Qt WebKit

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What is Qt WebKit?

WebKit is one of the major engine to render webpages and execute JavaScript code. More information about WebKit on Wikipedia(WebKit on Wikipedia)

Qt WebKit is the port of WebKit on top of Qt. QtWebKit relies on the public APIs of Qt and can theoretically be used on any platform supported by Qt (theoretically because WebKit also requires a recent/good compiler).

Developing with QtWebKit

Getting started

QtWebKit are two Qt modules, to use the Qt Widgets based api, you need to use Qt WebKit Widgets, by adding the following code to your .pro file.

QT += webkitwidgets

To use the QML based api, you need the Qt WebKit QML module:

QT += webkit

Applications using QtWebKit

QtWebKit is often used as a rendering engine, as a runtime, or to write a browser.

How to participate in the development of QtWebKit?

The work on QtWebKit is fully open. Everyone interested is welcome to participate.


The daily discussions are done on IRC and on mailing lists.

On IRC, the channel #qtwebkit is used for the development with Qt, and the channel #webkit for general development of WebKit, both channels are on the network Libera.​Chat. (For a full list of IRC channels see OnlineCommunities.)

Mails threads are used for in-depth discussion like new APIs or architectural changes. The main mailing lists to join are WebKit-Qt(WebKit-Qt mailing-list) and WebKit-dev(WebKit-dev mailing list)

Note that those mailing list and IRC channel are for the development of WebKit itself, not the development of application using WebKit.