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=Qt Quick Components=
#REDIRECT [[QtQuickOpenComponents]]
This is a place for sharing your <span class="caps">QML</span> components.
If you have built a component in <span class="caps">QML</span> that you’d like to share, please add it here! It will help others who are wishing to use similar types of components or just looking for tips on building <span class="caps">QML</span> components in general.
Qt also comes with a small set of example <span class="caps">QML</span> UI components, found in Qt’s ''examples/declarative/ui-components'' directory (also visible from the [http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdeclarativeexamples.htm online documentation] ''[doc.qt.nokia.com]'').
Before you go off and build a Widget Component set for Qt Quick, please remember that a standard set of Components is being developed in the [http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCOMPONENTS-72 Qt-Components Project] ''[bugreports.qt.nokia.com]''. [http://gitorious.org/qt-components Contributions] ''[gitorious.org]'' are welcome!
===Formatting notes===
Please add your components in this form:
[Name, linked to wiki page or external site] <br /> [(Optional author name)]<br /> [Description]
==UI Components==
===[[QmlComponentsButton|Simple Button]]===
(from the <span class="caps">QML</span> team)
A very simple button with customizable text and font properties.
===[http://bitbucket.org/gregschlom/qml-drag-drop Drag and Drop] ''[bitbucket.org]''===
(Greg Schlomoff)
A few <span class="caps">QML</span> components to add drag and drop support to Qt’s declarative. This is basically a wrapper around Qt’s drag and drop classes (QDrag).
===[[QmlComponentsChildFader|Child Fader]]===
(from the <span class="caps">QML</span> team)
An element that gradually fades in all the children of a given object.
===[http://github.com/fgrehm/qmlunit qmlunit] ''[github.com]''===
An easy-to-use Unit Testing framework for Qt Declarative UI – <span class="caps">QML</span>
===[http://bitbucket.org/gregschlom/qmlscrollbar Scrollbar] ''[bitbucket.org]''===
(Greg Schlomoff)
A simple Scrollbar component that works with any Flikable (e.g.: ListView). Only for vertical scrolling, but should be easy to adapt for both.
===[http://gitorious.org/qmlarsenal <span class="caps">QML</span> Arsenal] ''[gitorious.org]''===
(Adriano Rezende)
A set of useful <span class="caps">QML</span> components that can be used to extend your <span class="caps">QML</span> application.
===[https://projects.forum.nokia.com/colibri Colibri] ''[projects.forum.nokia.com]''===
Colibri (Qt Quick COmponent <span class="caps">LIBR</span>ary) is a research project providing a set of UI components, initially developed by Digia and hosted by Forum Nokia, to get you started with cross-platform Qt Quick / <span class="caps">QML</span> application development. Colibri currently includes basic components such as buttons, scrollbars, and sliders, and a few more advanced ones like histograms and album carousel.
===[http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/Native+Quick+Widgets?content=137145 Native Quick Widgets] ''[qt-apps.org]''===
(Víctor Fernández Martínez)
A <span class="caps">QML</span> extension written in C++ as well as a set of <span class="caps">QML</span> items based on it that have the same look as the native widgets of the platform your application runs in.
===[http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/qmlcanvas qmlcanvas] ''[qt.gitorious.org]''===
(Jens Bache-Wiig)
HTML5 canvas-like <span class="caps">API</span> for <span class="caps">QML</span>.
==Model/View components==
===[https://github.com/kromain/qml-utils JSONListModel] ''[github.com]''===
(Romain Pokrzywka)
A clone of XMLListModel for <span class="caps">JSON</span> data, including query support via <span class="caps">JSONP</span>ath (XPath for <span class="caps">JSON</span>).

Latest revision as of 12:57, 24 March 2016