Qt for Python/Examples Animations

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Animation for Qt for Python Examples

IMPORTANT: This is not a information wiki page, it's only a page to store animations that are used on the Qt for Python Examples. Do not add explanatory text.

All the GIFs width are set to 300px, but the original images might be different.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Mandelbrot.gif Chapter1-basics.png Chapter2-methods.gif Chapter3-bindings.gif
Chapter4-customPropertyTypes.png Chapter5-listproperties.png Pytoqml1.gif Pytoqml2.gif
Qmltopy2.gif Simple3d.gif Peek 2021-03-24 13-58.gif Dynamicspline.gif
Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder
Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder
Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder