth and adoption. He shares invaluable tips, insights, and up-to-date information that help developers at all levels enhance their skills.
Mike Trahearn Ambassador Mike has been actively contributing to the Qt community and promoting Qt since the very first day I met him. His posts and articles are everywhere, making references unnecessary. He truly deserves the title of 'Ambassador'.
SGaist Community Builder / Fixer SGaist, already a proud owner of the Lifetime Qt Champion badge, continues to inspire the community with his tireless dedication to the Qt Forum. His meticulous and patient efforts to support users, no matter the complexity of their questions, are a testament to his passion for Qt. Never stopping, never giving up, he remains a cornerstone of the community, empowering both seasoned developers and newcomers alike. Kudos to SGaist for his unwavering commitment and relentless support!
Mike Trahearn Ambassador / Fixer Mike, an invaluable member of the Qt community and a true ambassador and fixer, deserves recognition with a Lifetime Qt Champion badge. His contributions span fixing bugs, providing patches, and sharing sleek, forward-thinking ideas that benefit both the community and Qt R&D. As a tireless advocate, he spreads the Qt word, supports newcomers, and ensures Qt continues to thrive among developers and students alike. Mike’s dedication and impact make him an irreplaceable pillar of the Qt ecosystem!
Mike Trahearn Content Creator Mike Trahearn is an amazing guy. He always shares super helpful tips and up-to- date information that make a real difference for developers, whether they're just starting or seasoned pros. His contributions are practical, easy to follow, and genuinely useful.
Grecko Community Builder I would like to nominate Grecko as a Community Builder. Grecko helps other developers in the Qt Forum as well as in the Qt Discord Server. I am always amazed at the wide range of Qt knowledge that Grecko has. Whether it's beginner questions or very specific problems from experienced developers, whether it's about Qt/C++, QML or even software architecture. There is probably nothing where Grecko could not contribute his wealth of experience. He has often helped me and also provided code - e.g. when converting ContextProperties to QML_SINGLETON.
Grecko Qt Champion I found Grecko has the best knowledge in QML and offers the best solutions for QML related questions in the forum. He truly deserves to be a champion.
Petr Mironychev Developer For creating [https://github.com/Palm1r/QodeAssist QodeAssist] - AI-powered coding assistant plugin for Qt Creator.
Ekkehard Gentz Community Builder / Quality Assurer Ekke has been a useful ambassador of independent small business Qt users. With a focus on mobile applications, Ekke has a been a stable help and guide over the years, whereas it's answering questions on Discord; providing feedback, raising and following issues on Jira from a user PoV or providing actionable advises on his [blog](https://ekkesapps.wordpress.com/) for porting to Qt 6.
Axel Spoerl Community Builder Axel's day job already involves fixing bugs and implementing features in Qt while leading a team of engineers. Despite having his hands full with these official duties, he still finds time to answer questions in the Qt Forum with great patience and detail. He also assists with forum moderation, not shying away from difficult discussions. Axel has been an unofficial yet invaluable bridge between the community and the staff at the Qt Company.
Daniel Gakwaya Content Creator Nominating Daniel Gakwaya for his first-class work in creating some of the best training courses for Qt and QML for developers of all skill-levels. Of particular note, Daniel has produced a large number of courses on Udemy https://www.udemy.com/user/daniel-gakwaya/ , https://www.learnqt.guide/courses/ and an acclaimed and updated book Qt6 QML for Beginners having both free and commercial versions.
Dheerendra Purohit Qt Champion /

Community Builder / Developer / Rookie / Fixer

I and my team Nominate Dheerendra Purohit https://forum.qt.io/user/dheerendra, for below help.
  1. Submitted major 25+ Qt Patches.
  2. Answered more than 200+ questions in Qt forum.
  3. Helped Qt code review
  4. Helped in cleaning few documentation issues.
  5. Helped to build Qt community by training public sector, DRDO and private individuals
  6. Trained more than 10000+ participants in India and only person easily approachable for all Qt and QML solution.
  7. Conducting small Qt Bootcamp and meetups in Bengaluru for Qt and QML awareness.
  8. He supports and help job references and openly.
Dheerendra Purohit Qt Champion /

Community Builder/

Content Creator /

Ambassador /

Developer /

Rookie /


One of the top members in India, with C++, Qt , QML specialization. And been a Qt champion in year 2017, 2022

- The reputation built with years, with the knowledge sharing and contribution to the Qt community.

- Most active member.

- The Top posters in Top 25.

- The Most Reputation in Top 15.

- Contributor and Moderator for the Qt forum [ https://forum.qt.io/ ]

- Eager to learn and provide others with the solution for the Queries.

- Actively contributing to the Qt community

- Supported with the Qt code review

- Fixing 25+ Qt patches

- Providing the solutions with the answers for the various post.

- Nurturing the people.

- Supports by Conducting small Qt Bootcamp and meetups in Bengaluru for Qt and QML awareness.

- Providing the job references

- Actively Contributing in the world with specialization.

- Providing support in the Technology field with skills and help build Qt Community.

Michał Łoś Maveric Michał spent months on efforts to make Qt running on newest VxWorks tracking all issues of the VxWorks systems that blocks Qt from running on it. For sure he got the job done (even if not following the rules to the point).
Dheerendra V Purohit Qt Champions Nominating @Dheerendra for his C++ and QT/QML exceptional skills and deeper understanding for the real time solutions of the industry. With his guidance huge data visualization with smoother shift in the pages was able to achieved. He has mentored the beginners and intermediate engineers on internals of QT framework.
Sandro Andrade Ambassador/Community Builder Sandro Andrade has been a dedicated Qt developer/evangelist for 25 years, with significant contributions to KDE, Qt, and other open-source projects. He's a key actor in fostering Qt adoption in Brazil and Latin-America by presenting a number of talks and workshops in conferences like FISL (International Free Software Forum) and Latinoware (Latin-America Free Software Sumnmit). He's also the (co-)founder of meetings like LaKademy (Latin-America KDE Summit - since 2012) and QtCon Brazil (since 2017), as well as the Qt Brazil Telegram group  - currently the biggest venue for discussing Qt-related things in Latin-America. As a Computer Science professor at IFBA, he pushed a number of students into their Qt and KDE contribution journeys over the past 15 years and developed a number of projects based on Qt. Sandro is a former member of KDE e.V Board of Directors and KDE Marketing Working Group, is the initial developer of Minuet  - an education software for music education, part of KDE-Edu project - and produced a number of important online contents like his Qt Marathon and his recent "First Steps with Qt" webinar. He presented a number of Qt-related talks in many editions of Akademy (KDE contributors summit), QtCon Berlin 2016, C++ User Group Munich, and QtCon Brazil  (Link 1, Link 2, and Link 3).
Dheerendra Purohi Qt Champion I would like to nominate '''Dheerendra Purohit''' for the Qt Champion recognition in acknowledgment of his exceptional contributions to the Qt ecosystem and the broader community.

Industry-Specific Contributions

Healthcare: Dheerendra has also played a pivotal role in using Qt to build applications for the healthcare industry. His contributions have aided in the development of intuitive, efficient user interfaces for medical devices and healthcare software, improving accessibility and usability for medical professionals.

Automotive: Dheerendra has contributed significantly to the automotive industry, utilizing Qt to develop robust, user-friendly interfaces for automotive applications. His work has helped streamline the integration of Qt in the development of in-car systems, enhancing the driving experience.

Dheerendra Qt Champion   I came across Dheerendra's profile on the Qt forum and found him to be a person with vast knowledge in Qt and QML. He helped solve our complex problem in a very short period. We were facing serious issues with our healthcare monitoring system, particularly with the patient monitoring system graph, in production. With his support and help, we achieved good results in production. His expertise in backend C++ and Qt integration, as well as fixing our major bug, was invaluable. He resolved our issues efficiently and did not even take any rewards.
Dheerendra Purohit Community Builder

Principal Architect



And been a Qt champion in year 2017, 2022

- Dheerendra has given more than 20000 hr of Qt QML training with more than 50 MNC companies

- With vast expeirence having his team in various MNC companies helping in Qt related work.

- Training from Dheerendra is as live as practicals session with real time examples.

- Contributor and Moderator for the Qt forum [ <nowiki>https://forum.qt.io/</nowiki> ]

-Dheerendra helps other developers in the Qt Forum. I am always amazed at the wide range of Qt knowledge.

-One of the top members in India, with C++, Qt , QML specialization.

- Actively contributing to the Qt community by Supported with the Qt code review and by provided fixing Qt patches

Alexandra Betouni Ambassador Alexandra is an outstanding example of spreading the word of Qt around the world and working tremendously hard along with her team at Extenly bringing industrial products from design concept to life. It's no wonder she has been nominated for Qt Champion 2024!
Mike Trahearn Ambassador Mike is an amazing advocate for Qt. Mike's content has excellent engagement rate. His work on continually creating relevant, interesting and valuable content has been enhancing Qt knowledge and understanding among the community. Articles are well-researched, engaging and provide real value to the audience.
Dheerendra Purohit Qt Champion
  • Submitted major 25+ Qt Patches.
  • Has created benchmark in India for Qt and QML concept training.
  • Round the clock available for Qt and QML discussion and Q&A in Forum
  • Contributed for Code review and Code Quality analysis for production issues
  • Helped to solve major bug fixing in health care monitoring system (GRAPH, ECG)
  • Solved complex Automative domain issues architecture level
  • Recommend C++ Qt and QML integration with Qt3D for one of the premium Car manufacturers

Criteria for Qt Champions

  • Community Builder
    • Being a forum maintainer / helping people on forums
    • Managing mailing lists / helping on the mailing lists
    • Helping Qt newcomers find their way around the project
    • Running Qt study groups
    • Running local Qt meetups
  • Content Creator
    • Finding, writing and sharing use-cases of Qt in unexpected places
    • Creating video material of Qt (demos, guides, other material)
    • Authoring articles and even books
    • Fixing documentation issues
    • Creating examples and snippets
    • Being a wiki gardener / editor
  • Quality Assurer
    • Bug triager
    • Being in the bug squad
    • Verifying and closing bugs
    • Help in package testing
    • Help in unit testing
    • Being in the community beta testing program
  • Developer
    • Providing new features for Qt
    • Create stunning Qt applications
    • Share Qt application creation knowledge
  • Fixer
    • Fixing bugs in Qt
    • Providing patches to Qt
  • Ambassador
    • Spread the Qt word in blogs, social media, videoblogs
    • Find and help newcomers to Qt
    • Working to bring Qt to students
    • Present Qt at events
  • Rookie of the Year
    • First code commit during the past year
    • Active and positive contribution to the Qt project
  • Maverick
    • Has made a significant impact on the project
    • Might not have always followed the rules to the point, but gets the job done

What is expected of a Qt Champion

A Qt Champion is there to show what the Qt Community is best at.

The Qt Champion is friendly and has shown active participation with the Qt project.

Limited time only

Once you are given the title of Qt Champion, you will hold the title for a year.

If you achieve the title for three years, you will be entitled for a lifetime title. If you are so committed to the project, you need to be recognised beyond a normal Qt Champion title.

But I get paid to do this! / What if we are a company?

Yes, some of us are paid to work on Qt by our employers. Mostly on the code base, but also testing, documentation and other essential work goes on in the project. Some of the people who do get paid to work on the project do so above and beyond the normal limits of their day jobs (coding all day and helping newcomers in their free time, for example). We need metrics to find these people and provide them with a Qt Champion title too.

Tools to help figure this out

To find the top non-Qt-company contributors in a repo:

git log --since=2021-01-01 | grep Author | grep -v qt.io | sort | uniq -c | sort -n